IMPI Fighting Championship World Series in Hong Kong
(31 Jul Hong Kong): After the last IMPI Fighting Championship World Series held in Hong Kong on 31 Oct 2014 with great success, the next was held on 31 July 2015 at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium.
IMPI Fighting Championship World Series is a premier Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) combat sports league, that combines techniques from various martial arts disciplines including Boxing, Wrestling, Muay Thai, Judo, Sambo, Karate, Jiu-Jitsu, Taekwondo, Savate, San-shou & Kickboxing.
IMPI Fighting Championship World Series was founded by Vuyisile “The Cheetah” Colossa in February in 2014, the South African professional mixed martial artist, kickboxer and Muay Thai fighter who began his career as a professional kickboxer in 2002 and debuted as a professional MMA competitor in May 2010.
The Zulu word IMPI refers to any armed body of men and was commonly used during the 1800s in reference to the Zulu empire’s regiments. IMPI had long been a feature of Zulu culture and it relied on speed and surprise to suddenly out of number and over whelm their enemy. Using such methods, the Zulu won impressive victories, even against rifle-armed Europeans.
The IMPI Fighting Championship World Series 2015 was held this year at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium. There were 10 fights in the event this year including 2 Boxing fights, 2 Muya Thai fights, 4 male MMA fights (Straw-weight, Bantamweight, Welterweight and Middleweight), 1 female MMA fight (Catchweight) and 1 Thai Boxing match.
All 10 fights were held in an iconic MMA cage that was first used in Hong Kong.
More other IMPI Fighting Championship photos here
(Information source from IMPI Fighting Championship/ Colossa Group)
Johnson and Rose confirmed their presence at UBS Hong Kong Open 2015
World number 5 and World number 7, Dustin Johnson and Justin Rose, will be the stars of the show in Fanling this October when these two superstars headline the UBS Hong Kong Open.
Johnson and Rose, with the current Official World Golf Ranking at 5 and 7 respectively, confirmed their entries to one of Asia’s most prestigious tournaments, following their strong performances in The Open recently.
Johnson, a 31-year-old golfer, is certainly one of the game’s most exciting players where his natural talent and athleticism allows him to be one of the longest and straightest drivers in the world. He also has the short game to back it up, winning nine times on the PGA Tour, including the WGC-Cadillac Championship in March, and contending in almost every Major Championship he plays. He finished tied second at the U.S. Open in June and has just confirmed his entry to the UBS Hong Kong Open to be held this October. He said he is excited to be making his first trip to Hong Kong later because of the names of winners of this tournament, like Norman, Watson, Woosnam, Langer, Olazabel, Montgomerie and Mcllroy, and the rich history and tradition of the Hong Kong Golf Club.
Rose is a Major Champion having won the 2013 U.S. Open and becoming the first Englishman since Tony Jacklin in 1970 to win an American national open. A truly global player, Rose has won seven times on both The European and PGA Tours, as well as picking up titles in the land of his birth, South Africa; as well as Australia and Japan. Fanling is a very traditional, tree-lined, tight course. He missed the cut by a shot in 2011 in Fanling with a late run of birdies to almost make the cut. However, this enabled he to spend a weekend in Hong Kong and have the chance to really get to know and love this place with a lot of many great restaurants and so much to do.
Kathryn Shih, Head of UBS Wealth Management, APAC commented on the star players to join the field for the 2015 UBS Hong Kong Open saying, “We are excited to have Dustin Johnson and Justin Rose confirmed for the 2015 UBS Hong Kong Open. The presence of two of the world’s top ten golfers is sure to boost the tournament’s appeal and we look forward to writing another exciting page in the history of the UBS Hong Kong Open this October.”
Earlier this month, UBS announced its return as title sponsor of the UBS Hong Kong Open after having previously served as title sponsor from 2005 to 2012. The event is also supported by the Hong Kong SAR Government’s Mega Events Fund and sanctioned by the Asian Tour, European Tour and Hong Kong Golf Association.
With the funding support from the Mega Events Fund, the “UBS Hong Kong Open 2015” has successfully secured the participation of a number of the world’s leading golf players to play in this mega event. Their presence will significantly boost the profile of the tournament as a major sporting event. The star names will not only support the promotion of this event, but will also help promote Hong Kong as a premier travel destination in the region.
The UBS Hong Kong Open will take place at the Hong Kong Golf Club from 22 to 25 October 2015. The return of UBS as title sponsor for the first time since 2012 has seen the prize purse for the tournament, Hong Kong’s oldest sporting event, increased to USD2 million in 2015 from USD1.3 million last year, helping to attract some of the world’s premier golfers such as Johnson and Rose to the Hong Kong Golf Club in October.
Past champions include Peter Thomson, Greg Norman, Ian Woosnam, Bernhard Langer, Tom Watson, Jose Maria Olazabal, Padraig Harrington, Rory Mcllroy, Ian Poulter, Miguel Angel Jimenez and Colin Montgomerie. Scott Hend won the tournament last year and another all star field is expected to assemble in Hong Kong for the UBS Hong Kong Open 2015.
(Information source from Elite Step Asia/ HK Golf Association/ UBS)
香港,2015年7月20日 –瑞銀集團今日宣佈再次冠名贊助香港歷史最悠久的體育盛事「香港高爾夫球公開賽」。
歐巡賽首席營運總監基斯-沃特斯先生(Keith Waters)說:「我們歡迎瑞銀重投『歐巡賽』,瑞銀一直在2005年至2012年間贊助賽事,這次感覺猶如老朋友在『歐巡賽』最刺激賽事之一相聚。」
亞巡賽常務主席奇拉漢先生(Kyi Hla Han)道:「我們熱烈歡迎瑞銀以冠名贊助商身份回歸『香港高爾夫球公開賽』,我們冀盼與他們再度合力推動亞洲高爾夫球運動。」
香港高爾夫球總會會長陳文傑先生說:「 本會很高興瑞銀再次成為冠名贊助商。此外,亦要多謝『盛事基金』的慷慨支持,促使賽事成功。」
「香港高爾夫球公開賽」在瑞銀於2008年至2012年贊助期間的賽事獎金由七十萬美元增加至二百七十五萬美元,曾亮相賽事的頂級球手包括前「香港 高爾夫球公開賽」冠軍麥爾萊(Rory McIlroy)、保爾特(Ian Poulter)和謙蒙尼斯(Miguel-Angel Jimenez)。
香港特區政府的『 盛事基金 』在2011年及至2012年支持賽事,今年亦繼續支持2015年的比賽。
歷屆盟主包括彼得·湯姆森(Peter Thomson)、諾曼(Greg Norman)、伍思南(Ian Woosnam)、蘭格(Bernhard Langer)、湯姆‧沃森(Tom Watson),而近年的有奧拉沙寶(José Maria Olazábal)、夏靈頓(Padraig Harrington)、麥爾萊、保爾特、謙蒙尼斯和蒙哥馬利(Colin Montgomerie)。
(Source: Elite Step Asia/ HK Golf Association/ UBS)
[香港,2015年7月18日]: 香港欖球總會(欖總)十分高興宣佈委任周思豪為新總經理(市場及傳訊) ,並於今年10月1日正式生效。
周思豪將是欖總歷來僱用最高職級的華人員工,他將與另外兩名總經理麥偉彬(Robbie McRobbie) (欖球營運及商業)和戴里斯(Dai Rees) (欖球水平),鼎足地致力推動本地欖球運動。
欖總行政總裁韋域安(Vern Reid)說:「我們收到多個條件出眾應徵者的申請,當中以周思豪最為突出,除了他擁有優異的商界成就外,他對欖總及更廣泛地推廣欖球有充分的認識,因此他能脫穎而出。」
周思豪在健身界有豐富資歷,在跨國健身企業身居要職逾20年,他離開打拼16年的加州健身(California Fitness)加盟欖總。
周思豪從2012年起擔任加州健身的首席營運總監,之前為該公司的高級副總裁(銷售、健身及市場部– 亞太區) 。他的工作背景證明了建立強大迴響的市場策略、提高收入和提升營運效率的能力。
他畢業於澳洲的坎培拉大學(University of Canberra)並修讀體育行政管理學士課程(Bachelor of Arts in Sports Administration)。
周氏是本地欖球界熟悉的面孔,一直以來孜孜不倦推動雞糊欖球會的發展,令這個香港老牌球會之一的規模日益壯大,而他更是該會十五人隊一隊的勾球員。 他在1990年代入選香港龍隊(Hong Kong Dragons)參與新加坡和泰國的賽事 ,之前曾效力猛虎欖球會,成為首批競逐本地第一組別聯賽的華人球員之一。
周先生表示:「 我一直熱愛欖球運動,如今能於欖總推動欖球運動發展, 可說是十分雀躍。我十分享受過去20年在健身界的時 光,同時亦準備好在我鍾愛的欖球運動展開事業的新旅程。」「很高興加入欖總大家庭,欖球講求團隊精神,需要每一個隊員互相支持去達成目標,我一向以此作為 事業的座右銘。」
(Source: Elite Step Asia/ HKRFU)
屈臣氏FIVB世界女排大獎賽 香港2015 中國隊總決賽摘冠
另外,在頭場的季軍爭奪戰,日本隊攻防出色,氣勢如虹,以3:0直落三局擊敗對手輕取泰國,成為香港站季軍。 最後,在頒獎禮其他獎項中,今年最有價值球員為朱婷(中國)、最受歡迎球員為朱婷(中國)及最佳教練為郎平(中國)。
屈臣氏FIVB世界女排大獎賽 – 香港2015 第二日賽事
身為世界錦標賽冠軍,美國隊當然是一支世界強隊,而且美國隊現時還保留着5名倫敦奧運戰將。 在攻防及技術上,相對明顯十分全面。
而泰國隊則是近十年來強勢冒起的亞洲隊伍。 即使她們個子不高,平均身高只有1.77米,但彈跳能力出色,防守頑強及進攻快速。 更在近年越南河內舉行的第十五屆亞洲女排錦標賽中,於半決賽淘汰了日本隊,最後還爆冷在總決賽中以局數3比1擊敗中國隊摘冠。
在第一局中,賽事十分激烈,泰國隊曾經多次領先,令人寄予厚望。 但美國隊始終是世界強隊,成功追回,及最後以局數三比一 (25-21, 25-18, 23-25, 25-16) 擊敗泰國隊。
但中國隊拼勁十足,在今場比賽進攻上的優勢明顯,最後以直落三局 (25-13, 25-20, 25-17) 擊敗日本隊。
屈臣氏FIVB世界女排大獎賽 – 香港2015 首日賽事開鑼
在第一場比賽,由現時世界排名第1的美國對世界排名第5的日本。 在世界排名比較下,雖然日本遜於美國,但日本隊表現十分進取及防守頑強,爭持激烈,賽事十分緊張精彩。 唯世界排名第一的美國始終以局數三比一 (25-23, 25-22, 26-24) 力挫日本。
第二場的比賽,則由在世錦賽後世界排名升至第3的中國對世界排名第12的泰國。 在今場比賽,實力分別上似乎明顯易見,中國隊輕鬆直落三局 (25-18, 25-14, 27-25) 擊敗泰國。
[香港,2015年7月14日]: 香港欖球總會(欖總)和新西蘭欖球勁旅「族長隊」的合作更上一層樓,三名香港20歲以下代表隊球員今夏獲得參加「族長隊」19歲以下夏季訓練營的機會。
三名香港明日之星分別是來自天水圍欖球會、18歲的鄧卓恆和19歲的李梓軒,以及18歲、效力雞糊欖球會的艾卡拿斯安(Ken Encarnacian)。他們上年4月一同征戰葡萄牙的「世界青年欖球盃」,鄧卓恆和艾卡拿斯安仍合符下年「世界青年欖球盃」外圍賽的參賽資格。
欖總的球員發展經理杜斯(Stephen Dowse)過去幾季主負責20歲以下代表隊事務,他亦將隨行分析「族長隊」的青訓工作。這也是繼欖總之前派遣港隊教練之一的夏文(Craig Hammond)前往當地,觀摩「族長隊」季尾衝刺的準備工作。
香港小將們也異口同聲地表示此行獲益良多,艾卡拿斯安說:「我學會很多關於作為好球員的事情,在出色教練們和球員如泰美夫拿(Ben Tameifuna)和簡恩(Sam Cane)身上獲益不淺。」「我學懂達成目標所需的價值、付出和行為,我希望將這些帶給母會。另外我學懂了營養和專業態度的重要性。良好飲食影響表現好 壞,特別是像我以成為港隊一員為目標的球員。這兩件事將令我更出色,訓練營後令我更堅信運動能正面改變生命。」
即將置身成人級別的李梓軒道:「能夠成為偉大球會一員簡直難以置信,我的夢想是代表香港出戰『世界盃』,我會不惜一切全力以赴 ,這次與出色年輕球員和教練團一同訓練讓我提升實力,並更明白當上真正職業球員是那一回事。」「經歷訓練營後,我先要調整自己態度,包括場外自己的生活要 更有規律。這次機會並非必然,所以我要比其他人做得更好,我會努力克服體格上的不足和追夢。
(Source: Elite Step Asia/ HKRFU)
屈臣氏FIVB世界女排大獎賽 – 香港2015 蓄勢待發
FIVB 世界女排大獎賽(World Grand Prix)是國際排球聯會(簡稱國際排聯或 FIVB)於1993年開始舉辦的一年一度大型世界女子排球比賽,目的是推廣排球運動和加強世界各地對女排的注意。世界女排大獎賽是每年的世界女子排壇盛 事,獎金豐厚,賽事緊張激烈,各支參賽隊伍均為當代成績最優秀之國家代表隊,賽事在全球超過一百個國家直播及轉播,不僅令球迷每年都有一次欣賞高水平排球 競賽的機會,亦造就了世界女排的明星化,對在全世界推廣排球運動有著一定的貢獻。
日期: 2015年7月16日-18日 (星期四至六) | |
地點: 紅磡香港體育館 | |
參賽隊伍: 中國國家隊、日本國家隊、泰國國家隊、美國國家隊 | |
香港站總獎金: | 165,000美元 |
冠軍 | 60,000美元 |
亞軍 | 45,000美元 |
季軍 | 35,000美元 |
殿軍 | 25,000美元 |
日期 | 時間 | 比賽 |
16/7(四) | 18:30 | 日本 對 美國 |
20:30 | 中國 對 泰國 | |
17/7(五) | 18:30 | 泰國 對 美國 |
20:30 | 中國 對 日本 | |
18/7(六) | 17:30 | 日本 對 泰國 |
19:30 | 中國 對 美國 |
(Source: VBAHK)
Contrex 壁球挑戰盃 2015
Contrex 壁球挑戰盃 2015 男女子決賽在七月十一日於九龍木球會舉行。
男、女子冠軍分別由黃祉謙及李嘉兒奪冠,比數分別為 11-6, 11-8, 5-11, 11-9 及 11- 9, 11-5, 11-13, 11-7。 無獨有偶,兩名冠軍,黃祉謙及李嘉兒兩人都是在今次贏得其職業餘生涯首項職業賽錦標,並且同樣是以局數3比1雙雙奪冠。
頒獎典禮隨即於比賽後舉行。 香港壁球總會主席梅應源太平紳士、歐冠(管顧)有限公司主席尹樹棠先生、九龍木球會主席Robin Gill先生及九龍木球會主席壁球領隊Peter Fraser先生為勝出者頒上獎盃祝賀。
(詳細資料來源: 香港壁球總會)
Hong Kong Discipline Services Sevens team wins Gold at 2015 World Police & Fire Games
[Hong Kong, 7 July 2015]: The Hong Kong Discipline Services sevens team won the gold medal in the 2015 World Police & Fire Games – Division II Rugby Sevens competition on July 3 2015 in Fairfax, Virginia, USA. The team was sponsored by the Hong Kong Rugby Football Union and coached by local sevens star Cado Lee Ka To.
Competing in a ten-team tournament alongside teams from Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, the United States – as well as the Hong Kong Police Force sevens team, the Discipline Services ran the table in the competition to reach the gold medal final against the Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue team (Royals) from the United Kingdom.
The Royals had proven to be Discipline Services’ toughest competition in the group stage, pushing Hong Kong Discipline Services to the limit in a narrow 5-0 victory over the Royals on day one.
The Discipline Services had opened the competition with a handsome 24-0 win over the Victoria (Australia) Police Department Vikings before overcoming stiff tests from the Washington, D.C. (USA) Police 19-12 and the Royals on the opening day.
Day two saw the Discipline Services gather momentum after handsome wins over the New York Police Department 26-0 and the Montreal Blue Blacks 39-0 to ease their way into the gold medal match.
The final against The Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue side was a tense affair between the two class teams of the tournament but the Hong Kong Discipline Services side held on to claim the Gold medal after a 10-7 win.
It was Hong Kong’s first gold medal at the World Police & Fire Games after competing in 1999, 2003 and 2011. New Zealand Fire Services beat Italy to claim the Gold medal in Division I.
The Hong Kong Police Force also entered men’s and women’s sevens teams in the Games, with the men’s team also playing in Division II. The Hong Kong Police men’s seven reached the shield competition before bowing out against Victoria 5-26.
The Women’s seven lost all of their matches in a tough four-team tournament that saw regional teams from the USA and Canada (East and West) taking part. The Hong Kong Police Women’s seven just missed out on the bronze medal after losing to the USA 17-5 in the 3rd place play-off.
Mr Robbie McRobbie, General Manager, Rugby Operations and Commercial of the HKRFU, commended all of the participating teams from Hong Kong saying, “The strong participation by Hong Kong services teams is a testament to the enthusiasm that has been built over the past few years by the Disciplined Services Rugby Committee, which brings together representatives from the police, fire services, customs, immigration, correctional services, civil aid and auxiliary police.
“Each department, except for fire services, now also plays touch rugby, on the back of which there is an annual series of three indoor, outdoor and beach touch competitions. Interest amongst the services in contact rugby has also grown and each December a combined Services XV play the PLA for the TK Lai Cup. There are hopes for a disciplined services team to eventually compete in the Hong Kong Rugby Football Union domestic league,” added McRobbie.
The World Police and Fire Games is one of the world’s largest multi-sport games competitions attracting over 10,000 participants to the biennial athletic competition that started in 1983. Over 12,000 athletes from 70 countries took part across 61 sports in the 2015 Games. The next Games will be held in Montreal, Canada in 2017. In 2019, the Games will be hosted for the first time in China, in Chengdu.
Hong Kong Discipline Services VII –
Gold Medalists, World Fire & Police Games 2015 – Division II
SO, King Ho (Hong Kong Correctional Services, HKCS); CHAN Hin Wai (HKCS); SO, Tak Ken (HKCS); SO Hok Ken (Hong Kong Fire Department, HKFD); KOO, Chun Hung (HKFD); NG Ka Lok (HKFD); CHOW, Ho Ki (HKCS); CHEUNG, Siu Man Hon (HKCS); CHAN, Kwok Chun (HKFD); TSE, Chun Keung Kenneth (Hong Kong Police); YICK Ho-Yin (HKFD); Rocky NG Wai Nok (HKFD).
(Source: Elite Step Asia/ HKRFU)