Panasonic Pan Asia Synchronized Swimming Championships cum 12th Hong Kong Synchronized Swimming Open 2016
Hong Kong (July 31 2016) – The event was held from 28th to 31st July 2016 at the Kowloon Park Swimming Pool (Diving Pool) and had been satisfactorily completed.
Synchronized swimmers need to demonstrate a variety of body positions, figure movement, strokes, arm movement and propulsion techniques appropriate to the music.
Synchronized Swimming is a combination of dances, music and modern sports. Athletes are also required to perform a series of movement with technical skill, grace, coordination and precise swimming techniques.
Athletes are from the various countries below:
– Singapore
– Indonesia
– Philippine
– Beijing, China
– Guangzhou, China
– Macau
– Hong Kong
During this year, the events during the championships were: –
– Stroke Events Competition
– Figure Competition
– Free Solo Events Competition
– Technical Solo Events Competition
– Free Duet Events Competition
– Technical Duet Events Competition
– Free Team Events Competition
Photo Album: –
(Reference Information: HKASA)
AET國際挑戰盃 – 南華1:2祖雲達斯
[2016年7月30曰,香港]: 2016香港球壇盛事「AET國際挑戰盃 – 南華對祖雲達斯」今天假香港大球場舉行。連續蟬聯五屆意大利甲組聯賽冠軍祖雲達斯曾於2005年及2008年兩度訪港,今年再度應邀來港獻技,與主隊南華交鋒。
2分鐘,保羅戴巴拿左邊開出角球,阿歷士辛度衝前禁區內頂高。8分鐘,保羅戴巴拿右路罰球斬中,阿歷士辛度頭槌攻門卻告中柱彈出。10分鐘,施里接 應隊友右邊角球禁區跳頂,被曾文輝飛身撲出。21分鐘,南華球員中場右路罰球大腳吊入禁區,尼圖出迎手槌打空,皮球落在陳肇麒腳下,後者冷靜扣過對手射近 柱入網。26分鐘,比真歷中路罰球直射省中人牆,貝拿廸亞近門快射得手,助球隊成功扳平。39分鐘,保羅戴巴拿左邊位置開出罰球,貝拿廸亞遠柱臥射惜未中 目標。41分鐘,保羅戴巴拿一記遠射又被曾文輝及時救出。補時階段,卡斯當路斯左邊短傳交橫,保羅戴巴拿順勢一抽,卻被曾文輝橫身撲出。半場休息,兩隊暫 時以1:1打成平手。
46分鐘,賴恩格菲斯中路個人突破起腳乏力,被奥達路輕鬆沒收。52分鐘,阿歷士辛度左邊底線前傳中,羅薩堤快腳施射可惜出界。57分鐘,保羅戴巴 拿右邊開出角球,魯加尼頭槌攻門被摩拉輕易接住。58分鐘,祖雲達斯一次快速反擊,馬薩克右路傳中,羅薩堤禁區斜身抽射出界。61分鐘,祖雲達斯右路入 楔,卡斯當路斯快射又被摩拉出迎擋出。69分鐘,卡斯當路斯禁區對出起腳,再被摩拉橫身救出。70分鐘,陳肇麒峨眉月附近臥射,卻被對方門將一抱入懷。 83分鐘,柏度雲中路起腳遠射,摩拉接球甩手,被羅薩堤輕鬆近門射入。
(資料來源: 香港足球總會)
香港男子20歲以下代表隊力爭三連霸 女子港青求突破
[2016年7月30曰,香港]: 香港男女子20歲以下七人欖球青年軍將出席本季的「亞洲欖球總會20歲以下亞洲七人欖球系列賽」。賽事設有兩個分站,在本週末率先於馬來西亞柔佛開打,然後於八月十二及十三日便會進行香港站。
基於上兩屆香港男子20歲以下七人欖球青年軍都成為了這項比賽的盟主,外界普遍認為港隊是今屆的大熱門。但是20歲以下七人欖球青年軍教練范信基今 年召入多位新面孔:「上兩屆有份入選的球員當中,有部分已經超齡,有部分合資格但因其他因素而未能參賽,所以今年有數位新人亮相。」
今年入選名單中,只有艾查(Daniel Archer) 及卡馬朗史密夫( Cameron Smith)是上年的舊將,艾查是上年的最強攻擊手,於整個系列賽中取得八次達陣。而卡馬朗史密夫在上年只有三個達陣,但是這三個達陣是在香港站的決賽面 對斯里蘭卡時取得,最終以29-15擊對手,絕對是港隊奪冠功臣之一。
范信基同時召入了剛參與「世界青年欖球盃」的球員,包括隊長韋斯 (Pierce Mackinlay-West)、 希尼(Jonathan Healy)、鄧卓恆及 邵朗(Ron Siew)。此外,曾三次入選「世界青年欖球盃」的史戴爾斯(Hugo Stiles)也在陣中。范信基表示:「史戴爾斯的入選對球隊的確有很大的幫助,他曾經代表一隊出戰「東京七人欖球賽」,他非常明白七人欖球的打法及擁有 豐富的經驗,他在場上的領導能力及對十五人欖球的認識都能夠為球隊帶來好處。」
再者有份參與「世界青年欖球盃」的「香港戰士」成員,費特(Kevin Field)、林仲誠 、麥季聰 及 陳柏原也有入選,范信基面對的問題是如何將他們的經驗在今次賽事當中發揮作用並說:「希望剛出戰『世界青年欖球盃』的球員能夠提升球隊的強度,以及為球隊 帶來大賽經驗。這項比賽所有參賽球隊的實力有所提升,而今年我們將面對東道主及南韓兩支強隊,相信分組賽皆是硬仗。另外一組會有日本及斯里蘭卡,日本以往 從未參與此項比賽,斯里蘭卡在上年的比賽給了我們很多壓力,相信今年對我們來說會是一個挑戰。」
被寄於厚望爭取三連冠的港隊剛損失了上屆重臣之一徐灝晴(受傷),並由杜菲(Oliver Duffy)取而代之。杜菲是香港體育學院七人欖球隊的成員,他於上週奪得「第二屆亞洲中學生七人欖球錦標賽」錦標而獲青睞。
香港女子20歲以下七人欖球青年軍教練森瑪花(Sam Feausi)對球隊有信心,她認為球隊於六月開始的訓練令本地及「海歸派」球員均有充足及理想的賽前準備。港隊將會迎戰泰國、新加坡及東道主馬來西亞。 隨著日本的退出,香港的最大敵人相信是泰國。森瑪花表示:「我們的實力比上年變得更強,今年有數位球員參與上屆賽事並表現出色,另外我們還有四位海外球員 入選,增強球隊實力。」
本屆入選球員包含了6位上年有份參賽的球員,當中包括隊長李紫婷、副隊長陳芷晴及陳梓盈都是今次比賽的重要球員,她們於上年與一隊成員在香港體育學 院訓練表現突出,因此獲得入選機會。而譚宇晴、王雪盈及韋洛娜(Rosanna Wright)今年再次參賽,同時帶來更多經驗。
四位海外球員分別是杜倫大學(Durham University)的端拿(Roshini Turner)及碧比(Jade Birkby)、諾桑比亞大學(University of Northumbria)的韋洛娜、美國弗吉尼亞大學(University of Virginia – 美國)的端妮(Hannah Turley)。教練補充說:「我們與四位海外球員於今年有緊密的接觸,以及一直密切留意她們的表現,幸好她們都能夠參賽,相信她們能提升港隊實力。」
入選名單中有一位球員第一次參賽,歐景桃是一位非撞式欖球員,她代表南華會參賽。她在選拔的表現令到教練團隊眼前一亮,從而獲得今次比賽的入選機 會。教練說:「我很期待她在馬來西亞的表現。她並沒有參與青年軍訓練,但她在選拔當日表現非常出色。她是一位令人興奮的球員,她有速度及良好的步法,加上 懂得處理球賽中每一個決定。她是陣中七人欖球經驗最少的球員,可是她在訓練中非常突出,我對她充滿期望。」
對教練而言,香港本地球員加上海外球員的組軍,前景的確令人振奮,她續說:「所有女隊員都已經差不多完成大學課程,我期待著她們在不久的時間可以為 一隊帶來新衝擊。」「我們對這次賽事充滿信心,球員們目標一致,希望可以在馬來西亞奪得冠軍但千萬不可以掉以輕心。本屆賽事的對手都有所進歩,我認為最後 一埸迎戰泰國會是一場硬仗。」
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
[2016年7月28日,香港] 萬眾期待的「AET國際挑戰盃」將於本周六(7月30日)下午4:00假香港大球場正式上演,賽事由本地傳統勁旅南華迎戰意甲班霸祖雲達斯。祖雲達斯在日前完成澳洲墨爾本舉行的兩場國際冠軍盃後,將於今天稍後時間啟程前來香港,乘搭航班CX178於明日7月29日早上06:55飛抵香港。
祖雲達斯在今次遠東之旅以多位一隊主力成員帶領年青球員出戰,包括保羅.戴巴拿(Paulo Dybala)、阿歷士.辛度(Alex Sandro)、卡華禾.艾沙姆(Kwadwo Asamoah)及靴蘭尼斯(Hernanes)等主力球員均有隨隊,此外還安排了新簽入的比真歷(Miralem Pjanic)及貝拿迪亞(Medhi Benatia)隨隊,希望他們可以盡快適應球隊的戰術。賽會已經安排大軍在明日7月29日下午5:30在香港大球場召開記者會與新聞界見面,並隨即於下午6:00展開操練以適應香港的天氣和熟習比賽場地。
冠名贊助商AET先科(亞洲)有限公司董事長兼南華足球部主委張廣勇博士說:「今年有幸邀請意甲班霸祖雲達斯來港作賽,祖雲達斯近年在意甲及歐洲賽 中都有出色表現,陣中球員實力超班,絕對是一支星光熠熠的球隊,希望南華球員可以與祖雲達斯合演一場精彩賽事,以報答球迷的支持。」
祖雲達斯分別於上周末(7月23日)及本周二(7月26日)進行了兩場「國際冠軍盃」賽事作為熱身,首先他們與東道主球會墨爾本勝利交手,始終是本 季第一場友誼賽,祖雲達斯球員表現輕鬆,最終憑西班牙年青後衛白蘭高(Carlos Blanco Moreno)的50碼「長距離導彈式」入球先開紀錄,最終雙方打成1:1平手。
祖雲達斯在第二場「國際冠軍盃」賽事面對真正挑戰,他們的對手是英超代表熱刺。經過了首場賽事的熱身後,祖雲達斯球員狀熊有所提升,射手保羅.戴巴 拿乘對手後防的一次失誤,在5分鐘迅速打開紀錄,及後在16分鐘由兩位首次為斑馬軍團披軍上陣的新援合作攻堅,比真歷妙傳予禁區內的貝拿迪亞一頂中鵠,上 半場領先2:0;祖雲達斯在下半場大幅調整陣容的情況下被熱刺追回一球,最終仍以2:1取得墨爾本之旅的首場勝利。
祖雲達斯教練艾歷尼(Massimiliano Allegri)表示:「我非常滿意球隊在澳洲集訓的表現,相信各球員亦在兩場熱身賽中提升狀熊,球隊將以良好狀熊迎接對南華的一仗。」
祖雲達斯球會大使查斯古特(David Trezeguet)亦特別與香港的球迷打招呼,他說:「大家好,我是查斯古特,誠意邀請大家在7月30日星期六在香港大球場對南華的比賽為我們打氣。我們希望到時可以在現場與各位親愛的球迷見面,到時見!」
阿歷士.辛度(Alex Sandro)、卡華禾.艾沙姆(Asamoah)、奧達路(Audero)、貝拿迪亞(Benatia)、白蘭高(Blanco)、施里 (Cerri)、高高路(Coccolo)、迪化菲路(Del Favero)、保羅.戴巴拿(Dybala)、靴蘭尼斯(Hernanes)、卡斯當路斯(Kastanos)、勒美拿(Lemina)、尼路拿 (Lirola)、羅尼亞(Loria)、馬薩克(Macek)、馬朗尼(Marrone)、尼圖(Neto)、柏度雲(Padovan)、柏路迪 (Parodi)、羅拔圖.佩雷拉(Pereyra)、比真歷(Pjanic)、羅薩堤(Rosseti)、魯加尼(Rugani)、謝弗恩 (Severin)、維達利(Vitale)。
有興趣入場觀戰的球迷可以在明天(7月29日)晚上23:59前透過購票通 網上購票,或在營業時間內親臨16間指定售賣點,當中包括通利琴行、銅鑼灣HMV、亞洲世界博覽廣場及麥花臣運動場,球迷亦可以致電購票通熱線 21115333 購票。香港大球場的售價處將於賽事當日(7月30日)上午10:00開始現場發售,售完即止。
資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ Catalyst (嘉達利鋒)
先科(亞洲)以足球行善 送出二千張AET國際挑戰盃門票
[2016年7月27日,香港] 先科(亞洲)有限公司繼日前宣布冠名贊助「AET國際挑戰盃」,今天特別舉行記者招待會公布詳情和慈善活動。
除了慈善門票外, 張博士更安排了數千朵盛放的厄瓜多爾玫瑰空運到港。屆時,所有入場人士都可以於場內憑門票換領一枝厄瓜多爾玫瑰。此外,現場還會設有玫瑰足球擺設讓大家影相留念。
有關賽事的最新消息與及南華足球隊和祖雲達斯備戰「AET國際挑戰盃」的情況,請瀏覽賽事Facebook 專頁。
門票可以透過購票通 網上購買,或親臨16間指定售賣點,當中包括通利琴行、銅鑼灣HMV、亞洲世界博覽廣場及麥花臣運動場,球迷亦可以致電購票通熱線 21115333 購票。
賽馬會體藝中學 荃灣聖芳濟中學 保良局屯門關愛家庭中心 保良局田家炳關愛家庭中心 基督教家庭服務中心 學生輔助會 救世軍柴灣青少年綜合服務 明愛賽馬會長洲青少年綜合服務 東華三院余墨緣綜合服務中心 東華三院賽馬會利東綜合服務中心 生命熱線 社區組織協會 聖雅各福群會 賽馬會長洲鮑思高青年中心 鄰舍輔導會(東涌) 香港基督教女青年會 香港影視明星體育協會慈善基金 香港聖公會馬鞍山(南)青少年綜合服務中心 香港青少年發展聯會 香港基督教女青年會西環綜合社會服務處 方樹福堂兒童及青少年發展中心 香港小童群益會 – 賽馬會上環青少年綜合服務中心 香港明愛莫張瑞勤社區中心 香港明愛賽馬會石塘咀青少年綜合服務 中華基督教會馮梁結紀念中學 香港血友病會 車路士足球學校 伊利莎伯學校 Youth Square 保良局長康青少年發展中心 伯裘書院 小童群益會 – 屯門 Grassroots FC 曙光足球隊 YWCA 方舟足球隊 青心足球隊 聾協 香港青少年服務處 Homeless World Cup SSHK Executive Committee
資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ Catalyst (嘉達利鋒)
先科亞洲冠名贊助首屆國際挑戰盃 – 南華對祖雲達斯
[2016年7月26日,香港] 嘉達利鋒正式宣佈先科(亞洲)有限公司將會冠名贊助首屆國際挑戰盃。「AET國際挑戰盃」將於7月30日假香港大球場舉行,由本地傳統勁旅南華足球隊迎戰意甲盟主祖雲達斯,這是香港今年暑假唯一的一場海外球隊訪港的表演賽。
先科(亞洲)有限公司一向鼎力支持香港本地足球發展,早在2010年就贊助巴拉圭國家隊,並於同年邀請來港參加AET 盃國際足球友誼表演賽;先科(亞洲)更連續三年冠名贊助國際賽事,包括連續兩年冠名贊助香港足球總會的「AET馬年賀歲盃」及「AET羊年賀歲盃」。先科 (亞洲)有限公司主席張廣勇博士更在連續三季擔任南華足球隊班主。
張廣勇博士表示:「先科(亞洲)很榮幸能夠支持即將舉行的AET國際挑戰盃,我們很有信心這場有兩支亞洲和歐洲最具悠久歷史的傳統勁旅作賽的賽事, 將會大獲球迷歡迎和支持,讓本地球迷在暑假期間欣賞到高水平的足球表演;當然我們亦很高興能夠見證南華足球隊在今季聯賽開鑼前的首場主場賽事。」
祖雲達斯將會由阿根廷前鋒保羅戴巴拿(Paulo Dybala)和巴西中場靴蘭尼斯(Hernanes)領軍,同時亦會帶來幾位今季加盟的新球員比真歷(Miralen Pjanic)和貝拿迪亞(Medhi Benatia) ,讓香港的球迷見識一下斑馬兵團的實力。
有關賽事的最新消息與及南華足球隊和祖雲達斯備戰「AET國際挑戰盃」的情況,可以留意國際挑戰盃的官方Facebook 專頁:。
賽事門票定價相當合理,讓大眾可以一同到香港大球場享受足球的樂趣,為全日制學生( 25歲或以下)及長者( 60歲及以上 )而設的特惠門票訂價為180港元,正式門票價錢為300港元至680港元不等。
門票可以透過購票通 網上購買,或親臨16間指定售賣點,當中包括通利琴行、銅鑼灣HMV、亞洲世界博覽廣場及麥花臣運動場,球迷亦可以致電購票通熱線 21115333 購票。
資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ Catalyst (嘉達利鋒)
PGA TOUR 及清水灣鄉村俱樂部宣佈 香港將成為美巡中國系列賽最新賽站
2016年7月25日,香港:美巡賽(PGA TOUR)及清水灣鄉村俱樂部 (「清水灣」) 宣佈,清水灣高爾夫球公開賽將會納入2016年平安銀行中國巡迴賽 -- 美巡中國系列賽的官方賽程。屆時,清水灣鄉村俱樂部將會上演72洞賽事,並成為美巡中國系列賽首個中國大陸以外賽站。
美 巡賽副總裁、大中華區董事總經理葛國瑞(Greg Gilligan)表示﹕「我們為即將於香港舉行的清水灣高爾夫球公開賽感到興奮。全新的香港賽站引證美巡中國系列賽更進一步的發展,亦展現了美巡中國系 列賽在大中華地區的影響力。我們亦感謝清水灣鄉村俱樂部為美巡中國系列賽的付出。我肯定選手會愛上清水灣鄉村俱樂部球場的壯麗景色,亦會享受在香港這個國 際都會比賽。」
1982年建成的清水灣鄉村俱樂部將會成為香港賽站的比賽場地及冠名贊助,提供分為峰畔九洞及臨海九洞的18洞標準球場。清 水灣鄉村俱樂部在新界地區,位於半島之上,飽覽南中國海及香港的迷人景色。在首次開幕後,清水灣鄉村俱樂部於曾邀知名高爾夫球場設計公司Thomson Perrett的團隊重新設計球場,提升至現有水平。Thomson Perrett主席Peter Thomson為世界高爾夫名人堂成員,曾贏得5次英國高爾夫球公開賽冠軍,更3度成為總統盃國際隊隊長。Thomson Perrett亦曾為12個國家的高爾夫球場進行設計或重新規劃。
清 水灣鄉村俱樂部主席李維文表示﹕「我們對於能夠舉辦今年度清水灣高爾夫球公開賽,並成為冠名贊助,感到高興及自豪。以往,我們積極在社區推動體育發展,特 別是青少年高爾夫運動。2015年清水灣鄉村俱樂部舉辦亞太業餘高爾夫錦標賽,比賽在球場內外都獲得成功。我們很榮幸可以再次舉辦亞洲區內知名及備受好評 的頂尖職業高爾夫球賽事,並非常期待在『清水灣』為大家呈獻世界級的體育盛事。」
亞太業餘高爾夫錦標賽於2015年10月在清水灣鄉村俱樂 部舉行。美巡中國系列賽賽選手金誠在比賽中奪冠,他是唯一在美巡中國系列賽優勝的業餘選手,更曾於九龍山公開賽2014獲勝。來自北京的金誠今年以亞太業 餘高爾夫錦標賽冠軍身分,參加了於喬治亞州奧古斯塔高爾夫球俱樂部舉行的美國名人賽。
美巡中國系列賽作為雲集中國及世界各地精英選手的巡迴 賽,即將踏入第三年。美巡中國系列賽亦為選手提供晉身國際舞台的機會。與拉丁美洲及加拿大的其他地區美巡系列賽一樣,季度優秀的球手可以透過中國系列賽參 與Web.com巡迴賽,繼而有機會參與美國職業高爾夫球巡迴賽。每個美巡中國系列賽賽站亦會計入選手世界高爾夫球排行榜積分。得分將用作評定2016年 巴西里約熱內盧奧運高爾夫球項目的參賽資格。2015年年度選手為澳洲的Bryden Macpherson,2014年則為中國的李昊桐,兩人現時均為 巡迴賽球手。
美巡賽主席提姆·芬臣(Tim Finchem,左)與清水灣鄉村俱樂部主席李維文(右)簽訂為期3年的合約。
左至右:清水灣鄉村俱樂部總經理Peter Downie、清水灣鄉村俱樂部高爾夫球會委員會主席許震宇、美巡賽主席 提姆·芬臣(Tim Finchem)、清水灣鄉村俱樂部主席李維文及美巡賽副主席傑·莫納漢。
(資料提供: i3 Sports)
Hong Kong to host the “IHF Trophy 2016” international handball event in Asia
Hong Kong (July 25 2016) – The cosmopolitan city of Hong Kong was the host of the Zone IA of the “IHF Trophy 2016” in Asia, as recognised by the IHF (International Handball Federation), from 20 to 24 July. The tournament had gathered teams from the South and the South East Asian region as they had competed for a place on the continental phase of the IHF Trophy for Asia.
Hong Kong in the men’s competition and Chinese Taipei in the women’s competition were defending their 2014 titles, as five other teams in both the men’s and women’s competition were challenging them for the trophy. The Kowloon Park Sports Center was the venue of the tournament as DPR Korea, Macau, Mongolia and Vietnam had taken on the courts against champions Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei.
As usual practice during IHF Trophy Events, the International Handball Federation had organized courses for referees and coaches parallel to the Competition. Mr. Radhi Jassim (BRN) was the head to lead the referee course, while Mr. Ali Reza Habibi (IRN) was to handle the coaches course.
After tough competitions for 5 days, the results are:-
Champion – Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (PRK)
1st Runner-up – Chinese Taipei (TPE)
2nd Runner-up – Hong Kong, China (HKG)
Champion – Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (PRK)
1st Runner-up – Chinese Taipei (TPE)
2nd Runner-up – Vietnam (VIE)
相片簿: –
”IHF Trophy 2016” International Handball in Hong Kong – Photo Album
(Information source: International Handball Federation)
[2016年7月19日,香港]: 「2016尼康 香港青少年公開賽」今日(19日)假伊利沙伯體育館煞科,由港青小花蘇慧音對中國球手錢天一的女單決賽成為全晚焦點,最終蘇慧音在力戰下以0:4惜負對 手,奪得銀牌;至於少年組方面,李嘉宜與黃芊柔則在女雙決賽力壓台北組合封后。總結整個賽事,港隊以2金1銀7銅的佳績完成掃牌之旅。
蘇慧音乘著昨日勇挫穆靜毓的強勢,今午她於女單四強以4:1輕取日本削球手竹內嘉菜,殺入晚上進行的決賽。決賽再面對中國新星錢天一,蘇慧音未有受 分組賽的敗仗影響,甫開賽已與對手鬥得勢均力敵,幾下快攻及殺球更令現場觀眾拍手歡呼。雖然分數一直緊咬,可惜每當關鍵時刻,蘇慧音都未能把握機會,相反 對手錢天一表現較為穩定下,最終以直落局數4:0(11-9、11-8、11-8、11-9)勝出。
以一面銀牌完結8年青少年公開賽生涯,蘇慧音坦言自己已盡了力:「今仗我做足準備提防她(錢天一),盡量以打快攻為主,雖然在關鍵時刻始終不及她, 但我覺得今仗已進步了很多,所以已無遺憾了。」談到未來目標,蘇慧音表示自己的技術還有進步空間,期望在9月的亞洲青少年錦標賽打入前四。
少年組方面,香港女雙組合李嘉宜與黃芊柔發揮出色,在決賽一度落後下,以3:2(8-11、11-1、6-11、11-8、11-7)反勝台北的張 如嘉/黃愉倢,繼團體賽後再度封后。其中,李嘉宜更於女單添下銅牌,以2金1銅的佳績完成今屆賽事。雖然未能完成三金目標,但嘉宜表示對結果已非常滿意, 現時就讀中二的她更希望往後可像「師姐」蘇慧音一樣,成為全職乒乓球運動員。
總結今屆賽事,港隊共奪得2金1銀7銅的佳績,香港乒乓總會主席余國樑表示十分滿意一眾港將的表現:「我們舉辦此比賽目的是希望予香港球員更多實戰 機會,看看其他國家球手的水平,而今屆很值得高興,因為我們的小將都進步很很多,特別是蘇慧音與李嘉宜,她們的技術又再提升了。」
(資料來源: 香港乒乓總會)
[2016年7月19日,香港]: 意甲冠軍祖雲達斯領隊艾歷尼(Massimiliano Allegri)公佈前往墨爾本國際冠軍盃及香港國際挑戰盃2016大軍,射手保羅.戴巴拿(Paulo Dybala)、巴西孖寶靴蘭尼斯(Hernanes)及阿歷士.辛度(Alex Sandro)、以及兩位歐洲球壇新星比真歷(Miralem Pjanic)及貝拿迪亞(Medhi Benatia)均入選最終25人名單。
去年才加入斑馬軍團的保羅.戴巴拿全季表現非常出色,並憑著23個入球,顯示他在球隊中的個人實力。此外保羅.戴巴拿在隊中與所有球員有良好的關 係,當中包括隊長保方(Gianluigi Buffon)、基亞連尼(Giorgio Chiellini)、邦路斯(Leonardo Bonucci)、艾拉( Patrice Evra)、保羅.普巴(Paul Pogba)及文迪蘇傑(Mario Mandzukic)等對他在場上的支援,對球隊在意甲的整體表現非常關鍵。
在這次遠東季前熱身賽中,保羅.戴巴拿將與各位一隊球員靴蘭尼斯、勒美拿(Mario Lemina)、卡華禾.艾沙姆(Kwadwo Asamoah)、阿歷士.辛度及魯加尼(Daniele Rugani)再次在球場上緊密合作。同時,祖雲達斯亦會帶同兩位新球員比真歷及貝拿迪亞參與季前熱身賽,借此機會令他們可以盡快適應球隊的打法。
為波斯尼亞國家隊上陣超過60場的中場球員比真歷於上個月選擇了離開效力五年的意甲球隊羅馬,轉投祖雲達斯,他在來季會穿上他的偶像施丹(Zinedine Zidane)效力祖雲達斯時的5號球衣。
摩洛哥中堅貝拿迪亞於上星期以借用形式從拜仁慕尼黑加盟祖雲達斯,祖雲達斯會有此球員的優先購入權。這位29歲中堅於過去13年職業生涯中,在 2014年加盟拜仁慕尼黑之前曾效力意甲的烏甸尼斯及羅馬,他在拜仁慕尼黑更取得連續兩年德甲冠軍。在國際賽方面,他曾代表摩洛哥出戰2012及2013 非洲國家盃。
賽事門票現正公開發售,售價為HK$300、 HK$400、 HK$500及HK$680,全日制學生(25歲或以下)及長者(60歲及以上)均可以購買優惠票HK$180。門票可以透過www.cityline.com網上購買,或親臨15間指定售賣點,當中包括通利琴行、銅鑼灣HMV、亞洲世界博覽廣場及麥花臣運動場。球迷亦可以致電購票通熱線 2111 5333 購票。
關於南華及祖雲達斯的最新資訊,可以留意國際挑戰盃的官方Facebook page:。
阿歷士.辛度(Alex Sandro)、卡華禾.艾沙姆(Asamoah)、奧達路(Audero)、貝拿迪亞(Benatia)、白蘭高(Blanco)、施里 (Cerri)、高高路(Coccolo)、迪化菲路(Del Favero)、保羅.戴巴拿(Dybala)、靴蘭尼斯(Hernanes)、卡斯當路斯(Kastanos)、勒美拿(Lemina)、尼路拿 (Lirola)、羅尼亞(Loria)、馬薩克(Macek)、馬朗尼(Marrone)、尼圖(Neto)、柏度雲(Padovan)、柏路迪 (Parodi)、羅拔圖.佩雷拉(Pereyra)、比真歷(Pjanic)、羅薩堤(Rosseti)、魯加尼(Rugani)、謝弗恩 (Severin)、維達利(Vitale)。
祖雲達斯擁有自己的球場成立於2011年9月8日,並正在建設一個新的球會總部。 2012年9月5日,一所為祖雲達斯青少年球員而設、獲得全面認可的學校 (祖雲達斯學院) 在祖雲達斯訓練中心隆重開幕。
資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ Catalyst (嘉達利鋒)
Minnie Soo Wai Yam Unbeaten but Team Effort Secures Title for China
Hong Kong (July 16 2016) – 2016 Hong Kong Junior & Cadet Open – ITTF GoldenSeries Junior Circuit
A valiant effort from the hosts but in the Junior Girls’ Team event at the Nikon 2016 Hong Kong Junior and Cadet Open, staged in the Queen Elizabeth Stadium, on the second day of play, Saturday 16th July, there was no stopping China.
At the end of proceedings, when the names of the winners were announced; the trio formed by Mu Jingyu, Sun Yingsha and Qian Tianyi stood tall on the top step of the medal podium.
Courageous Response
The courageous response came from Hong Kong ‘A’ and especially from their leading player, Minnie Soo Wai Yam. She beat both Mu Jingyu (11-8, 11-7, 3-11, 11-9) and Sun Yingsha (6-11, 11-8, 11-3, 11-8) in their semi-final duel.
Alas, for the hosts it was to be their only success; Mak Tze Wing, having won the opening two games against Sun Yingsha, was beaten in a full distance duel in the second match of the fixture (11-13, 8-11, 11-8, 11-4, 11-2). Later in the concluding match of the engagement, Mak Tze Wing lost to Mu Jingyu (11-6, 11-2, 11-4).
The one further win for China was secured in the third match of the engagement when Qian Tianyi accounted for Liu Qi (11-8, 6-11, 11-2, 11-4).
Notably, one round earlier the Hong Kong trio had beaten the top seeded Japanese outfit formed by Miyu Nagasaki, Maki Shiomi and Yuka Minagawa by three matches to one.
Similar to the later contest against China, Minnie Soo Wai Yam had remained unbeaten. She overcame both Miyu Nagasaki (10-12, 11-13, 11-7, 11-7, 11-7) and Maki Shiomi (7-11, 11-8, 15-13, 11-8); significantly remaining unbeaten throughout the whole event.
More Comfortable
Testing times but in the final life was more comfortable for China; a three-nil success was posted against the Chinese Taipei ‘B’ Team outfit comprising Chen Ying-Hen, Chen Ting-Ting and Su Pei-Ling.
Mu Jingyu gave China the perfect start by beating Chen Ying-Chen (13-11, 11-5, 11-8), before Sun Yingsha accounted for Chen Ting-Ting (11-8, 11-2, 11-5) and Qian Tianyi ended matters by defeating Su Pei-Ling (11-7, 9-11, 11-4, 11-4).
Adjacent Half of Draw
In the opposite half of the draw, at the semi-final stage, Chen Ying-Hen, Chen Ting-Ting and Su Pei-Ling had recorded a three-nil win against the Japan ‘B’ Team outfit formed by Yuko Kato, Miyuu Kihara and Kana Takeuchi.
Same Outcome
Defeat at the final hurdle by three matches to nil for Chinese Taipei in the Junior Girls’ Team event, it was the very same in the title deciding contest in the Cadet Girls’ Team competition. The combination of Huang Yu-Jie and Chang Ju-Chia experienced defeat at the hands of Lee Ka Yee and Wong Chin Yau.
Lee Ka Yee beat Huang Yu-Jie (11-3, 11-6, 11-4), prior to Wong Chin Yau defeating Chang Ju-Chia (11-7, 11-7, 11-9) and a doubles success ending matters (6-11, 11-1, 11-9, 11-2).
Earlier in Proceedings
Earlier at the quarter-final stage, Huang Yu-Jie and Chang Ju-Chia had overcome the Hong Kong ‘D’ Team duo of Jim Lok Lam and Fung Wai Chu, before reserving their place in the final, courtesy of success in opposition to the Hong Kong ‘B’ Team partnership of Leung Ka Wan and Chau Wing Sze.
Three matches to nil verdicts were the outcome in both contests.
Overcame Colleagues
In the opposite half of the draw, Lee Ka Yee and Wong Chin Yau, who had received a direct entry to the semi-finals, booked their place in the title deciding match courtesy of success in opposition to the Hong Kong ‘C’ Team duo formed by Poon Yat and Ng Wing Lam.
A three-one win was the margin of victory, the one success for the defeated being in the doubles when Poon Yat and Ng Wing Lam recorded a five games success (11-2, 8-11, 5-11, 11-4, 11-8).
Individual Events
The team events concluded, attention now turns to the individual competition; play in the Junior Girls’ Singles and Cadet Girls’ Singles events commence on Sunday 17th July.
(Information Source: Hong Kong Table Tennis Association)
Different Partners but One Again Success for Victor Liu and Xu Yingbin
Hong Kong (July 16 2016) – 2016 Hong Kong Junior & Cadet Open – ITTF GoldenSeries Junior Circuit
Just under one year ago, in the setting of the Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Victor Liu of the United States emerged successful in the Cadet Boys’ Team title; approaching twelve months later in the very same venue, on Saturday 16th July, he repeated the feat.
Only at the Nikon 2016 Hong Kong Junior and Cadet Open, it was with a different partner; in 2015 he had joined forces with China’s Xu Yingbin, now it was in harness with Yang Shuo, also from China.
Likewise, it was a pleasant return to the Special Administrative Region of China for Xu Yingbin; alongside Yu Heyi and Yuan Licen, he was a member of the successful outfit that struck gold in the Junior Boys’ Team event.
Success in Style
Furthermore, for both players it was success in style; neither outfit was at any stage stretched the full five match distance.
At the quarter-final stage of the Cadet Boys’ Team event, a three-one success was posted against the Hong Kong ‘B’ Team partnership of Chan Yee Shun and Lee Pak Ho; before by the same margin, victory was secured in opposition to the Korean combination of Park Gyeontae and Hwang Jinha.
The Final
A place in the final booked, matters progressed as in the previous two rounds; a three-one victory margin was recorded against the Chinese Taipei ‘B’ Team duo of Huang Yan-Cheng and Feng Yi-Hsin.
Notably Yang Shuo maintained his unbeaten record in singles matches. He accounted for Huang Yan-Cheng (11-4, 12-14, 11-5, 11-6) and Feng Yi-Hsin (11-5, 4-11, 11-4, 11-8) with the one further success being secured in the doubles (1-11, 11-9, 11-9, 11-6). The one win for Chinese Taipei was gained in the second match of the engagement when Feng Yi-Hsin overcame Vitor Liu (11-5, 10-12, 7-11, 11-9, 11-9).
Opposite Half of Draw
In the opposite half of the draw in the latter stages Huang Yan-Cheng and Feng Yi-Hsin ended the hopes of the host association.
Impressively, in the round of the last eight they beat the Hong Kong ‘D’ Team duo of Wong Hon Lam and Chui King Kiu, before overcoming the Hong Kong ‘C’ Team partnership of Chou Chun Kit and Maurice Kai Ning Chong.
Convincing from Victor Liu and Yang Shuo; it was even more convincing from Xu Yingbin, Yu Heyi and Yuan Licen.
They surrendered just on individual match en route to the title; the one hiccup was in the semi-final duel against Hong Kong, the second seeds, when Kwan Man Ho beat Xu Yingbin (11-7, 11-9), 7-11, 11-9)
Success by three matches to one was the end result; Ng Pak Nam was beaten by both Yu Heyi (11-6, 10-12, 11-7, 11-7) and by Xu Yingbin (11-5, 12-10, 11-6); whilst in the third match of the fixture, Cheng Pak Hei had suffered against Yuan Licen (11-9, 11-3, 11-9).
One match surrendered, in the final, as it had been in the quarter-final against the Thailand trio of Sirawit Puangthip, Pattaratorn Passara and Yanapong Panagitgun, it was a three-nil success.
No mercy was displayed against the Chinese Taipei outfit formed by Huang Chien-Tu, Lin Yu-Ju and Yu Cheng-Feng.
Xu Yingbin beat Huang Chien-Tu (11-8, 11-2, 12-10), Yu Heyi overcame Lin Yun-Ju (11-4, 11-9, 4-11, 11-9), before Yuan Licen ended matters by defeating Yi Cheng-Feng 11-9, 11-8, 6-11, 11-4).
Beat Top Seeds
Victory over Chinese Taipei was a most creditable success; at the quarter-final Huang Chien-Tu, Lin Yu-Ju and Yu Cheng-Feng had caused a major upset by overcoming the top seeded Japanese trio of Yukiya Uda, Kojo Kanamitsu and Shunsuke Togami by three matches to nil.
It was a result they were also to repeat at the semi-final stage in opposition to the Korean outfit formed by Seo Hongchan, Kang Jiho and Jung Namju.
Individual Events
The team events concluded, attention now turns to the individual competition; play in the Junior Boys’s Singles and Cadet Boys’s Singles events commence on Sunday 17th July.
(Information Source: Hong Kong Table Tennis Association)
六藝五常嘉年華 – 2016香港教育大學 Panasonic 水球同樂日
[2016年7月6日, 香港]: 2016香港教育大學Panasonic水球同樂日將於七月八日 (星期五) 假香港教育大學Block E室外游泳池舉行。
是次水球同樂日免費入場,歡迎各公眾人士參觀是次本地水球盛事。大家也可到六藝五常嘉年華活動網頁 ( 內詳細瀏覽更多賽事資料 。
(資料提供: 香港業餘游泳總會)
第七屆新加坡跳水錦標賽 香港跳水代表隊成績驕人
[2016年7月6日, 香港]: 香港跳水隊剛於六月三十日至七月四日獲邀前往新加坡參加「第七屆新加坡跳水錦標賽」。
是次賽事共有斯里蘭卡﹑哈薩克﹑馬來西亞﹑烏茲別克﹑印尼﹑ 四川﹑北京和澳門等隊伍參加,超過五十名運動好手參加。香港跳水隊共派出三名運動員參賽, 包括表現優秀的侯嘉俊及阮秀軏及成績理想的陳臨,並成功奪得三金一銅的佳績。
今次港遠征新加坡比賽成績驕人! 詳細成績分別為:-
侯嘉俊 (17歲) – 男子國際分齡組A組一米板金牌
侯嘉俊 (17歲) – 男子國際分齡組A組三米板金牌
阮秀軏 (14歲) – 女子分齡組高級組一米板金牌
陳臨( 12歲) – 國際分齡組女子C組銅牌
(資料提供: 香港業餘游泳總會)
Visa Fastest Lap ends up deciding the 2015/16 FIA Formula E Championship
LONDON, UK (July 3 2016) – Sebastien Buemi is the new FIA Formula E champion after clinching the title courtesy of setting the Visa Fastest Lap during the season-ending Visa London ePrix.
The final race of the 2015/16 season was a controversial affair, brought about by title rivals Buemi and Lucas di Grassi colliding on the opening lap of the race. Buemi made a slow start from pole, and was rear-ended by di Grassi under braking for Turn 3.
The incident took the rear wing off Buemi’s Renault e.dams entry, while there was significant front end damage to the Abt Schaeffler car of di Grassi. Both drivers limped back to the pits so that they could switch to their second car.
With two points on offer for the Visa Fastest Lap and both drivers tied on points, the championship now boiled down to a fight over who could be quickest over a flying lap. Both drivers – and Stephane Sarrazin – were awarded FanBoost, but the rules state that this power boost cannot be used to claim the bonus points.
Waiting for a clear piece of track to emerge, the protagonists bided their time in the pits, waiting for the perfect time to get a clear lap. Di Grassi struck first, but Buemi’s response was emphatic. Di Grassi gave everything in his response, but fell short, leaving the Swiss racer to succeed Nelson Piquet Jr as Formula E champion.
“The most important thing is that we won both championships,” said Buemi. “I’m actually sad you know, to win it in that way, but also to see what Lucas did because I was very respectful of his driving, he’s been amazing. Like he’s said many times, his car is very bad and he is a very good driver, and if he was in my car he’d be at least half a second quicker!
“He’s a great driver, he did 24 hours in Le Mans, he never touched a car. He went between Nico and the wall, and I could tell you there was maybe five centimetres and once he braked, I just saw on the camera, he has two options – either go to the right or nail the back of my car and he nailed it perfectly. But a little bit too strong because we both went out.
“I’m a bit sad to see this because I think that was his only opportunity. In the end we had the quickest car, we were the best team. If we could’ve come out of this corner in front of him, we would’ve been far quicker.”
Alain Prost, Senior Team Manager at Renault e.dams, said: “It was fantastic, we have improved the car a little bit and made it a little bit better for Nico’s style in the last few races. Sebastien was stunning today, we wanted to be on Super Pole for the three points and we got it. We wanted to be champions, we could not expect much more because in these types of races, especially on a track like this, like here in London – it’s tricky, with the weather. You can have a really different situation. It was the target and goal to be champion at the beginning of the year and we did it. It’s not very often that you have a target and you achieve your objective.”
With all the focus on the championship permutations, it was easy to ignore the stunning drive that Nico Prost put in to claim back-to-back wins around Battersea Park. His win ensured that Renault e.dams retained the teams’ championship and secured him third overall in the drivers’ points.
“I think di Grassi wanted to visit London so he went straight, but Seb was in the way! It didn’t end well,” he observed. “The safety cars were the main challenge, but the first car especially was flying so I could pull away quite easily every time. Then it’s just a case of remaining focused and not making a mistake. The team gave me a fantastic car this weekend, they don’t get much better than this to be honest.”
There were three Qualcomm Safety Car periods during a stop-start race, and the drama continued after the flag fell with third-placed man Jean-Eric Vergne (DS Virgin), Nick Heidfeld (Mahindra) and Antonio Felix da Costa (Team Aguri) all being hit with time penalties for exceeding the permitted energy limit.
This promoted Jerome D’Ambrosio of Dragon Racing to third place, his team-mate Loic Duval into fourth and Stephane Sarrazin into fifth for Venturi. Bruno Senna claimed sixth for Mahindra ahead of team-mate Nick Heidfeld. Vergne’s additional penalty for an unsafe release dropped him to eighth and the two NEXTEV TCR drivers picked up the final points positions.
The weekend was a great success with 42,000 fans piling into Battersea Park over the two races and enjoying a host of eSports action and live music acts, both presented by Visa.
Now the teams turn their attentions to developing their season three packages to ensure they’re ready when the all-electric racing series sparks back into life on October 9 with the HKT Hong Kong ePrix.
Following an appeal from Dragon Racing regarding the Stewards decision relating to two penalties applied to Jean-Eric Vergne, the result of the race remains subject to the findings of the International Court of Appeal.
2016 Visa London ePrix (Rd 10) – Race results
1. Nico Prost, Renault e.dams, 56:32.648s (25)
2. Daniel Abt, Abt Schaeffler Audi Sport, +7.633s (18)
3. Jerome D’Ambrosio, Dragon Racing, +22.524s (15)
4. Loic Duval, Dragon Racing, +23.290s (12)
5. Stephane Sarrazin, Venturi, +24.984s (10)
6. Bruno Senna, Mahindra Racing, +27.174s (8)
7. Nick Heidfeld, Mahindra Racing, +1:07.544s (6)
8. Jean-Eric Vergne, DS Virgin Racing, +1:08.002s (4)
9. Nelson Piquet Jr, NEXTEV TCR, +1:14.270s (2)
10. Oliver Turvey, NEXTEV TCR, +1:22.216s (1)
11. Antonio Felix da Costa, Team Aguri, +1:58.324s
12. Ma Qing Hua, Team Aguri, +1 lap
13. Mike Conway, Venturi, +1 lap
14. Lucas di Grassi, Abt Schaeffler Audi Sport, DNF
15. Sebastien Buemi, Renault e.dams, DNF (5)
16. Robin Frijns, Andretti Formula E, DNF
17. Simona de Silvestro, Andretti Formula E, DNF
18. Sam Bird, DS Virgin Racing, DNF
Driver standings
Sebastien Buemi, Renault e.dams – 155
Lucas di Grassi, Abt Schaeffler Audi Sport – 153
Nico Prost, Renault e.dams – 115
Sam Bird, DS Virgin Racing – 88
Jerome D’Ambrosio, Dragon Racing – 83
Stephane Sarrazin, Venturi – 70
Team standings
Renault e.dams – 270
Abt Schaeffler Audi Sport – 221
DS Virgin Racing – 144
Dragon Racing – 143
Mahindra Racing – 105
Venturi – 77
Andretti Formula E – 49
Team Aguri – 32
(Source: Elite Step Asia/ FIA Formula-e)
Buemi and di Grassi charge up the order, but it’s Prost who leads the way
LONDON, UK (July 2 2016) – Nico Prost scored his second FIA Formula E Championship win in style at the Visa London ePrix, but it was the action that played out behind him that captured the imagination of the enthusiastic crowd in the penultimate race of the season.
Prost drove a faultless race, leading away from pole, establishing a commanding lead before easily defending it when a late-race Qualcomm Safety Car period closed up the pack. It was his first win of the season, in fact his first since Miami in season one. But it was a stunning performance nevertheless.
“It’s been an up and down year for me, so it’s really nice,” said Prost. “I was very confident coming here as in the last few races we’ve been very competitive and to be honest the team gave me a fantastic car all day long. It’s the kind of race you want to have. When I see Bruno’s helmet in the pitlane I get goosebumps. It’s really nice, he’s a friend and it’s nice to be on the podium with him here.”
In second place Bruno Senna gave the headline writers plenty of ammunition by delivering his best performance to date, and securing second place for Mahindra Racing sealing the first Prost/Senna podium in Britain since Donington, 1993. While he was never really close enough to challenge Prost, equally he was never really under threat from behind, and duly delivered his first podium finish.
“Today I finally got to second place,” said Senna. “There’s always one more if you’re in second, but today I had no chance against Nico. He was faster, I was trying to keep up with him but also at the same time I had to do my race. Ultimately the safety car put things on the back foot, especially because the guys behind had a bit more energy. Today was all about being safe on the track, and we did a good job. The team did a great job. The team was working well with the car and I had no issues. Qualifying, we finally got to Super Pole without being disqualified as well! Everything went to plan and here is the result.”
The dominance of the lead duo meant that the focus of the race was the battle for third. Oliver Turvey appeared set to give NEXTEV TCR a first podium of the season, but with just a couple of laps left to run he hit the wall bringing his great drive to an end.
This promoted Jean-Eric Vergne into third. The DS Virgin driver had an entertaining race, with his mirrors full almost throughout. At first it was his team-mate Sam Bird applying the pressure, but after the pitstops it was the title protagonists Lucas di Grassi and Sebastien Buemi.
After catching the worst of the fickle weather in qualifying, they lined-up 10th and 12th, but despite the difficulties of passing around the Battersea Park circuit, they pulled off a series of great overtakes to put themselves in the mix for a podium spot. At one point di Grassi managed to get fully alongside, but JEV refused to yield and there was contact, which removed the right front wheel fairing of the Abt Schaeffler car.
“I’m really happy but I owe this one to the team,” said Vergne. “I have to say that I have been very unlucky in the past few years but today I had a huge amount of luck. I had a crash and then the rain came, and no one could beat my time that I did on 170kW, I got lucky. The team has done an amazing job to fix the car on time.”
Despite the damage di Grassi managed to come home fourth. Going into the final lap Bird was sandwiched between the title rivals, having pulled a great move on Buemi after the Swiss driver had initially passed him. But with the finish almost in sight the Brit ran out of energy and slowed, which caused some contact with Buemi who was in his slipstream at the time. All this meant Buemi finished fifth and means there’s just three points separating the two top with only tomorrow’s race left to run.
From 14th on the grid, Antonio Felix da Costa drove a great race to take sixth place for Team Aguri. Two of those places came after Daniel Abt and Robin Frijns banged wheels as they fought for position. This sent Abt bouncing into the wall and back into the path of the Andretti entry.
Bird coasted home for seventh, just ahead of Nick Heidfeld. The Mahindra driver once again was a FanBoost vote winner, as were Buemi and di Grassi, but used the additional power boost twice and picked up a penalty. Jerome D’Ambrosio was promoted to eighth for Dragon Racing while Mike Conway moved to ninth for Venturi, as his team-mate Stephane Sarrazin kept up his record of scoring in every race in 10th. At the scene of his title joy in 2015, NEXTEV’s Nelson Piquet Jr had the consolation of collecting the two points for Visa Fastest Lap, but was left ruing the technical issue that meant he started from the back at what was the team’s most competitive showing of the season.
The season concludes tomorrow with the second Visa London ePrix. With the weather once again expected to be predictably unpredictable, there’s literally everything still to play for.
2016 Visa London ePrix (Rd 9) – Race results
1. Nico Prost, Renault e.dams, 53:56.653s (28)
2. Bruno Senna, Mahindra Racing, +5.244s (18)
3. Jean-Eric Vergne, DS Virgin Racing, +8.195s (15)
4. Lucas di Grassi, Abt Schaeffler Audi Sport, +8.914s (12)
5. Sebastien Buemi, Renault e.dams, +10.052s (10)
6. Antonio Felix da Costa, Team Aguri, +10.908s (8)
7. Sam Bird, DS Virgin Racing, +10.986s (6)
8. Jerome D’Ambrosio, Dragon Racing, +12.106s (4)
9. Mike Conway, Venturi, +12.456s (2)
10. Stephane Sarrazin, Venturi, +15.918s (1)
11. Ma Qing Hua, Team Aguri, +38.400s
12. Nelson Piquet Jr, NEXTEV TCR, +52.028s (2)
13. Nick Heidfeld, Mahindra Racing, +1:01.264s
14. Simona de Silvestro, Andretti Formula E, +1:01.079s
15. Oliver Turvey, NEXTEV TCR, +3 laps
16. Loic Duval, Dragon Racing, DNF
17. Robin Frijns, Andretti Formula E, DNF
18. Daniel Abt, Abt Schaeffler Audi Sport, DNF
Driver standings
Lucas di Grassi, Abt Schaeffler Audi Sport – 153
Sebastien Buemi, Renault e.dams – 150
Nico Prost, Renault e.dams – 90
Sam Bird, DS Virgin Racing – 88
Jerome D’Ambrosio, Dragon Racing – 68
Stephane Sarrazin, Venturi – 60
(Source: Elite Step Asia/ FIA Formula-e)
香港電訊 Formula E 門票熱賣促使主辦單位加推主看台門票
第二季剛在倫敦落幕 電動方程式隨即宣佈香港為第三季首站
[2016年7月3日,香港] 首屆2016香港電訊電動方程式 (2016 FIA Formula E HKT Hong Kong ePrix) 第一階段門票公開發售銷情暢旺,2,000張主看台門票在5月31日公開發售之一個月內沽清。
國際汽車聯會[Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA)]亦即電動方程式官方認可機構,昨日正式確認首屆香港電訊電動方程式將成為第三季的揭幕賽事。
電動方程式將香港站為第三季第一戰的建議昨日由國際汽車聯會在巴特斯公園(Battersea Park)一連兩日的倫敦站上公佈,冠軍屬迪加斯(Lucas di Grassi)和布耶美(Sebastian Buemi)兩雄之爭,只有一人可成為尼爾遜‧小畢奇(Nelson Piquet Junior)的皇座繼位者。經過9站激鬥後,Abt Schaeffler Audi Sport隊的迪加斯與Renault e.dams隊的布耶美相隔只有三分。
署理商務及經濟發展局局長梁敬國先生說:「我們很高興獲悉國際汽車聯會確認香港成為2016/17賽季的第一站。香港特別行政區政府全力支持這頂級 賽車盛事落戶香港,賽事將向世界展示香港美麗的城市和維港景色,同時鞏固香港的優質旅遊形象和亞洲盛事之都的地位。我們相信屬高消費旅客的賽車迷將會來港 參與這項盛事。我們對本地市民踴躍支持賽事亦感到高興。」
首批2,000 張主看台門票一個月內售罄
主辦機構Formula Electric Racing Hong Kong Limited今日正式公佈,增加香港摩天輪和龍和道主看台觀眾席以滿足觀眾的需求,將主看台座位數量增至6,000個,加推門票將於7月8日經Ticketflap(作第二輪公開發售
Formula Electric Racing(Hong Kong)Limited行政總裁方仁杰先生很榮幸能夠在這時向大家宣佈香港站的喜訊,他說:「 我們很榮幸成為第三季的首站賽事,並成為電動方程式最精彩賽季的一份子。我們感激電動方程式營運團隊和國際汽車聯會的支持,我們會致力打造出色的賽事。另 外我們也多謝旅遊事務署的支持和協助令香港站夢想成真,並提供一個方便平台讓我們可與旅遊界和零售界緊密合作,彰顯賽事的旅遊魅力。」「我們也因為門票銷 惰暢旺而感到鼓舞,亦因而增加首屆香港電訊電動方程式的座位數量,將電動方程式的力量、激情和創意與全港市民分享。」
方先生續說: 「一張門票讓觀眾享受超過20小時的賽車和其他娛樂節目,實在非常超值。目前的銷售情況理想,讓我們更有信心在兩天賽事達到30,000名觀眾的目標。」
為配合世界級賽車比賽,拔地而起的eVillage 將提供一系列娛樂活動將香港電動方程式的激情感染廣大市民。eVillage 在賽事期間設有小型表演舞台、親子園區、遊戲攤位和電動方程式模擬駕駛比賽等,適合觀眾和家庭樂。
每張主看台成人門票為港幣2,380元正、兒童特惠票(5至12歲) 和長者特惠票(65歲或以上) 為港幣1,190元正。
每張eVillage兩日門票訂價為港幣300元正,兒童特惠票(5至12歲) 和長者特惠票(65歲或以上)為港幣150元正, eVillage門票持有者不可進入主看台。
第二階段的門票將於7月8日開始透過 Ticketflap (公開發售。
「香港電訊電動方程式」由 Formula Electric Racing (Hong Kong) Limited主辦,香港電訊及太古地產贊助,並獲得香港汽車會認可舉辦。
Source: Elite Step Asia/ Formula Electric Racing (Hong Kong) Limited