Points for Maserati MSG Racing at Monaco E-Prix
Maserati MSG Racing scores points in challenging home race
The Race In Numbers
Maximilian Günther
Free Practice One // P11
Free Practice Two // P5
Qualifying // P8 [1:30.425, Quarter-Final One]
Race // P9
Positions Gained // -1
Fastest Lap // 1:32.239
Championship Position // P6 [65 points]
Jehan Daruvala
Free Practice One // P20
Free Practice Two // P13
Qualifying // P10 [1:31.010, Group B]
Race // P20
Positions Gained // -10
Fastest Lap // 1:31.052
Championship Position // P19 [2 points]
Maserati MSG Racing
Championship Position // P6 [67 points]
The Report
Maserati MSG Racing secured a ninth-place finish at the 2024 Monaco E-Prix to score two points in a challenging home race in the Principality.
The team, which is headquartered only 500 metres from the legendary street circuit, entered the mid-way point of Formula E’s 10th season in good form after taking consecutive podium finishes in Tokyo and Misano.
Drivers, Maximilian Günther and Jehan Daruvala, showcased encouraging performance across practice and extracted good pace in Qualifying in Monaco to both start inside the top 10.
While Jehan narrowly missed out on the duels to line up in10th, Max progressed to the head-to-head stages of the session but lost out to eventual polesitter, Pascal Wehrlein, to qualify eighth.
The duo secured a clean start to the race, and while Jehan moved forward to ninth, Max advanced to fifth in a daring first lap which saw the 26-year-old gain three positions into Turn One.
With a long race ahead, both drivers settled into a consistent rhythm before an accident for Edoardo Mortara led to a Safety Car which paused the race on lap five.
When action was resumed at the end of lap eight, Max slipped to seventh but quickly fought forward and recovered to the top five by overtaking Wehrlein on lap 13.
Jehan, meanwhile, rose to eighth but encountered several issues when trying to activate Attack Mode – a problem which cost the Indian racer vital track position for the remainder of the race.
Ahead, Max used his first Attack Mode to further consolidate his position in the battle for fifth but was pushed wide by Oliver Rowland on lap 20, costing him three positions.
With his second Attack Mode activation, Max fell outside of the top 10 but recovered to ninth before a second Safety Car period on lap 25.
Despite applying consistent pressure on Sacha Fenestraz until the line, Max finished ninth at the chequered flag while Jehan was 20th, with the fastest lap, following his Attack Mode issues.
Season 10 of the FIA Formula E World Championship will resume on 11-12 May, 2024, for the double-header Berlin E-Prix.
In Their Words
Maximilian Günther, Driver, Maserati MSG Racing
“We can be happy with points today. After Qualifying we tried to go forward and did a fantastic first lap, gaining three places but the race didn’t go our way. A lot of drivers were pretty aggressive, we were boxed in a few times, and that caused us to lose positions in key moments. In the end, ninth was the best we could do. The car felt better in the race compared to how it felt earlier in the day, so we can be happy that we took some steps forward. Unfortunately, we can’t always be at the front but we still scored points which is the most important thing at this stage.”
Jehan Daruvala, Driver, Maserati MSG Racing
“Today’s race was very frustrating, especially after a decent Qualifying. I made good progress at the start, but my Attack Mode activation wasn’t working. I tried to take it six or seven times without success which cost me a lot of places. There isn’t much we can do in that scenario, but we’ll regroup for Berlin.”
Cyril Blais, Chief Engineer, Maserati MSG Racing
“A difficult race for the team. With both cars starting inside the top 10, we had a reasonable hope of scoring a double points finish. We started the race well and Max did an excellent job to move into the top five. After that, things didn’t go as we planned. We were surrounded by a lot of drivers who were team-mates which meant that they could play a team game with the strategy. At that stage, we were on course for a top six finish but Max has an incident with [Oliver] Rowland. It was hard racing, but fair, but it cost us three positions. Shortly after that, the Safety Car came out and that lowered energy saving targets for everybody which reduced the number of overtaking opportunities. Our race could have been worse, and it could have been better, but we scored points which is the main thing. Jehan did a great job and was set for a good finish but we had an issue with the Attack Mode activation which we’re still investigating. It’s disappointing, but we’ll regroup. In two weeks, we have the Berlin E-Prix which was the site of our first podium in Gen3 last season, and we’re hoping to go for big points there once again.”
Giovanni Sgro, Head of Maserati Corse
“We know how tricky Monaco can be and today was no exception. At the start Max and Jehan managed to gain some positions and were consistent and hungry for most of the race. We are happy Max was able to gain valuable points by finishing in the top 10 – he never gave up until the chequered flag – and Jehan showed that he is capable to fight in the top 10 among the top drivers. Regardless of performance, it is always positive for us to showcase our racing spirit and how much our electric future, embodied by the Folgore range, takes inspiration from the track. We are glad our drivers are making progress and that they can handle even difficult races round after round. Next stop is Berlin, with a double-header, where we keep great memories from last year. We are looking forward to this race.”

(Source of information & image credit: Maserati MSG Racing)
該發展策略首次將中國香港欖球總會的宗旨定義為「透過欖球運動,致力為香港創造正面社會影響」。 而欖總的使命則為「在香港建立一個緊密相連、可持續發展的欖球發展體系」。
欖總將於 2024-25 年在天水圍運動場開展「先導地區中心」模式,透過協調學校、球會及設施,確保項目及資源匹配,以更好地發展及協調欖球生態。在可行的前提下,從「先導地區中心」模式汲取的經驗將迅速在香港得以推廣。在資源(基礎設施、人員)到位的情況下,欖總計劃設立六大地區中心。
欖總致力推動在治理、社會影響及環境領域的可持續發展,矢志成為體育業界可持續發展的領導者。為加強治理能力,欖總在 2023-24 年球季引入獨立董事制度以及修改超級聯賽制度;最近,男子社區聯賽、女子社區聯賽及青少年欖球的新治理架構亦已獲得批准。
「代表隊欖球」支柱則致力打造「香港榜樣」的形象,激勵大眾參與欖球運動。代表隊設定下列目標:獲得2028年男子七人欖球及2032年女子七人欖球的奧運資格;2026年亞運會男子冠軍及2030年亞運會女子七人欖球冠軍,並保持七人欖球在香港體育學院的「A級」精英體育項目地位;在十五人欖球方面,將致力加快支援女子代表隊及女子超級聯賽,以獲得 2025年及2029 年女子欖球世界盃的參賽資格的機會。另一目標是確保男子十五人欖球代表隊繼續保持高度競爭力,在地區及國際賽事均表現出色,在全球欖球格局演變的大環境下,把握時機。
中國香港欖球總會主席蒲敬思 (Chris Brooke )表示,發展策略提供一個綜合框架,以鞏固及發展本地的欖球運動,並透過擴展該運動,為社區帶來最大的社會效益,同時應對短期挑戰。
「受新冠疫情影響,本地欖球會遭受嚴重打擊,這也確切影響到中國香港欖球總會的財務健康。現時,我們仍努力擺脫疫情的衝擊, 因此,發展策略增設系列舉措,向球會提供更多財政支援及其他支持,以幫助重建及發展本地欖球社區。
蒲敬思表示,欖總期待地區中心的成立,以創建一個綜合欖球生態系統,並藉加強學校、大專教育機構及球會之間的聯繫,更妥善協調設施使用。同時,亦為非撞式欖球、7人欖球及15人欖球提供更完善的參與途徑。 另外,欖總亦會投放更多資源發展女子比賽,提升教練標準及增加比賽官員的培訓。
(資料來源: 中國香港欖球總會)
衝擊巴黎奧運入場券最後機會 精彩賽事再臨香港 勢掀全城女排狂熱! 「中國人壽(海外)世界女排聯賽香港 2024」 門票 4 月 30 日公開發售 8 支世界勁旅 16 場精彩賽事 中國女排徐雲麗與人氣影星王丹妮分享排球經歷
【2024 年 4 月 27 日,香港】巴黎奧運會前排壇最盛大的國際賽事再度來臨香港!由中國香港排球總會主辦、中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司(「中國人壽(海外)」)冠名贊助之「中國人壽(海外)世界女排聯賽香港2024」將於 6 月 11 至 16 日假香港體育館舉行,為隆重其事,大會今天(4 月 27 日)舉行啟動儀式,為是次世界級體壇盛事揭開序幕,同時公布門票及賽事詳情。會上邀得多位嘉賓蒞臨支持,包括:文化體育及旅遊局體育專員黃德森先生,MH、中國香港排球總會會長吳守基先生,GBS, JP、中國人壽(海外)世界女排聯賽香港2024 組織委員會執行主席石徐惠芬女士、中國人壽(海外)副總裁兼香港分公司總經理忽群女士、奧運金牌女將徐雲麗小姐,以及人氣影星王丹妮小姐。
排壇盛事再臨紅館 多項活動帶來全方位體驗
文化體育及旅遊局體育專員黃德森先生,MH 致辭時表示:「我誠意邀請廣大市民入場觀看中國人壽(海外)世界女排聯賽香港 2024,觀賞緊張刺激的世界級賽事。特區政府將繼續積極推動更多大型體育活動舉辦,進一步推動體育發展之餘,亦提升香港作為國際體育盛事之都的形象。」
對於國際體育盛事再臨香港,中國香港排球總會會長吳守基先生,GBS, JP 表示:「中國香港排球總會非常榮幸能再次為香港市民送上一年一度的排球盛事!八支世界女排:包括土耳其、巴西、波蘭、多明尼加共和國、德國、泰國、及保加利亞,還有我們的國家隊中國女排,將於香港進行 16 場精彩比賽。本次賽事更是中國隊爭取巴黎奧運會入場券的最後機會,屆時必定激戰連場,球迷一定要親臨球場支持!」
2016 年里約奧運金牌得主及前中國女排主力徐雲麗小姐親身到場支持,她表示:「作爲巴黎奧運會前最後的國際大賽,相信各支隊伍都已經做好充足的準備,所以這次香港站的比賽一定會十分精彩。我自己也對香港球迷們的熱情記憶猶新,中國女排一定會在現場觀眾的歡呼打氣聲中奉獻精彩的比賽,爭取最優異的成績!」
8 支國際勁旅帶來 16 場精彩賽事.各支女排展開生死戰!
是次「世界女排聯賽」不單是在國際享譽盛名的排球比賽,更是最後機會讓包括中國隊在內的各隊群雄爭取巴黎奧運會入場券!賽事設有 6 個分站,每站有 8 支國家隊參與,共 16 場比拼,讓球迷盡情感受高水平排球比賽的震撼和刺激!本屆參賽隊伍包括:主隊 2023 年世界女排聯賽亞軍的中國(世界排名第六) 、2023 年世界女排聯賽冠軍土耳其(世界排名第一)、世界排名第三的巴西、世界排名第七的波蘭、世界排名第八的多明尼加共和國、世界排名第十二的德國、世界排名第十三的泰國,以及世界排名第二十的保加利亞。
作爲取得巴黎奧運入場券最後機會的比賽,每場比拼對各支球隊都尤爲重要。中國、日本、德國、泰國等核心球隊都尚未獲得奧運資格,相信今次各隊勢必派出最強陣容出擊!而當中不得不提的是先前宣佈回歸中國隊的朱婷,雖然參賽名單未定,但如朱婷出戰世界女排聯賽香港站,本次比賽將會是她在東京奧運後首次代表中國女排出戰,實在令人期待!除此之外,上屆盟主土耳其亦派出超強陣容,如無意外將包括榮獲 2023 年世界女排聯賽最有價值球員的接應華加絲,她們是否能守擂成功亦令球迷翹首以待!
「賽馬會社區排球計劃」再次回歸. 進一步讓排球運動走入社區
在本屆官方社區合作夥伴香港賽馬會的大力支持下,大會再度推出「賽馬會社區排球計劃」,讓基層市民及視障士入場體驗精彩刺激的賽事,認識及體驗排球運動。當中包括每屆都大受歡迎、於賽事開鑼前舉辦的中國女排全接觸,讓本地學生和視障人士親臨香港體育館觀看中國女排練習,一睹中國女排風采。計劃亦與賽馬會「開聲體」體育口述影像服務合作,讓視障人士可以透過聽覺及觸覺,感受世界級排球比賽設備。除此之外,計劃亦推出悅賞排球無邊界活動,不但向基層市民,學生和視障人士派發賽事門票讓大家親臨現場體驗排球盛事,更安排專業口述影像評述員為在場視障人士提供口述影像服務,讓不同能力人士能一同投入精彩賽事。計劃亦會邀請 8 間學校和社福團體於賽事期間在場外設置國際「八式」運動攤位,以 8 支球隊的國家文化作為攤位主題,推動普及運動,並提高大眾對排球和其他國家文化的認識。在世界女排聯賽香港過後,「賽馬會社區排球計劃」會繼續與本地學校及殘疾人士團體合作,推出「共融」樂玩坐式排球體驗活動。
本土元素 x 世界球星打卡位.全城投入排球熱潮
另一方面,於 4 月 25 至 28 日,大會將繼續在奧海城 2 期地下中庭設立「中國人壽(海外)世界女排聯賽香港站球迷區」。本次展覽將特別展出融合本地元素的打卡位為賽事助興,包括排球術語及霓虹燈主題背景板,進一步體現香港文化融合與創意。同場亦會展出 8 隊球星的 1:1 扣球高度展板,讓大眾親身挑戰並感受成為頂級排球運動員所需的彈跳力,市民大眾可一邊打卡,一邊加深了解今屆參賽陣容及排球運動!
門票 4 月 30 日起公開發售!
賽事門票由 4 月 30 日起於城市售票網公開發售。門票分兩類,午間的 13:30 場次每場單一票價$150;其餘門票則可一票觀看同晚兩場賽事(同一日子的 17:00 場次及 20:30 場次),票價由$160 至 $1400 不等。售票詳情可瀏覽大會專頁 www.facebook.com/VNLHK/,或致電查詢熱線 5244 6337。
「中國人壽(海外)世界女排聯賽香港 2024」賽程
6 月 11 日(星期二) 17:00 德國 對 多明尼加共和國 20:30 保加利亞 對 中國
6 月 12 日(星期三) 17:00 土耳其 對 泰國 20:30 巴西 對 波蘭
6 月 13 日(星期四) 13:30 保加利亞 對 泰國 17:00 德國 對 巴西 20:30 多明尼加共和國 對 土耳其
6 月 14 日(星期五) 13:30 保加利亞 對 巴西 17:00 多明尼加共和國 對 波蘭 20:30 中國 對 德國
6 月 15 日(星期六) 13:30 多明尼加共和國 對 保加利亞 17:00 波蘭 對 泰國 20:30 中國 對 土耳其
6 月 16 日(星期日) 13:30 德國 對 泰國 17:00 土耳其 對 巴西 20:30 中國 對 波蘭
(資料來源: Yello Marketing奕朗體育/中國人壽(海外)世界女排聯賽香港2024組織委員會)
Maserati MSG Racing joins forces with Bianchet
Maserati MSG Racing to push boundaries in style and performance forward with Bianchet
On the eve of its home race in Monaco, Maserati MSG Racing is proud to announce a dynamic partnership with Bianchet to merge the worlds of Haute Horlogerie and motorsport.
The collaboration, which is ignited by intense passion and fused with a mutual desire to push boundaries, marks a new era of luxury and bespoke performance. Maserati MSG Racing’s partnership with Bianchet represents more than just a merging of brands – it embodies a shared vision, deeply rooted and unified by elegance, style, and natural performance, designed to exceed all expectations.
Inspired by a mutual desire to redefine the standards of peerlessness in motorsport and Haute Horlogerie, the collaboration underscores a resolute dedication to excellence in engineering and design, be it on track, or in the intricacies of watchmaking.
Drawing inspiration from the team’s success in Formula E and the Maserati brand’s legacy in 1950s motorsport, Bianchet and Maserati MSG Racing celebrate their partnership by unveiling two limited editions of 21 watches bearing the iconic Trident emblem and featuring the logo and signature colours of MSG Racing.
The Maserati Trident, which is synonymous with prestige and audacious performance, is also a symbol of beauty and sophistication, aligning with Bianchet’s commitment to pursuing timeless elegance. Bianchet uses the Golden Ratio to design its watch cases and movements, highlighting its dedication and diligence to precision and aesthetic harmony. As Bianchet continues to emerge as a leading high-end watch brand, it symbolises the epitome of modern style, cutting-edge technology, and refined craftsmanship.
Formula E, which is currently the world’s fastest-growing form of motorsport and holds a net-zero carbon footprint since inception, has placed Maserati MSG Racing and Bianchet as steadfast advocates of sustainable development and environmental stewardship to share the responsibility of forging a legacy where high-performance and sustainability can co-exist.
The first limited edition watch, the award-winning Flying Tourbillon B 1.618 Grande Date Carbon, is crafted in Bianchet’s exclusive high-density carbon composite infused with titanium powder, the Titanium-Dust-High-Density Carbon, while the second limited edition, the Flying Tourbillon B 1.618 Grande Date Hybrid version, features a combination of titanium and carbon.
Both watch cases bear sporty rubber lines, refined colour accents and smooth lines, a Bianchet design signature inspired by Italian design. Conceived for active wearing, they can resist shocks of up to 5000 G and water pressure of 10 ATM (100-meter depth.
The skeleton movement, featuring a flying tourbillon entirely made in titanium and a big date function, showcases the pinnacle of watchmaking skills. Built, hand-finished, and assembled in Switzerland with precision and attention to detail, these timepieces are a product of true craftsmanship and expertise.
The thrill of the Formula E Experience
As Maserati MSG Racing welcomes Bianchet as its Official Timekeeping Partner, purchasers of the Bianchet X Maserati MSG Racing watch will receive the exclusive opportunity to dive into the world of motorsport, including a unique chance to visit Maserati MSG Racing’s headquarters in Monaco.
By interacting with the team’s racing drivers and experiencing the thrill of driving on the team’s state-of-the-art racing simulator, they will immerse themselves in the true essence of the Formula E driver experience.
Scott Swid, Chairman & Principal Owner, Maserati MSG Racing
“We are delighted to welcome Bianchet to the Maserati MSG Racing family. Collaborating with Rodolfo, a spirited entrepreneur, and his talented team at Bianchet on the beautiful, limited-edition watches has been a journey of discovery for us. It’s clear that we share a passion for innovation and the relentless pursuit of perfection, be it on the racetrack or in the hands of their gifted craftsmen. It’s a privilege for us to partner with another like-minded team who brings fresh perspective and ideas.”
Rodolfo Festa Bianchet, CEO and founder of Bianchet
“We are thrilled to start this exciting collaboration with Maserati’s MSG Racing team, joining forces in the name of style, engineering excellence, and sustainability. We fully align in our search for perfection, balance, and respect, and we’re happy to provide our clients with an exclusive timepiece and Formula-E experience.”
Flying Tourbillon Grande Date B 1.618
Limited Editions of 21 pieces
Price 70 500 CHF (excl. taxes)
Titanium movement
Power Reserve: 90 hours (+/- 5%)
Shock resistance: 5000 G
Water resistance: 10 ATM (100 meters)
Finished and assembled by hand.
Weight: Carbon edition 55 grams (excl. strap)
Hybrid titanium-carbon edition: 63 grams (excl. strap)
Dimensions: W: 43 mm L: 51 mm H: 14.35 mm
Strap in natural vulcanized rubber
Titanium folding clasp.
Guarantee: 5 years
(Source of information & image credit: Maserati MSG Racing)
2024 Monaco E-Prix Preview
Maserati MSG Racing looks ahead to its home race in Monaco
Race Stats
Lap Length [KM] // 3.337
Turns // 19
Formula E Lap Record // 1:31.119 [Jake Dennis, 2023]
Best Finish // P3 [Felipe Massa, 2019]
In Their Words
Maximilian Günther, Driver, Maserati MSG Racing
“The Monaco E-Prix is one of the definitive highlights of the season. It’s an iconic circuit but it’s also very special because it’s our home race as a team, and also something of a home race for me because I live there. Monaco is the half-way point of Season 10, and so far, we’ve shown great pace with obvious highlights in Tokyo and Misano. When I look back on our performance over the past 12 months, it’s clear that we’ve taken a step forward, and based on how we’re operating, anything feels achievable. We’ll carry on with the same proven approach we’ve been using all season, and hopefully, we can be in for another good points finish this weekend.”
Jehan Daruvala, Driver, Maserati MSG Racing
“After securing my first Formula E points finish at Misano, I’m very excited to get back behind the wheel this weekend. Monaco is the team’s home race, but it’s also circuit that I know very well from my time in Formula 2. I’ve done seven races there since 2021, and finished on the podium twice, so I’m looking forward to being in familiar territory. Monaco is a very technical circuit, and while it is possible to overtake, Qualifying will be very important. If we can start inside the top 10, I’m confident that we could be on for another good result.”
Cyril Blais, Chief Engineer, Maserati MSG Racing
“Race by race, we’re getting closer and closer to the business end of the season, and Monaco marks the mid-point of the championship. From here on out, every point we can score will be crucial to our championship efforts. With the win in Tokyo, the podium at Misano, and Jehan’s first points, we’re in a very good position as a team at this moment in time but we don’t take anything for granted. Monaco is our home race, and because of that, we’re often asked if we feel more pressure than usual, and the answer to that is no, we don’t. If anything, it has the opposite effect – racing at home makes us more comfortable because we’re working in a very familiar environment that we’re used to. As always, our approach remains the same for this weekend: prepare well, maximise our track time in practice, qualify well, and take advantage of every opportunity in the race.”
Giovanni Sgro, Head of Maserati Corse
“It’s always exciting to race in Monaco, a circuit known for some of the most memorable moments in racing. The Italian round, home race for Maserati, was an important occasion to gather the Trident’s fans for a double-header in which Max achieved his second podium and Jehan scored his first points finishing in the top 10 for the first time in his Formula E career. We are almost halfway through this dynamic second season for Maserati and we are happy that the hard work is paying off, with consistency and progress race after race. Our aim this year is to capitalize on last year’s achievements, in Maserati’s debut season, when everything was new for us in the electric series. Thanks to the brand’s strong motorsport heritage, we have been able to resume from where we left and enter the new electric motorsport era with the same undiminished passion. Monaco is the place where every driver wants to race and one of the most unpredictable and challenging circuits. We can’t wait to see our team in action this weekend.”
Weekend Schedule
Session | Date | Local Time | GMT |
Free Practice One | 27/04/2024 | 07:30 – 08:00 | 06:30 – 07:00 |
Free Practice Two | 27/04/2024 | 09:10 – 09:40 | 08:10 – 08:40 |
Qualifying | 27/04/2024 | 10:40 – 12:03 | 09:40 – 11:03 |
Race | 27/04/2024 | 15:00 – 16:00 | 14:00 – 15:00 |
(Source of information & image credit: Maserati MSG Racing)
Jehan Daruvala scores first Formula E points at Misano
Jehan scores first top 10 finish of Formula E career with ninth place at Misano
The Race In Numbers
Maximilian Günther
Free Practice Three // P12
Qualifying // P12 [1:18.072, Group A]
Race // P12
Positions Gained // N/A
Fastest Lap // 1:20.084
Championship // P5 [63 points]
Jehan Daruvala
Free Practice Three // P15
Qualifying // P21 [1:18.720, Group B]
Race // P9
Positions Gained // +12
Fastest Lap // 1:19.889
Championship // P19 [2 points]
Maserati MSG Racing
Championship Position // P7 [65 points]
The Report
Maserati MSG Racing’s Jehan Daruvala scored the first top 10 finish of his FIA Formula E World Championship career by finishing ninth in the second part of the 2024 Misano E-Prix.
The team, which celebrated the Trident’s home event in Italy, entered the second race of the weekend after finishing on the podium on Saturday, with driver, Maximilian Günther gaining third following the disqualification of Antonio Felix da Costa after a technical breach.
In Qualifying for Race Two, the 26-year-old narrowly missed out on the duels and started from 12th while Jehan lined up 21st after failing to set a representative lap time in the session.
Despite running over a shorter distance of 26 laps, Race Two saw the return of Formula E’s peloton style of racing, and Max and Jehan battled hard from lights to flag.
By securing a strong getaway, Max moved up to seventh on lap one while Jehan lost ground after struggling for traction off the line.
After activating his first Attack Mode on lap five, Max danced between fifth and ninth before a Safety Car, caused by an accident for Robin Frijns, paused the race on lap eight.
This race neutralisation provided a critical opportunity for Jehan to close in on the field and when the race was resumed at the end of lap nine, the Indian racer set out on a strong recovery drive.
With the pack punched up, Jehan vaulted from 20th to 16th on the restart and continued to fight forward, using surplus energy to negotiate his way into the top 10 on the final lap.
Max, meanwhile, solidified fifth place with his second Attack Mode activation but unfortunately lost track position due to an incident late in the race. After finishing ninth at the line, a post-race time penalty demoted the German to 12th.
By finishing ninth, Jehan secured his first points finish in Formula E after making his series debut earlier in 2024 while Maserati MSG Racing maintained its 100% points scoring record in Season 10 as one of only teams to do so.
The FIA Formula E World Championship’s 2023/24 season will resume on April 27 for Maserati MSG Racing’s home race – the Monaco E-Prix.
In Their Words
Maximilian Günther, Driver, Maserati MSG Racing
“Not the outcome we deserved today. We were able to move into a strong position in the race, despite some issues that challenged us and ran in the top five for a long time. At the end we faced a racing incident with a competitor that put us out of the points. Still many positives to take from this weekend, a podium finish and good race pace. We’ll regroup in the coming days and will come in strong shape to our home race in Monaco.”
Jehan Daruvala, Driver, Maserati MSG Racing
“It feels good to score my first points in Formula E today. We were starting from the back row, but as a team, we decided on a strategy which we executed very well. We stuck to our plans, our communication was clear, and it resulted in my first top 10 finish of the season. I’m very happy, and from here, the goal is to fight for more in the future. Even after six races, I’m learning all of the time, and I know that there’s still scope for me to learn from today’s race. Monaco is up next and it’s a circuit that I’ve had some success at before. If we can secure a good Qualifying there, I’m confident that we can have another good result.”
Alex Dardelet, Director of Engineering, Maserati MSG Racing
“Our Qualifying pace was not the strongest part of this weekend, but even so, we knew that because of the style of racing, there were a lot of opportunities in the race. Both yesterday and today, we saw that even if you start outside of the top 10, it is possible to go to the front quite easily. The race wasn’t without its challenges, and we had a radio issue with Max at the start which meant he couldn’t hear all of our communication. This corrected itself during the Safety Car and he delivered a strong drive, but unfortunately, there was an incident late in the race which cost him a top five finish. He came home in ninth, but finished outside of the top 10 because of a penalty. Jehan did an excellent job to recover to the top 10 to score his first points of the season. Overall, it has been a very positive weekend, and we’ll continue our form into Monaco.”
Giovanni Sgro, Head of Maserati Corse
“The home race E-Prix for Maserati gave us a lot of emotions and excitement: yesterday the podium with Max and today again a very close battle on track and Jehan’s first top ten finish since the beginning of the season; a pride for us and a great achievement for him, the only rookie this year in Formula E. Despite the penalty that took Max out of points today, we are happy with how both drivers and the team never miss an opportunity to achieve new objectivities at every round, always aiming to do the best. We are almost halfway through the season, and the next round in Monaco will be another opportunity to continue this positive momentum. Today we are happy to have given a good show to the Italian fans of the Trident. See you at the next race!”
(Source of information & image credit: Maserati MSG Racing)
Maserati MSG Racing gains Misano E-Prix podium after Da Costa disqualification
Maserati MSG Racing driver, Maximilian Günther, has gained a podium finish at the 2024 Misano E-Prix following the disqualification of provisional race winner, Antonio Felix da Costa, after a technical breach.
Da Costa was disqualified from the race after an FIA investigation found that the throttle damper spring on his #13 Porsche 99X Electric was not found to be in conformity with one of three optional declared items.
Max originally finished the first race of the double-header weekend in fourth after starting from seventh, but has moved up to third following Da Costa’s disqualification.
As a result, Max moves from fifth to third in the FIA Formula E World Drivers’ Championship standings, now holding 63 points. Maserati MSG Racing, meanwhile, continues to hold sixth in the World Teams’ Championship.
The 2024 Misano E-Prix race weekend will continue on Sunday, 14 April.
Maserati MSG Racing
Maserati MSG Racing is one of the founding teams of the FIA Formula E World Championship and in December 2013, became the first manufacturer to join motorsport’s premier fully-electric category. As one of only a handful of constant participants since the series’ inaugural 2014/15 season, MSG Racing has moved from strength to strength and tasted vice World Championship success in 2021 before completing its most successful season to date in 2022, finishing the campaign as the vice World Teams’ Champions.
Led by Chairman & Managing Partner, Scott Swid and José Maria Aznar Botella, the Monégasque marque is at the forefront of sustainability, EDI, technical innovation, and excellence. For further information, visit our website. For media hub access and rights-free content, please register here.
Maserati MSG Racing Media Contact:
Liz Brooks – Director of Strategic Communications
Tel. +44 7887 846177
Maserati S.p.A.
Maserati produces a complete range of unique cars, immediately recognisable for their extraordinary personality. Thanks to their style, technology and innately exclusive character, they delight the most discerning, demanding tastes and have always been a benchmark for the global automotive industry. A tradition of successful cars, each of them redefining what makes an Italian sports car in terms of design, performance, comfort, elegance and safety, currently available in more than seventy markets internationally. The ambassadors of this heritage are the Quattroporte flagship, the Ghibli sports sedan, the Levante – the first SUV made by Maserati, and the Grecale, the all-new “everyday exceptional” SUV, all models characterised by the use of the highest quality materials and excellent technical solutions. Ghibli, Grecale and Levante are also available in hybrid versions. A complete range, equipped with 4-cylinder hybrid powertrains, V6 petrol and V8 petrol, with rear-wheel and four-wheel drive, embodying the performance DNA of the Trident Brand. The top of the range is made up of the MC20 super sports car and the MC20 Cielo spyder, powered by the ground-breaking Nettuno V6 engine, incorporating F1-derived technologies available in the power unit of a standard production car for the first time. The sporty New GranTurismo models – available with both high-performance petrol engines and a 100% battery electric powertrain – take the House of the Trident forward into the future: the first car in the electric range, the Maserati Folgore. By 2025, all Maserati models will come in a full-electric version, and the entire Maserati range will run on electricity alone by 2030.
(Source of information & image credit: Maserati MSG Racing)
Maserati MSG Racing continues points scoring streak with fourth at Misano
Team battles to fourth place in the Trident’s first of two home races in Italy
The Race In Numbers
Maximilian Günther
Free Practice One // P21
Free Practice Two // P17
Qualifying // P7 [1:18.583, Quarter-Final Two]
Race // P4
Positions Gained // +3
Fastest Lap // 1:20.750
Championship Position // P5 [60 points]
Jehan Daruvala
Free Practice One // P4
Free Practice Two // P20
Qualifying // P19 [1:18.909, Group A]
Race // DNF
Positions Gained // N/A
Fastest Lap // 1:21.322
Championship Position // P22 [0 points]
Maserati MSG Racing
Championship Position // P6 [60 points]
The Report
Maserati MSG Racing continued its current FIA Formula E World Championship points scoring run at the 2024 Misano E-Prix, with driver, Maximilian Günther, finishing fourth in the first race of the double-header event.
The team entered the weekend with positive momentum in hand after winning Formula E’s most recent race in Tokyo, and targeted further success in Italy at the Trident’s home race.
Despite facing a disrupted practice program, Max performed well in Qualifying and advanced to the duel stages from Group A to secure seventh on the grid. Team-mate, Jehan Daruvala, meanwhile, started the race from 19th after aborting his final push lap in the session.
In the face of high energy saving targets – prompted by the return of Formula E’s peloton style of competition – Max fell to ninth while Jehan fought forward to 14th on lap one, although crucially, the pair secured a clean start.
With extreme saving throughout the field, positions changed consistently, and Max quickly carved his way forward to hold second before activating his first Attack Mode on lap three, rejoining in fourth.
The 26-year-old remained in the fight for the podium throughout the race, took his second Attack Mode on lap 17, and continued to pressure the leaders in a high-stakes run to the chequered flag.
Jehan, meanwhile, executed a clean, strategic drive and remained a constant threat to the top 10, with his eyes set on his first points finish in Formula E.
When Jean-Eric Vergne received a five-second time penalty – and with the DS Penske driver running inside the top three – a place on the podium was up for grabs, although Max unfortunately lost fourth to Jake Dennis in the closing laps.
Nevertheless, the young German remained in contention, took fifth at the chequered flag and was promoted to fourth following Vergne’s penalty to add 12 points to his World Drivers’ Championship tally.
As a result, Max now holds the longest active points scoring streak in Formula E and is the only driver on the grid to score points in every race so far in 2024.
After executing his most competitive race of the season, contact on the final lap cruelly robbed Jehan of a strong finish, with the Indian racer failing to see the flag.
The double-header 2024 Misano E-Prix will resume on Sunday, 14 April.
In Their Words
Maximilian Günther, Driver, Maserati MSG Racing
“Today’s race was wild. I’m super happy to finish fourth. We managed the race well, took Attack Mode at the right time, and made some good strategic moves to be in the fight when it mattered. Obviously, these kinds of races are very chaotic and there are a lot of things going on – we’re overtaking, and being overtaken, but we responded well, especially in regard to the weekend we’ve had so far. Both practice sessions were tough for us, and I don’t think the weekend could have been any more difficult in terms of the challenges thrown at us. But our reaction has been brilliant, our pace was strong in Qualifying, and to finish fourth with 12 points is mega. I’m happy.”
Jehan Daruvala, Driver, Maserati MSG Racing
“Today’s race wasn’t bad – I think it was probably the best of my season so far. I was in the mix from the start to finish, but I was taken out by [Nyck] De Vries on the last lap. It isn’t ideal, but we have another race tomorrow. We’ll extract what we can in Qualifying, drive a strategic race, and from there, see if we can score points.”
Cyril Blais, Chief Engineer, Maserati MSG Racing
“A very positive performance today, with another good haul of points for the team with Max. With the top four finish, we’ve been able to maintain our 100% points scoring record so far this season, which is very good from a consistency perspective. The race was very strategic, the team applied a very intelligent strategy, and crucially, Max kept his head down, kept cool, and kept his nose clean to deliver a good result. It was a big shame for Jehan today but he showed great promise. He was strong in Qualifying, was set for the duels, but ran into an issue on his final push lap. This meant he started at the back, which is never easy. If Jehan can qualify where he would have been today, his race will be a lot more straightforward tomorrow. We have a lot to look forward to, and hopefully, we can score points with both cars.”
Giovanni Sgro, Head of Maserati Corse
“Today it was a really exciting one. This is Maserati’s home race and racing in front of our fans is always something unique. The race was really intense and busy, with lots of overtaking, breath-taking moments, and a close fight from start to finish: the show was never lacking. Both Max and Jehan never gave up and Max immediately gave everything to take the lead; once again he brought home important points. Jehan pushed hard to finish in the top 10 but unfortunately was not able to hold. Nevertheless, it’s not easy to race on a permanent circuit but both our drivers did great today and showed to be able to fight in every conditions. This weekend is very important for us as a team and as a brand; tomorrow we hope to finish what we started today and hopefully grab the podium. We never give up and we can’t wait to get back on track tomorrow.”
(Source of information & image credit: Maserati MSG Racing)
Maserati MSG Racing announces pioneering technical partnership with PETRONAS Lubricants International
Maserati MSG Racing and PETRONAS Lubricants International join forces to accelerate electric vehicle efficiency in Formula E
Davide Grasso, CEO, Maserati; Giuseppe Pedretti, EMEA Regional Managing Director, PETRONAS Lubricants International; Giovanni Sgro, Head of Maserati Corse
Maserati MSG Racing is delighted to announce a multi-year technical partnership with PETRONAS Lubricants International in the FIA Formula E World Championship.
The strategic collaboration, which unites two titans of the automotive and motorsport sectors, will see PETRONAS Lubricants International become Maserati MSG Racing’s Official Fluid Solutions Partner from Season 10 and beyond.
Maserati MSG Racing has a deep-rooted history in innovation, and after scoring four podiums last season – including the Trident’s first victory in World Championship single-seaters since 1957 – has its targets set on further success in 2024.
PETRONAS Lubricants International previously collaborated with the Maserati brand in the development of the cutting-edge fully-electric Maserati GranTurismo Folgore, which led to the creation of the bespoke PETRONAS Iona fluid for the high performance fully-electric car.
A leader in its class, PETRONAS Iona offers a versatile range of thermally intelligent fluids for electric vehicles of the highest calibre. Its specialised formulation accelerates performance and efficiency by significantly reducing friction while dissipating heat to ensure exceptional wear protection and longevity.
Together, Maserati MSG Racing and PETRONAS Lubricants International will open the potential of transferring race-proven technology to customer electric vehicles, to make a lasting impact by ensuring that the future of sustainable performance is thrilling and environmentally conscious on a global scale.
Scott Swid, Chairman & Principal Owner, Maserati MSG Racing
“We’re delighted to welcome PETRONAS Lubricants International to the Maserati MSG Racing family. PETRONAS is a leading figure in the industry and has forged an extraordinary reputation through its motorsport endeavours. We are proud that PETRONAS Lubricants International is engineering innovative solutions to actively contribute towards overcoming global energy challenges and we look forward to supporting them to grow this incredibly important part of their business.”
Giovanni Sgro, Head of Maserati Corse
“Maserati has a long history in motorsport and PETRONAS Lubricants International is an institution in the world of top-level motor racing. We are very pleased to juxtapose our name with one of a company synonymous with excellence and the most advanced technology and innovation. A major collaboration for all players playing significant roles in the new era of electrification. It’s always inspiring to build new businesses with realities that share the same passion and commitment in a challenging and promising series like Formula E, and to join forces with partners with the same vision and commitment, with the aim of developing and building the future of mobility. I am confident that this will be an important investment for the next generations of drivers”.
Hezlinn Idris, Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer, PETRONAS Lubricants International
“We are honoured to partner with Maserati MSG Racing, a team that is synonymous with both performance and innovation. Leveraging our expertise, technology and experience, PETRONAS Lubricants International is on a continuous journey to explore and support the electric vehicle (EV) industry, which includes motorsports. Our innovative Fluid Technology Solutions™ is engineered for excellence, and this partnership signifies our drive to forge a future in sustainable mobility. This is instrumental in our steps to develop solutions that not only meet the rigorous demands of racing but also enhance the efficiency and durability of electric vehicles for regular driving conditions, enabling a track-to-road experience for customers. PETRONAS Iona is a testament to our innovative spirit, delivering advanced e-fluid solutions that not only enhance performance but also accelerate efficiency for all types of electric vehicles.”
(Source of information & image credit: Maserati MSG Racing)
2024 Misano E-Prix Preview
Maserati MSG Racing looks ahead to the Trident’s home race at Misano after tasting victory in Tokyo
Race Stats
Lap Length [KM] // 3.381
Turns // 14
Lap Record // N/A
Best Finish // N/A
In Their Words
“I’m looking forward to racing at Misano this weekend. It’s the Maserati brand’s home race, and the last time we raced in Italy, we experienced a very special podium finish. Misano is the first purpose-built circuit we’ll be racing on this season, so it will be a great challenge to adapt ourselves to this style of track. The victory in Tokyo has been a great achievement, we feel good about our package, about the way we execute and look forward to continuing this momentum into the upcoming races here in front of the tifosi.”Jehan Daruvala, Driver, Maserati MSG Racing
“Misano is a great circuit, and I can’t wait to race there this weekend. When I stepped up to single-seater competition in 2015, Misano was one of the first circuits that I raced at, and it was the site of one of my early podiums and my very first pole position, so it holds a lot of memories. I’ve been playing catch-up throughout this season, but because Misano is another new track in Formula E, every team is starting from the same position. I feel quite confident in my one-lap pace, and I’ve been working hard to improve my performance in race conditions. Hopefully, we’ll be able to see the result of that hard work with points this weekend.”Yann Ehrlacher, Test Driver, Maserati MSG Racing
“I’m excited to get back behind the wheel of a Formula E car this weekend. Representing Maserati MSG Racing in FP0, after previously being scheduled to run for the team during pre-season testing, is a good opportunity for me to improve my own knowledge and skillset of electric motorsport. I’ll be trying to help the team at every available moment, and hopefully, my contribution will add to their current form and momentum.”Cyril Blais, Chief Engineer, Maserati MSG Racing
“We’re coming into the Misano E-Prix with a lot of positive momentum after our victory in Tokyo. Winning the race was an incredible achievement, but it was the outcome of the hard work that we put in every single week to ensure that we’re continually operating at our very best. Looking at our performance in 2024, there’s a clear trend which indicates that we’ve been competitive at every circuit we’ve visited, and this gives us great confidence because it shows that our package has the performance and capability to be on the pace, regardless of the track or conditions. Knowing this is a massive source of inspiration and motivation for everyone in the team, and we’re hoping for another good performance this weekend. But this doesn’t change our approach at all – we’re hungry for more success, and just because we’ve won one race, we won’t and can’t be complacent. We’ll take Misano one step at a time, prepare as much as possible, and hopefully, our work will put us in another strong position.”Giovanni Sgro, Head of Maserati Corse
Weekend Schedule
Session | Date | Local Time | GMT |
Free Practice Zero | 12/04/2024 | 14:30 – 15:00 | 13:30 – 14:00 |
Free Practice One | 12/04/2024 | 17:00 – 17:30 | 16:00 – 16:30 |
Free Practice Two | 13/04/2024 | 08:00 – 08:30 | 07:00 – 07:30 |
Qualifying One | 13/04/2024 | 10:20 – 11:43 | 09:20 – 10:43 |
Race One | 13/04/2024 | 15:00 – 16:00 | 14:00 – 15:00 |
Free Practice Three | 14/04/2024 | 08:00 – 08:30 | 07:00 – 07:30 |
Qualifying Two | 14/04/2024 | 10:20 – 11:43 | 09:20 – 10:43 |
Race Two | 14/04/2024 | 15:00 – 16:00 | 14:00 – 15:00 |
(Source of information & image credit: Maserati MSG Racing)
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2. 是項比賽共設五個參賽組別,分別為男子精英組、女子精英組、
3. 除了社福界同工和各界專業人士積極參與賽事,4 月 7 日下午亦有兩組嘉賓進行嘉賓表演賽的精彩對決。

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中國香港欖球總會主席蒲敬思(Chris Brooke)先生表示:「這是一個美好的周末,香港國際七人欖球賽的門票售罄當然是一件令人高興的事,能夠再次吸引眾多海外遊客回到香港也是十分值得高興。我們所有的欖球項目經費都來自七人欖球賽所帶來的盈餘,因此,能夠在這三天比賽取得如此成功,對我們重新投資香港欖球運動絕對至關重要。」
今日跟周六一樣都時有驟雨,但隨著決賽的時刻臨近,雨水都未能消減場內球迷的熱情。在球迷都關注、新增設的亞洲三角賽 — Melrose 銀劍賽中,中國香港男子隊表現將現場氣氛帶至最高點,他們以22:10擊敗「宿敵」日本隊;而以全勝姿態躋身決賽的中國香港女子隊,在決賽以10:24不敵中國隊,最終取得亞軍。
隨著兩場「銀劍賽」完成、觀眾的熱情逐漸高漲,大會請來美國殿堂級樂隊Journey 主音 Arnel Pineda 登台獻唱,為球迷們帶來了一曲曲經典的搖滾樂。
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Alan Gilpin說:「我們看到了一個令人讚嘆的周末,香港肯定回來了,國際球迷也真的回來了。」
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他們隨著香港大球場內的不同配樂載歌載舞,然後隨著牙買加「雷鬼樂隊」The Wailers 於午後登上表演舞台中央,他們開始隨歌起舞。
新西蘭晉級準決賽的過程一點也不容易,他們在八強賽提早面對上屆亞軍斐濟,雙方拉鋸多時,新西蘭以19:12險勝,隊長Dylan Collier 賽後表示,這次險勝對手的靈感是來自南看台。
備受球迷關注的亞洲三角賽 — Melrose銀劍賽,中國香港女子隊在香港球迷面前顯示實力,先後擊敗中國隊及泰國隊,取得循環賽兩連勝,鐵定周日決賽席位,她們的一舉一動令場內氣溫飆升。中國香港男子隊錄得一勝一負,先勝中國隊,後負日本隊,能否躋身周日決賽將視乎中國隊對日本的一場循環賽。
香港國際七人欖球賽的另一項優良傳統 — 早上的小型欖球活動共吸引超過1,700名的明日欖球之星參與,這是他們第一次踏足香港大球場的著名草皮地。
正如中國香港男子隊主力丹馬克(Max Denmark)所說,許多人在離開這草地時都會受到了鼓舞,希望能夠追隨英雄的腳步。
「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽 2024」很高興成為一項「M」品牌認可活動,協助提升香港作為亞洲體育盛事之都的形象。獲大型體育活動事務委員會頒發的「M」品牌,標誌著緊張、精彩、刺激的大型體育活動。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 中國香港欖球總會)
「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽2024」 熱情球迷見證中國香港男、女子隊獲首勝 衛冕冠軍新西蘭2:0完美開局
前澳洲國家隊隊長Michael Hooper 周五首次亮相香港國際七人欖球賽,他將努力為澳洲隊爭取今年7月在巴黎奧運會的金牌而奮鬥。
Michael Hooper表示:「我很喜歡大球場的氛圍,我聽說今日只是第一日,未來兩天的氣氛會越來越熾熱。」今日澳洲隊在A 組以12:0「零封」欖球強隊斐濟。
香港國際七人欖球賽怎少得娛樂節目,出場的包括本地「小巨肺」譚芷昀(Celine Tam)、嶄露頭角的新晉女團組合Lolly Talk 及前英格蘭國腳和愛爾蘭雄獅隊球星James Haskell ,他退役後成為DJ ,今日重返香港大球場,登上表演舞台,為超過30,000位入場觀眾獻上最熱鬧的開幕禮,為大球場助興。
斐濟素有一班忠實粉絲,戴著著名的藍色假髪,長駐北看台為愛隊打氣,Mere Sowakula 作為斐濟島民隊著名的「藍色威格斯」(Blue Wiggers)球迷隊伍的一員,第三次隨隊來到香港,為每個精彩時刻,熱烈歡呼。
Mere Sowakula說:「每一年我都期待前來香港參加這個比賽,這裡是七人欖球的歡樂泉源、精神所在,匯聚世界各地的朋友,我有兩個朋友來自英國,我們都是來支持斐濟及女子七人欖球。」
來自悉尼的澳洲球迷Michael Thomas表示:「我們在疫情期間甚至去年都錯過了香港國際七人欖球賽,但今年是香港大球場最後一年辦七欖,一定不能錯過。」Michael 在賽前一星期已跟三位朋友來香港,除觀看欖球賽外,亦在市內消費。
「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽 2024」很高興成為一項「M」品牌認可活動,協助提升香港作為亞洲體育盛事之都的形象。獲大型體育活動事務委員會頒發的「M」品牌,標誌著緊張、精彩、刺激的大型體育活動。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 中國香港欖球總會)
Monaco, 3 April 2024 The American company Venturi Astrolab, Inc. (Astrolab), a strategic partner of the Monegasque Venturi Group, has awarded a NASA contract to support the development of Artemis campaign’s lunar terrain vehicle. Its rover, known as FLEX, is equipped with batteries and wheels developed by Gildo Pastor’s teams in Monaco and Switzerland.
Venturi Astrolab, Inc. (Astrolab) announced that NASA has awarded the American company, together with its teammates Axiom Space, Inc., and Odyssey Space Research, a contract to advance the development of the Lunar Terrain Vehicle (LTV) which will help Artemis astronauts explore more of the Moon’s surface on future missions. The Astrolab team is one of three teams to win contract awards. Astrolab’s contract is worth up to $1.9 billion. Collectively the three contract winners may be awarded task orders over the next 13 years with a total potential value of $4.6 billion over the life of the program. The contracts allow for two additional years for the completion of services.
With this announcement, and after two decades dedicated to high-performance terrestrial electric vehicles, Venturi is taking another major step forward. Indeed, the industrial Group led by its President Gildo Pastor designs and manufactures the lunar vehicle’s wheels and batteries. The hyper-deformable wheels,developed and manufactured by the Venturi’s Swiss entity in collaboration with Astrolab, were presented at the Paris Air Show in June 2023. As for the batteries, these will be manufactured in Monaco in specifically designed facilities at the heart of the Venturi’s historic headquarters.
Astrolab first revealed the full-scale working prototype for its Flexible Logistics and Exploration (FLEX) rover in March of 2022. In the years since, Astrolab, has conducted thousands of hours of laboratory and field testing that has led to numerous design improvements. The improvements to the wheels and batteries came as a result of tests Astrolab conducted together with Venturi’s engineers.
As required by NASA, FLEX can carry two suited astronauts, accommodate a robotic arm to support science exploration, perform robotic cargo logistics, and survive the extreme temperatures at the lunar South Pole, which is a technological challenge, particularly for the hyper-deformable wheels and batteries. FLEX can be operated remotely from Earth even when astronauts are not present, or it can be operated by suited astronauts.
Once FLEX arrives on the lunar surface, Astrolab expects that FLEX will become the largest and most capable rover to ever travel to the Moon. With a maximum combined rover and cargo mass of more than two tons, the FLEX rover is nearly three times the mass of its largest predecessor. This increased capacity provides significantly more opportunities to conduct scientific experiments and commercial endeavors on the lunar surface.
“Through our strategic partnership with Astrolab, I am proud to see the Venturi Group’s know-how validated by NASA. After 20 years of innovation and world speed records in the field of terrestrial electric vehicles, we are now involved in an adventure that will go down in the history books: when Man returns to the Moon! When I see this rover, equipped with our wheels and batteries, operating up there I will have made my greatest dream come true”. – Gildo Pastor, President of the Venturi Group.
“Astrolab is honored to have its FLEX rover selected by NASA to participate in the development of creating a Lunar Terrain Vehicle for the Artemis Campaign. Our entire team, together with our business partners, including our strategic partner Venturi Group, are committed to delivering to NASA an LTV that serves as a critical tool in the agency’s efforts to establish a long-term human presence on the Moon.” – Jaret Matthews, founder & CEO, Astrolab.
(Source of information & image credit: Venturi Astrolab, Inc.)
「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽2024」進入倒數 30位隊長向香港大球場舉辦七欖賽30周年致敬
大合照當然少不了香港球迷甚為關注,在「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽」同場舉行的亞洲三角賽 —「Melrose 銀劍賽」的隊長們,男、女子組共6人亦亮相大球場的拍照儀式,為這項嶄新的亞洲三角賽寫下新的開端。
這項為亞洲強隊新增設的「Melrose 銀劍賽」的參賽隊伍包括中國香港男、女子隊、中國女子隊以及自2012年以來首次重返香港大球場的中國男子七人欖球隊。
男子組還有港隊「宿敵」日本,而日本女子隊則會出戰「滙豐SVNS世界七人欖球系列賽」;女子組有一隊新面孔,來自泰國的娘子軍將首次亮相香港大球場,跟東道主港隊及中國隊較量。本賽事的最高獎項— Melrose 銀劍(Melrose Claymores)是由香港的七人欖球兄弟會— 蘇格蘭欖球會捐贈。
今屆香港國際七人欖球賽肯定是前所未有的激烈,在今季的「滙豐SVNS 世界七人欖球系列賽」已完成的五個賽站,阿根廷連奪三站冠軍(南非開普敦、澳洲珀斯、加拿大溫哥華),亦闖進杜拜首站的決賽,最差一站是三月初在美國洛杉磯,阿根廷提早在八強出局;但總結五站比賽,阿根廷首次在積分榜以20分(總分90分)遙遙領先其他球隊,他將成為香港站的眾矢之的,預計香港大球場將展開一番龍爭虎鬥。
另一支值得留意的球隊是愛爾蘭,現時在「滙豐SVNS 世界七人欖球系列賽」以總分70分位暫列第二位,是該隊歷來所獲得的最高排名。2019年的香港站,愛隊在世界系列賽外圍賽決賽以28:7擊敗中國香港,取得「滙豐SVNS 世界七人欖球系列賽」的「核心」球隊席位,自此一發不可收拾。
在香港擁有不少球迷的斐濟隊,現位列「滙豐SVNS 世界七人欖球系列賽」積分榜第三位,他們將由新任主帥、里約奧運金牌隊長Osea Kolinsau 帶領來港比賽。2016年里約奧運會,Osea協助球隊贏得斐濟有史以來第一面奧運金牌後,他的肖像被印在斐濟七元紙幣上以示表揚,今年首次以教練身份作客香港站,首要目的是在被譽為是「快活谷」的香港大球場創造20場勝利的紀錄。
「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽 2024」很高興成為一項「M」品牌認可活動,協助提升香港作為亞洲體育盛事之都的形象。獲大型體育活動事務委員會頒發的「M」品牌,標誌著緊張、精彩、刺激的大型體育活動。
圖1 – 「滙豐SVNS 世界七人欖球系列賽」男、女子隊隊長於香港大球場南看台體驗「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽 」著名的派對氣氛。
平野優芽 (日本女子); Mathrin SIMMERS (南非女子); Olivia Apps, (加拿大女子); Charlotte Caslick (澳洲女子); 賽事獎盃; Risaleaana POURI-LANE, (新西蘭女子); Raijieli DAVEUA (斐濟女子); Luiza CAMPOS (巴西女子); Anna Fernandez de Corres (西班牙女子)
Amee Leigh MURPHY CROWE, (愛爾蘭女子); Emma UREN (英國女子); Matt GONZALEZ, (澳洲男子); Phil BERNA (加拿大男子); Matias OSADCZUK (阿根廷男子); Lauren DOYLE (美國女子); Carla Niesen, (法國女子); Dylan COLLIER, (新西蘭男子)
Selwyn DAVIDS (南非男子); Uaina Yui SIONE, (薩摩亞男子); Robbie FERGUSSON, (英國男子); Eduardo LOPEZ, (西班牙男子); Paulin RIVA, (法國男子); Kevon WILLIAMS, (美國男子); Josua VAKURUNABILI (斐濟男子), Harry McNulty, (愛爾蘭男子)
圖2 – 「Melrose 銀劍賽」男、女子隊獎與賽事銀劍獎盃合照
(左至右): 石田吉平 (日本男子), Rattanaporn WITTAYARONNAYUT (泰國女子); 高香慧 (中國香港女子); 禾獲特 (中國香港男子); 王婉鈺 (中國女子); 李海濤 (中國男子)
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 中國香港欖球總會)
中國香港欖球總會(欖總)任命華哲思(James Farndon)為新任行政總裁
【香港:2024年4月2日】中國香港欖球總會(欖總)任命華哲思 (James Farndon)為新任行政總裁。
華哲思(James Farndon)現任沙地阿拉伯奧林匹克訓練中心體育策略及高水平表現總監,他將接替自2017年領導中國香港欖球總會的麥偉彬(Robbie McRobbie),擔任中國香港欖球總會行政總裁。
華哲思擁有豐富的體育發展策略、卓越的領導力、團隊發展及組織管理經驗。他目前在沙特阿拉伯奧林匹克委員會及沙特阿拉伯體育部工作,曾在UK Sport(英國政府為支援英國奧運和殘疾奧運設立的組織)擔任資深職務;他亦曾任職於英國體育學院、拉夫堡大學、欖球聯合會及中國香港欖球總會。華哲思曾於中國香港欖球總會擔任高水平欖球總經理。 另外,他亦曾擔任英格蘭及英國15人欖球及7人學生欖球隊的主教練。
中國香港欖球總會主席蒲敬思(Chris Brooke)表示,華氏經過全球招聘程序、挑選本地及海外高質素人才、再經由遴選委員會進行嚴格評估。中國香港欖球總會董事會在3月27日的特別會議上,批准此項任命。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 中國香港欖球總會)
「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽2024」剩餘最後500張門票 預計24小時內將悉數售罄
[香港,2024年4月2日]:香港國際七人欖球賽主辦單位中國香港欖總會(欖總)宣佈,本周末的賽事將迎接疫情以來首次門票售罄。總數40,000 張門票現已售出逾39,500 張,預計在未來24小時內,所有門票將悉數售罄。
欖總主席蒲敬思(Chris Brooke)表示:「中國香港欖球總會很高興再度迎接數以千計的本地球迷及遊客,歡迎大家參加國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽2024。」
今年香港國際七人欖球賽的娛樂節目包羅萬有,陣容包括牙買加「雷鬼樂隊」The Wailers、美國殿堂樂隊Journey主音Arnel Pineda、前英格蘭國腳和愛爾蘭雄獅隊球星James Haskell,他退役後成為DJ,將重返香港大球場與眾同樂,而香港代表有「小巨肺」之稱的譚芷昀(Celine)和新晉女團Lolly Talk;大會收到最新消息,來自台灣的人氣啦啦隊「樂天女孩」落實派出八位成員首度現身萬眾期待的「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽2024」,為比賽增添歡樂氣氛。
球迷們若仍想參與4 月 5 日至 7 日舉行的「國泰/匯豐香港國際七人欖球賽2024」,留下美好回憶,這是最後機會:購票請至官方網站 http://www.hksevens.com。
在國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽開鑼前,傳統的「瘋狂欖球周」活動亦載譽而歸,除精彩絕倫的香港足球會十人欖球賽,更伴隨超過20場早餐、早午餐、午宴 、酒會及晚宴活動,以及由領事館、商會、學會,以及本地欖球球會籌辦的各個峰會。歷史悠久的香港足球會十人欖球賽及九龍欖球節十人欖球賽均於「香港國際七人欖球賽」周五開賽前進行。 今年,中國香港欖球總會與「香港品牌」合作舉辦「香港體育與可持續發展峰會」(4月3日,星期三);另欖總也與港怡醫院合作舉辦「2024香港國際體育與急症醫學研討會」(4月3及4日,星期三及四)。Branded 與香港賽馬會和中國欖球欖球總會攜手合作,在 4 月 5 日(星期五),在標誌性的國泰滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽前夕,將 Sports Matters 帶到香港。
「國泰/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽 2024」很高興成為一項「M」品牌認可活動,協助提升香港作為亞洲體育盛事之都的形象。獲大型體育活動事務委員會頒發的「M」品牌,標誌著緊張、精彩、刺激的大型體育活動。
慶祝社交媒體追蹤總數破300,000 的光繪作品
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 中國香港欖球總會)