[2019年5月29日,香港]: 前蘇格蘭國腳賀爾(Andrew Hall)於2012年加入香港隊教練團,現在正式從利鍾斯(Leigh Jones)手上接管香港隊。
39歲的賀爾曾於利鍾斯獲日本隊聘任為「2015年世界盃」教練團一員時擔當港隊代任教頭 (2014年至2015年) ,後者在2016年回歸港隊並擔任主帥直至上年的「世界盃次輪外圍賽」,賀爾當時是利氏的副手兼香港欖球總會(欖總)「精英欖球訓練計劃」的主管。
賀爾在球員時代曾效力Glasgow Warriors、Newport Gwent Dragons 和蘇格蘭國家隊,之後在 2010年來港成為本地超級聯賽球會 – 香港木球會主教練,現時他也是香港大學沙灣隊(沙灣隊)的教頭。他在2014 年及 2015年間帶領港隊參加了10場國際賽。
賀爾很高興再次執掌港隊帥印並說: 「能夠接手如日方中的港隊是一項榮譽,當然成績與壓力掛鉤,但我有點不同和想法正面,亦喜歡教練工作和為挑戰作好準備。」
賀氏續說: 「今年是我們過渡性一年,部份球員在次輪外圍賽後退役。港隊的重建工作顯而易見和爭勝心更強。我們已鎖定『亞洲欖球錦標賽』和11月的國際賽,我期望取得成功。」
賀爾表示: 「次輪外圍賽對加拿大和從 Global Rapid Rugby獲取的經驗證明了我們與能高水平對手周旋到底,目前這些挑戰仍有待我們去克服。」「我們分析這些經驗後對訓練模式作出了調整。」
賀爾師承利氏之餘,他的人事管理方式亦因應時代轉變而有所不同,他解釋道: 「因為年齡關係利鐘斯仿似一位父親。他也仿如一位校長,而我就像兄長或值日老師,這或許與我的個性有關,所以我相信會有新火花出現。」
利鐘斯將擔任總經理(高水平欖球)一職,角色主要是統領急速發展的港隊和教練團,他相信賀爾能勝任港帥之位並說: 「我看著他從8、9年前的一名新手,成長為今日獨當一面的教練。這些年來他不斷學習和進步,加上他主理『精英欖球訓練計劃』時表現出卓越的領導才能和為一眾全職球員提供高質訓練。」
賀爾招攬了富衛華南虎的教頭夏文 (Craig Hammond)加入港隊教練團,與另外三位超級聯賽球隊教練包括鶴京(Sam Hocking) [防守] 、史尼當(Scott Sneddon) [後衛]和韋京臣(Brett Wilkinson) [鬥牛]各司其職。賀氏期望團隊繼往開來,並在利鍾斯之前建立的基礎上更進一步。
賀爾道: 「未來6星期對我們3年一循環的『世界盃外圍賽』至為關鍵,我們以晉身決賽週為目標並且已展開相關工作。」
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
薩摩亞於斐濟力克港隊 34-15
[2019年5月29日,香港]: 香港女子十五人欖球代表隊昨日在「亞太三角賽」第二戰以15-34不敵薩摩亞。
薩摩亞在新西蘭打滾的球員助拳下亦正準備「2021年世界盃外圍賽」,她們在交戰15分鐘內已清風送爽地4次達陣成功 。
但港隊的目標並不只放眼於此行的勝負之上,因為更高層次的目標已達。香港統帥侯祖瑟芬(Jo Hull)說:「這是一場硬仗。」「對手的個人體質和技術都很強,加上我們犯了很多無壓力下的錯誤,更因此而賠上3至4次達陣,被薩摩亞早段輕鬆地領先。我們對斐濟時的表現不錯,但4日內兩戰確實有點吃不消。」
布迪妮, 鮑爾葦嬅*,陳曉彤*,陳嘉欣, 張淑孄, 鄒美楠, 劉雅媛, 林恬暘*, 梁穎懿, 美恩絲, 潘慧欣, 蕭詠妮, 蘇愷婷(隊長), 曾靜文, 黃啟盈*,葉楚君, 陳柏鈴, 方小晴, 何維銨, 方小蘭, 馮凱晴*,廖婉婷*,皮妮*, 蘇兒史密夫*, 謝家美, 余寶茵
* 初次代表香港
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
香港女子十五人欖球代表隊 「亞太三角賽」第二回火拚薩摩亞
[2019年5月27日,香港]: 香港女子十五人欖球代表隊在「亞太三角賽」首戰勇挫斐濟 29-10,港隊保留大部份原班人馬在第二戰與薩摩亞較勁,港帥侯祖瑟芬(Jo Hull)形容這仗是「亞太三角賽」最艱難的挑戰。
港隊教練團繼續對上仗入局慢熱後才力克斐濟的陣容投予信心一票,唯一變陣是將劉絲樺列為後備,皆因首仗連中三元的蘇兒史密夫(Zoe Smith)要回港履行教師職務。
侯氏相信港隊的表現會有所進步並說: 「我們今週訂下的挑戰是要進步和成長。」
但同樣是加入不少新血的薩摩亞可令港隊的學習過程較為艱辛,侯氏續說: 「我知道她們挑選了一些在新西蘭打滾的球員,但並不清楚她們集訓多久,相信她們的身體質素和個人技術不錯。薩摩亞的體格較斐濟壯健,所以這是我們此行的最大考驗。」
香港需要正選和後備再次同心協力來破敵,侯氏相信港隊有足夠能力再次奏凱,她道: 「我們要發揮所長以及打出明快節奏。此行大家都很努力練習,亦同樣享受過程。新人們的融合理想和展示出本地女子欖球運動發展的正確方向。」
「我們目前的考驗是己方的勤奮度,而 5日內先後與體格強壯的斐濟和薩摩亞交手亦是挑戰。」
1.劉雅媛, 2蘇愷婷 (隊長), 3. 張淑孄, 4. 鄒美楠, 5. 曾靜文, 6 潘慧欣 7. 鮑爾葦嬅(Riva BRILL), 8. 陳嘉欣, 9. 何維銨, 10. 方小蘭. (Rose HOPEWELL-FONG), 11. 布迪妮(Kelsie BOUTTLE), 12. 謝家美, 13. 皮妮 (Amy PYLE), 14. 余寶茵, 15. 陳柏鈴, 16. 林恬暘, 17. 梁穎懿, 18. 陳曉彤, 19. 蕭詠妮20. 黃啟盈, 21方小晴 (Rachel Fong), 22. 廖婉婷, 23. 劉絲樺
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
香港隊友賽富衞華南虎 以勝利為「亞洲欖球錦標賽」熱身打響頭炮
[2019年5月27日,香港]: 正備戰「亞洲欖球錦標賽」的香港隊在上週六與半力出撃的富衛華南虎進行友賽,前者在香港仔運動場順利以41-17勝出。
港隊教頭賀爾(Andy Hall)於友賽後說:「今次練兵效果屬意料中事。」「部分華南虎球員今季未曾上陣,我們賽前也預計這情況,但我們依舊從中獲益和有利備戰工作。」
飛鋒羅斯尼(Matt Rosslee)在6分鐘射入罰球為港隊先開紀錄,這是港隊首10分鐘對華南虎不斷施壓的成果。 虎軍的佳恩曉士(Glyn Hughes)在5分鐘後射入罰球扳平。華南虎站穏陣腳後,由隊長唐昇(Josh Dowsing)、雲逹史密(Luke van der Smit)、佳恩曉士、米曹安袓斯(Mitch Andrews)和丹巴路(Dan Barlow)為首的前線開始反擊,完半場前更兵臨港隊城下。
今日改為港隊上陣的虎兵普斯(Alex Post)攻入達陣,加上羅斯尼命中附加罰球,香港反先10-3。
虎軍其後憑一次快速反擊令香港措手不及,羅比基夫(Robbie Keith)附加罰球中鵠後追成10-17。
唯好景不常,諾治(Craig Lodge)在31分鐘時個人硬闖虎營並成功破門而入,加上羅斯尼的附加罰球,香港半場時已領先至24-10 。
下半場雙方拉成均勢,港隊由艾迪亞(Paul Altier)射入罰球打破悶局,並將優勢增至27-10 。這比數維持了約15分鐘才被華南虎的曉湯姆 (Tom Hill)的達陣而出現變動,佳恩曉士的附加罰球將比分改寫為34-17 。
擅長擔任七人隊和十五人隊後衛的保確迪(Kane Boucaut)的達陣和羅斯尼的附加罰球確保華南虎不會死灰復燃,聯手鎖定41-17的勝局。
羅斯尼認為港隊對「亞洲欖球錦標賽」已準備就緒,他說: 「上年奪冠當然令人高興,我們希望能打出上年的水準,還寄望我們從Global Rapid Rugby 和華南虎的經驗能令我們的表現更上一層樓。」
他最後道: 「Global Rapid Rugby 是我們的另一層次,我們不會因賽果而眉飛色舞,相信其他對手會尊重我們。我們過去4至5季與韓國勢均力敵,希望今次我們能棋高一著。」
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
– Lucas di Grassi launches up the ABB FIA Formula E Championship standings with a win in Berlin
– Title contenders starting to emerge and break away from the chasing pack as the season approaches its final stages
– Jean-Eric Vergne steals the last podium spot to take the lead of the voestalpine European races
Lucas di Grassi flew around Tempelhof Airport to secure a second successive win on home soil for Audi Sport ABT Schaeffler in Berlin.
Di Grassi drove to victory from third on the grid, making progress up the order in the early stages and holding on to record his 10th career victory in the ABB FIA Formula E Championship.
The Audi Sport ABT Schaeffler driver made a clean getaway and stuck behind Stoffel Vandoorne in the opening laps, before making his move up the inside of the Turn 6 hairpin at the end of the long back straight.
He mirrored the same manoeuvre only a handful of laps later to take the lead from Sebastien Buemi. Di Grassi managed his energy and maintained the gap to Buemi – eventually crossing the line to pick-up 25 points and an additional point for setting fastest lap.
Buemi bolted out of the blocks from Julius Baer pole position but didn’t have the speed to keep di Grassi behind. Despite still not being able to convert pole into victory, second place marks Buemi’s first podium finish for Nissan e.dams this season.
Reigning champion Jean-Eric Vergne continued his recent upturn in form to complete the podium positions. Vergne advanced through the field from eighth, pulling off a number of audacious lunges with late-braking into the popular overtaking spot at Turn 6.
The DS TECHEETAH driver remains at the top of the ABB FIA Formula E Championship standings and now leads the voestalpine European races with only one event remaining in Bern.
Antonio Felix da Costa, Vandoorne and Daniel Abt exchanged paint and positions on track in a hard-fought race for fourth – with Da Costa narrowly missing out on another podium place for BMW i Andretti Motorsport.
The British trio of Alexander Sims, Oliver Rowland and Sam Bird came home in seventh, eighth and ninth respectively ahead of Pascal Wehrlein in the final points-paying position.
Next stop on the calendar sees Formula E return to Switzerland for the Julius Baer Swiss E-Prix in Bern – round 11 of the 2018/19 ABB FIA Formula E Championship and the climax of the voestalpine European races on June 22.
For more analysis and to read the full race report, visit – www.FIAFormulaE.com
(Source: FIA Formula E)
Driver Qualification Race Result Fastest Lap
Edoardo MORTARA (48) 16 11 1:09:790
Felipe MASSA (19) 19 15 1:10:102
25 May 2019, Tempelhof Airport, Berlin – Despite demonstrating clear speed during the two Friday practice sessions, which saw Edoardo MORTARA second fastest for both sessions, the VENTURI Formula E Team was unable to capitalise on the momentum on race day.
Both drivers struggled during Qualifying with MASSA making contact with the wall twice and MORTARA struggling to get the necessary heat into his tyres on the ten-turn 2.375km track. The team, currently lying in seventh in the Championship, leaves Berlin determined to learn from the race in the German capital and return stronger to contest round 11 of the 2018–2019 Formula E Championship in Bern on 22 June.
“It’s been a difficult weekend. We started very well yesterday with the practice sessions, the car felt good and we were very competitive. But I think we made the wrong choices today. In Qualifying, we had the pace – at least on the push laps – to be competitive. But in the race the car didn’t feel that great. We clearly have some things to work on from this weekend, let’s see where we are when we get to Bern.”
Edoardo MORTARA, VENTURI Formula E Team driver
“A very disappointing race. A disappointing Qualifying too – touching the wall and starting P19 – not ideal. The start of the race was okay. We gained a few positions and we were in the fight. The pace was reasonably good. Then, I got to the high-speed corner, got on the marbles a little bit and hit the wall. After that, the balance of the car completely changed – maybe something got bent at the rear, I don’t know. I thought I had a puncture, as the car was almost undriveable. After that, any possibility I had to gain positions was gone. Hitting the wall was really a disaster. I’m so disappointed, because the pace of the car was okay in practice but after these mistakes that doesn’t count for anything. So, not our day. We need to concentrate now on the next one.”
Felipe MASSA, VENTURI Formula E Team driver
“As a team we simply didn’t do a good enough job today, not when it counted. Now we need to go away, reconsolidate, analyse and understand where we went wrong to make sure we come back stronger in Bern.”
Susie WOLFF, VENTURI Formula E Team Principal
To keep up with all the action, follow VENTURI Formula E team on Twitter: @VenturiFE.
(Source: VENTURI Formula E Team)
香港隊友賽富衞華南虎 為「亞洲欖球錦標賽」熱身
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
The Monegasque Formula E team and global electromobility pioneer signs multi-year partnership with the world’s leader in protecting data, applications, and systems
Schaffhausen, SWITZERLAND – 24 May 2019 – VENTURI Formula E Team and Acronis, a global leader in cyber protection, today announced an exciting multi-year technology partnership. Under the agreement, Acronis will become an Official Team Partner of the VENTURI Formula E Team, providing innovative cyber protection solutions to improve data resiliency and create a more efficient and secure workflow.
As the world’s fastest-growing motorsport, the FIA ABB Formula E Championship, provides the perfect proving ground for innovative and future-focused technologies. As pioneers in electromobility and one of the founding teams of the Championship at its inception, the VENTURI Formula E Team has real data needs that Acronis can address. The team is also ideally suited to push Acronis’ cyber protection capabilities to the limits.
Through the new partnership the VENTURI Formula E Team will benefit from Acronis’ full range of cyber protection services including cutting-edge hybrid cloud architecture, disaster recovery, file sync and share, blockchain notarization and e-signature services, and anti-malware protection – all of which can be managed from a single, intuitive console.
The VENTURI Formula E Team generates up to 20GB of data at each racing weekend alone. As part of the new, cutting-edge partnership with Acronis, this and the team’s wider data will be fully protected from modern cyber threats while remaining easily accessible to trackside and support engineers, no matter where they are in the world, helping them to improve speed, efficiency and security of their operations.
Acronis will also utilise the latest artificial intelligence (AI) advances to help transform the predictive analytics capabilities of the race team, increasing its capacity to deal with the many unexpected events of the unique, high-jeopardy Formula E racing environment.
“We’re delighted to welcome Acronis to the VENTURI family. We share the same values and beliefs when it comes to the pursuit of technological innovation and there are a myriad of ways in which the partnership will have immediate, real time benefits for the team. In motorsport, performance is everything – Formula E is no different in this respect and we’re continuously striving for the very best technological advances and solutions in every aspect of the team’s set-up. We’re delighted to have the opportunity to work with reputed industry leaders such as Acronis and are looking forward to a long and mutually beneficial partnership.” said Susie WOLFF, VENTURI Formula E Team Principal.
“Acronis’ technology meets the efficiency and reliability requirements of VENTURI Formula E Team, covering all aspects of cyber protection. By eliminating any concerns about the safety or accessibility of their data, we can help teams focus on the development of their car and achieving results on the racetrack. We are very proud to become an Official Team Partner and look forward to a long, successful partnership with the team,” said Dan Havens, Acronis Growth Officer.
By utilising innovative technologies such as AI, machine learning, and blockchain, Acronis ensures its solutions can address the Five Vectors of Cyber Protection — the safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security of data (SAPAS). These solutions will help the VENTURI Formula E Team safeguard their data both at the track and at the team’s Monaco HQ.
At the same time, Acronis will benefit from the global power and reach of the World’s fastest growing motorsport, through one its most premier and manufacturer-independent teams to be able to showcase its easy, efficient, and secure solutions as it continues to grow its business worldwide.
The new partnership also presents a unique opportunity for Acronis to drive its SAPAS message in two key regions – South America and Europe. Through the global reach of the FIA ABB Formula E Championship, VENTURI Formula E Team driver and ex-Formula One star, Felipe Massa will enable Acronis to raise awareness of the partnership activities in his home country of Brazil, with VENTURI Formula E Team driver and FIA GT World Cup vice-champion and street racing specialist, Edoardo Mortara, bringing about the same in his home countries of Italy and Switzerland, the latter of which is also home to Acronis’ Global Corporate Headquarters.
Acronis supports a number of sporting clubs and high-profile motorsport teams. For more information, please visit https://acronis.sport
(Source: VENTURI Formula E Team)
23 May 2019, Monaco – The VENTURI Formula E Team heads to the tenth round of the 2018–2019 Formula E Championship in Berlin (Germany) this Saturday, 25 May. Bolstered by Felipe Massa’s third-place finish at the Monaco E-Prix, the Monegasque team is approaching this weekend’s event with determination and confidence.
The ten-turn, 2.375-km track promises to make an interesting race, and in more ways than one. The vast and unique track located at the former Tempelhof Airport opened up the opportunity for a degree of creativity in designing the track layout.
The Tempelhof track is distinguished, among other things, by its fast corners offering fluidity and speed, two elements which increase the vehicle’s energy consumption and will therefore require a pinpoint energy conservation strategy.
As for the surface, the abrasive nature of the concrete will have an influence on tyre wear in dry weather. If rain decides to join the party, as with previous form in Season 5, it would be a disruptive factor and likely to produce an entertaining show for the fans.
Currently lying seventh in the overall Championship standings, the aim this weekend is to capitalise on the strong performance from the Monaco E-Prix on 11 May, where Felipe MASSA secured his first podium finish, coming in third and demonstrating the team’s form with a fourth podium for the team.
“The last race wasn’t a good one for me, there’s no getting around it, but it’s time to move on. I’m focusing on what I know: the car is fast, it’s energy-efficient and if we’re able to correctly manage the multiple parameters involved, we’ll earn our place at the top of the standings; Felipe and I have proved that in recent months. Now, more than ever before, we’re working hard on the many details that determine success in a Formula E race.”
Edoardo MORTARA, VENTURI Formula E Team driver
“My third-place finish in Monaco two weeks ago definitely provided a massive boost. I feel well prepared and I’m happy with the way our most recent simulator sessions have gone. In Berlin, unlike other races, we’ll be taking part in the practice sessions on Friday, and the qualifying sessions and the race will be held on Saturday. In terms of strategy, this opens up some interesting opportunities that we are currently working on. Our aim is to continue to make good progress and chalk up another strong result.”
Felipe MASSA, VENTURI Formula E Team driver
“The podium finish at our home race was a very welcome result for Felipe and the whole team rightfully paused for a moment to enjoy it. But with just four races remaining in the season, we know we have to stay focussed and continue to make progress if we want to improve on our Championship standings. We’re as prepared as we can be ahead of Berlin but if there’s one thing that Season 5 has clearly demonstrated it’s that on race day, anything can happen.”
Susie WOLFF, VENTURI Formula E Team Principal
The practice sessions will take place on Friday 24 May at 3.30 pm and 6 pm. On Saturday 25 May, the qualifying sessions are scheduled for 8.45 am and the race for 1 pm. To follow all the action across the two days, check out the VENTURI Formula E Team Twitter account @VenturiFE.
(Source: VENTURI Formula E Team)
香港女子十五人欖球代表隊 九新丁往南太平洋試身手
[2019年5月23日,香港]: 香港女子十五人欖球代表隊於今週在斐濟與東道主和薩摩亞進行「三角賽」。這賽事正好彌補了已告吹的「2019亞洲女子欖球錦標賽」的空間,也是港隊準備「2021女子欖球世界盃外圍賽」的重要一環。港隊今次「三角賽」的賽程包括鬥斐濟(5月24日,晚上8時)和對薩摩亞(5月28日,晚上7時) [所有開賽時間為香港時間] 。
港隊在2017年成為首支晉身「世界盃」決賽週的香港運動隊伍,故此希望在2021年重溫美夢; 如要夢想成真,港隊可二取其一,最簡單直接是成為下年「亞洲女子欖球錦標賽」的冠軍而自動獲得入場劵,或是以「亞洲女子欖球錦標賽」亞軍身份參加四隊制的次輪外圍賽,而優勝隊伍也可獲得唯一入場劵。
假使港隊要取道次輪外圍賽,便很大機會遇上斐濟或薩摩亞,皆因大洋洲區也有類似的晉級「世界盃」決賽週之路,因此港隊教練侯祖瑟芬(Jo Hull)認為這「三角賽」有利球隊的多方位準備,她說: 「4年一循環的『世界盃』週期已過了一半,所以這是港隊引入新血的良機,我們強化了板凳深度,這是她們汲取國際賽經驗的良機。」
港隊的另外重要目標是球隊年輕化和給予球員更多機會,今次共有9名新人被選入伍包括鮑爾葦嬅(Riva Brill) 、陳柏鈴、陳曉彤、方小晴、馮凱晴、林恬暘、廖婉婷、蘇兒史密夫(Zoe Smith)和黃啟盈。這批港隊生力軍中有8人來自青訓系統,唯獨蘇兒史密夫已有足夠年資代表香港。
侯氏續說: 「我們很年輕,很多球員均由青訓而來,她們全部已浸淫於本地超級聯賽,我們樂見她們在新加坡之行刻苦訓練和努力爭勝。」
鑑於香港女子七人隊正準備其他賽事,只有謝家美(Colleen Tjosvold) 、何維銨和潘慧欣能加入十五人隊,這也是本土女子欖球運動深度的考驗。
侯氏對今次「三角賽」作了期望管理,因為賽事對一眾新人是一次嚴格考驗,她說: 「我們會好好留意她們在更高水平國際賽的表現。」
- 劉雅媛, 2蘇愷婷, 3. 張淑孄, 4. 鄒美楠, 5. 曾靜文, 6鮑爾葦嬅, 7. 蕭詠妮,, 8. 陳嘉欣, 9. 何維銨, 10. 方小蘭, 11. 蘇兒史密夫, 12. 謝家美, 13. 皮妮, 14. 余寶茵, 15. 陳柏鈴, 16. 林恬暘, 17. 梁穎懿, 18. 陳曉彤, 19. 潘慧欣, 20. 黃啟盈, 21方小蘭, 22. 廖婉婷, 23. 布迪妮
布迪妮, 鮑爾葦嬅*,陳曉彤*,陳嘉欣, 張淑孄, 鄒美楠, 劉雅媛, 林恬暘*, 梁穎懿, 美恩絲, 潘慧欣, 蕭詠妮, 蘇愷婷(隊長), 曾靜文, 黃啟盈*,葉楚君, 陳柏鈴, 方小晴, 何維銨, 方小蘭, 馮凱晴*,廖婉婷*,皮妮*, 蘇兒史密夫*, 謝家美, 余寶茵
* 初次代表香港
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
New documentary on ABB FIA Formula E Championship shows how sport can have a meaningful social impact
CANNES, FRANCE (May 17, 2019) – A new Formula E documentary titled ‘And We Go Green’ will premiere at Cannes Film Festival next week, taking viewers behind the scenes of the electric street racing series and highlighting the purpose of the ABB FIA Formula E Championship as a proving ground for electric technologies in a bid to combat climate change and air pollution.
Directed by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Fisher Stevens and Malcolm Venville, the highly-cinematic documentary uses intimate character-driven storylines and unseen race footage from Jean-Eric Vergne’s championship-winning season.
Put together in collaboration with Appian Way, Bloomfish Productions and RadicalMedia – ‘And We Go Green’ will screen at 18:45 on Thursday, May 23 at the Salle 60eme.
The following filmmakers and subjects from the documentary will be in attendance at Cannes – Fisher Stevens (Co-director), Malcolm Venville (Co-director), Leonardo DiCaprio (Producer and subject), Alejandro Agag (Executive Producer and Founder & CEO of Formula E), Jean-Eric Vergne (DS TECHEETAH driver), Lucas di Grassi (Audi Sport ABT Schaeffler driver), Sam Bird (Envision Virgin Racing driver), Andre Lotterer (DS TECHEETAH driver), Nelson Piquet Jr. (former Panasonic Jaguar Racing driver), Rick Yorn (Executive Producer), Jon Kamen (Executive Producer), Christopher St. John (Producer), Jennifer Davisson (Producer), Zara Duffy (Producer) and Gabriel Rhodes (Editor).
To watch the teaser trailer and learn more about the ABB FIA Formula E Championship, visit – www.FIAFormulaE.com/AndWeGoGreen
Alejandro Agag, Founder & CEO of Formula E, said: “The documentary encapsulates the true mission and purpose of the ABB FIA Formula E Championship, to show how competition drives technological development and how the excitement of sport can have a meaningful social impact and alter perceptions of electric vehicles. This notion is how the title ‘And We Go Green’ came about. Not only does it signal the start of our races, but it also indicates an urgent need to put the brakes on devastating and irreparable damage already caused by fossil fuels. I’m proud to have worked with such great talent and a production team who share the same common values around sustainability and making a positive impact in the fight against climate change.”
Fisher Stevens and Malcolm Venville, said: “Originally, we thought we were making a film about the environment. We realised the best way to get the world to pay attention to climate change is to make a film about people – in this case race car drivers and an upstart with a vision to disrupt racing series forever. The life of sportsmen, the ups and downs, the excitement of racing and the innovative, life-affirming electric technology coupled with racing through the heart of the biggest cities in the world. This was an incredible, inspiring and thrilling film to make.”
Rick Yorn (LBI Entertainment) is handling worldwide sales for the title. The documentary is written by Mark Monroe and produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, Fisher Stevens, Christopher St. John, Jennifer Davisson and Zara Duffy. Executive Producers include Jon Kamen, Dave Sirulnick, Justin Wilkes, Alejandro Agag and Rick Yorn.
(Source: FIA Formula E)
Western Force下半場後勁凌厲馴服富衛華南虎
[2019年5月15日,香港]: Global Rapid Rugby 亞洲區試點賽季隨著上週日富衛華南虎主場以16-40不敵 Western Force 而結束。
華南虎開局氣勢如虹並曾在上半場一度領先13-9,但客軍在完半場前達陣得手,為下半場的大反撃鋪路,Western Force易邊後達陣4次而主隊只能射入一記罰球作回應。
Western Force 賽前已篤定成為亞洲區的王者,他們將於今月稍後時間挑戰大洋洲區賽事,與斐濟和薩摩亞的好手爭奪另一王者寶座。
今仗也是亞洲區賽季總亞軍之爭,華南虎與新加坡的Asia Pacific Dragons 經歷主客賽事各兩場後同得6分,雙方早前均不敵Western Force,令華南虎今戰前有更多成為亞軍的本錢。
華南虎開賽首35分鐘看似一帆風順,除了早段被對手的拿斯爾(Brad Lacey)攻入一次「超強達陣」外(Power Try),上半場其餘大部分時間取得控制權。
主隊原本有一次取得首記「超強達陣」的黃金機會,雲戴爾(Tom Varndell)在自己後場發難 和與隊友連番美妙互傳後,可惜這達陣經視像球證判為詐糊,因為雲戴爾在落地時丟了球。華南虎並沒有放鬆手腳,10分鐘由羅斯尼(Matt Rosslee)射入兩記罰球,追至6-9 。
季中才參加Global Rapid Rugby 的七人隊港腳利維尼(Jack Neville)表現勇猛,他開山闢路造就史尼譚(Liam Slatem)達陣,美中不足是利維尼發動攻勢的起點僅僅越過了「超強達陣」的界線。
羅斯尼射入附加罰球後助華南虎反先至13-9 。
華南虎的領先優勢維持不久便被Western Force破壞,後者發動一輪猛烈攻勢後由副隊長史丹達(Brynard Stander)達陣,並於半場休息時反先至16-13 。
雙方在下半場首10分鐘爭持不下,可惜主隊之後無以為繼,形勢一面倒傾向客軍,阿拉迪梅(AJ Alatimu)達陣得手將分差擴至10分,其後史丹達、麥格哥(Jack McGregor)和基圖奧(Feleti Kaitu’u)相繼達陣。
華南虎最後只憑佳恩曉士(Glyn Hughes) ,將落敗分數寫成16 – 40。
虎帥夏文(Craig Hammond)對結局感到失望,但對於能汲取寶貴經驗準備下季Global Rapid Rugby 感到欣慰,他說: 「上半場我們打出不少亮麗攻勢,防守也不俗,亦製造幾次『超強達陣』的威脅,可惜我們下半場被對手圍攻自己腹地。 」
「雖然結果並非如我所願,但大家奮力作戰是值得表揚,而且我們由季初至今已進步很多。 上次作客澳洲時我們的鬥牛陣經常處於下風,但我們刻苦訓練後今次能與對方抗衡,說明了我軍的實力提升不少。 」
雙隊長之一的史尼譚認為球隊要精益求精,而且華南虎與對手們並非差距甚遠,他道: 「Western Force 質素很高和把握力在我們之上。我們在關鍵時刻失了控球權而被他們反守為攻,更因此而付出代價。事實上我們上半場的表現並不失禮,所以我們今季獲益良多。 」
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
嘉里建設呈獻亞洲最大型冰球賽事 「2019 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」 成年組圓滿落幕 Empire Skate 雙囍臨門
[2019年5月12日 – 香港]: 嘉里建設呈獻、全亞洲最大型的冰球賽 -「2019 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」成年組盟主爭霸戰,昨日(5月11日)在全港唯一符合規格舉辦國際冰球比賽的場地Mega Ice上演。今年賽事吸引了來自日本和中國的職業球員(男子組)爭標,來自菲律賓、新加坡和中華台北的代表隊成員也為女子組后冠而水火不容,為球迷帶來觀賞性十足的殘酷對決。
今屆成年組共有7場男子和1場女子決賽,DP Mantis(Stealth) 以4-0 將HKIHA 撃倒並將亞洲A組冠軍據為己有。
Kung Pow Kings 在亞洲 B 組決賽較Sammi’s Superstars 技勝一籌(5-2) 。Blades 在亞洲C組以2-1力克Piranha 。
DP Mantis (Evoke) 勇奪女子組冠軍,Pilipinas Islanders (負0-1)只能屈居亞軍。
HKIHA以 6-0 力壓 XPATS 成為國際B組冠軍,而Empire Skate 在國際A組決賽較DP Mantis (Stealth) 棋高一著(3-0) 。
Empire Skate 戰勝Hong Kong Hitmen後(6-3)登上亞洲精英組冠軍寶座,Cathay Flyers 與 Nordic Vikings 在國際精英組一番角大力後,前者以1-0 力克對手封王。
今屆的女子組、國際精英組、國際A組及亞洲精英組決賽透過 「Mega Ice五人冰球賽」YouTube及Facebook頻道作網上直播。
「2019 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」成年組冠軍得主一覽表
組別 | 冠軍 |
女子組 | DP Mantis (Evoke) |
亞洲C組 | Blades |
亞洲 B組 | Kung Pow Kings |
亞洲 A組 | DP Mantis(Stealth) |
亞洲精英組 | Empire Skate |
國際B組 | HKIHA |
國際 A組 | Empire Skate |
國際精英組 | Cathay Flyers |
有關「Mega Ice五人冰球賽」賽事資訊,請瀏覽官方網 www.megaice.com.hk 或致電: (852) 2709 4023 。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 「2019 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」)
– Jean-Eric Vergne moves to the top of the standings after victory on the streets of Monaco
– Second win of the season for the reigning champion ends streak of eight different winners
– Felipe Massa picks up first podium in ABB FIA Formula E Championship on home soil for VENTURI Formula E Team
Jean-Eric Vergne lifted himself back into title contention with victory on the streets of Monaco, bringing to an end the streak of eight consecutive different winners so far this season.
The reigning champion held off the advances of Oliver Rowland in the closing stages with energy levels dropping but managed to hold station and take the chequered flag. The result marks Vergne’s first win around the Principality in any discipline.
Vergne led away from Julius Baer pole position, despite Rowland topping the times in the super pole shoot-out – after the Nissan e.dams driver carried over a three-place grid penalty for causing a collision with Alexander Sims in Paris.
Rowland, who was later promoted to third on the grid due to Mitch Evans receiving a penalty for a third reprimand, jumped ahead of Pascal Wehrlein in the early phase of the race after the MAHINDRA RACING driver locked-up and went deep into Sainte-Devote.
Not only did Wehrlein lose a place to Rowland – who set his sights on Vergne at the head of the field – he struggled to put down the power and fell behind Felipe Massa on the run down to the Turn 3 hairpin.
With the leading quartet pulling away and building a gap back to Sebastien Buemi in fifth, it became a strategic battle about when to deploy ATTACK MODE. Rowland was the first to blink with the final activation approaching the five-minute mark, however, Vergne and Massa mirrored his move a lap later to quell any speed advantage.
Despite running nose-to-tail in the final few corners, the top-four remained in the same order as they crossed the line – leading to Vergne becoming the only repeat winner this season and vaulting the DS TECHEETAH driver to the top of the standings.
The podium positions were completed by Massa, claiming his first podium in the ABB FIA Formula E Championship on home soil for the Monegasque VENTURI Formula E Team. Massa finished in front of Wehrlein in fourth, who secured an extra point for setting fastest lap.
Buemi couldn’t extend his unbeaten record in Monaco – after winning the previous two editions – ending up in fifth over five seconds behind Wehrlein, with Mitch Evans a place further back in sixth after Antonio Felix da Costa was disqualified for exceeding maximum power usage.
Current leader of the voestalpine European races Andre Lotterer was promoted to seventh, putting him one point behind Vergne in the title race. Alex Lynn scored his first points since his return for Panasonic Jaguar Racing in eighth, as Stoffel Vandoorne and Jose Maria Lopez moved up the order following a post-race time penalty for Daniel Abt – after causing a collision with Oliver Turvey at Turn 1.
With the streak finally coming to an end and the top-three drivers separated by six points, will anyone emerge as a clear title contender as the electric street racing series heads to Berlin for round 10 of the ABB FIA Formula E Championship and the penultimate leg of the voestalpine European races on May 25.
For more analysis and to read the full race report, visit – www.FIAFormulaE.com
(Source: FIA Formula E)
11 May 2019, Monaco – Felipe MASSA brought a return to form for the VENTURI Formula E Team in front of a home crowd at the Monaco E-Prix on Saturday 11th May adding to the team’s silverware the 2018/19 Formula E Championship with a third place on the podium.
After a strong qualifying, MASSA started the ninth race of the season at the iconic Monaco track in fourth position, his third place finish brings another 15 points to the team championship standings.
VENTURI President, Monaco-born Gildo PASTOR, who joined the team for the home race staged just ten minutes walk from the team’s HQ, led the charge in congratulating Felipe on his maiden Formula E podium on home turf.
MASSA’S Swiss-Italian team mate, Edoardo MORTARA, had a less successful day on the 1.765 km circuit. A frustrating qualifying performance left him at the back of the grid for the start of the race and despite finding good pace from the car, an overtaking incident with MAHINDRA Racing’s Jérôme D’AMBROSIO, damaged his front suspension and resulted in the untimely end to his race on lap 30.
Without doubt MASSA’S performance at this very special home race for the VENTURI Formula E Team has had a significant impact on the morale of the Monegasque team.
“It wasn’t a great day for me personally but it was a really good day for the team, so in the end it’s positive. I didn’t have the pace in Qualifying – I just couldn’t get the grip that I wanted and I had some problems on the brakes. When you start at the back here it’s difficult to recover although I had some good overtakes early on, it wasn’t enough. But the pace is there in the car, so let’s see in the next races if we can qualify further in front and score some big points.”
Edoardo MORTARA, VENTURI Formula E Team driver
“What a great feeling! Qualifying was fantastic and it was an amazing race too – nice and clean. I’ve had good qualifying results before but something always happened during the race. So far, I’ve never had a completely clean race that allowed me to get the very best from the car. Today we had no mistakes, nothing like someone pushing me out and breaking the car like I had in Hong Kong. It’s the best place to do it here in Monaco – the home E-Prix for the team and for me. It was so special being on the podium and seeing my son screaming for me – that’s a great feeling. Looking at these kind of things just makes you feel so proud. I’m doing what I love to do and having the results too is always the best achievement. Our Monegasque President Gildo was understandably emotional after the race, it’s a big day for him too and I’m very happy that we could share it together. I want to say a huge thank you to the fans as well, the atmosphere was incredible. I hope this is a sign of more good things to come for me.”
Felipe MASSA, VENTURI Formula E Team driver
“We’re incredibly happy with Felipe’s result. Our Headquarters is just over the rock, so to be on the podium at our home race in Monaco, with our President, Gildo Pastor here and the incredible local support, makes a very special day for us. Definitely one not to forget. Felipe did a fantastic job, the team have worked really hard and I’m very proud of them. Felipe’s shown so much promise over the last races but hasn’t quite made it to that podium finish, so to do it here in Monaco – his first podium in Formula E – is fantastic and very well-deserved. It’s just what we needed. We had so much momentum in the middle of the season so it’s great to be back up there. Now we really want to finish the European season with a strong few races in the lead up to the season finale in New York.”
Susie WOLFF, VENTURI Formula E Team Principal
To keep up with all the action, follow VENTURI Formula E team on Twitter: @VenturiFE.
(Source: VENTURI Formula E Team)
富衛華南虎Global Rapid Rugby 煞科戰全力一擊
[2019年5月10日,香港]: 大灣區全新的職業欖球隊 – 富衛華南虎望能在Global Rapid Rugby 亞洲區試點賽季最後一仗戰勝今季盟主Western Force。Western Force 將於本週日(下午4時,香港仔運動場)首次來港比賽。
Western Force挾3連勝的氣焰來港,他們週日交手前已提早封王並獲得50,000澳元冠軍獎,但這不會冷卻華南虎主場爭勝的慾望 。
虎帥夏文(Craig Hammond)說: 「我們不會輕視這場比賽 。」「我們與Asia Pacific Dragons同分,並且希望能戰勝 Western Force 或至少能取得一些額外積分來獲得次名。這亦是對我們今季表現的一種肯定和為明年鋪路,因為下季的參賽球隊可能增至6- 8隊。」
今個月尾展開的「亞洲欖球錦標賽」(Asia Rugby Championship)也有利虎軍陣中的港腳和準港腳們備戰,包括於本週日正選上陣的羅斯尼(Matt Rosslee)和前三仗皆正選而今次先任後備的佳恩曉士(Glyn Hughes) 。
首3場後備上陣的蘇利雲(Kyle Sullivan)今次獲得正選 ,並夥拍港隊戰友F. 菲爾迪(Fin Field)在前線攻堅。
港將賓希堅斯(Ben Higgins)和戴恩贊斯(Dayne Jans)傷癒復出後表現良好,與兩名雙隊長根寧咸(James Cunningham)和(Liam Slatem)同獲正選。夏文也挑選了幾名七人隊港腳助拳,利維尼(Jack Neville)和保確迪(Kane Boucaut)相信之後也會在 「亞洲欖球錦標賽」藍圖之內。
司職殿鋒的利維尼早前作客新加坡鬥Asia Pacific Dragons時表現奪目,同一位置的迪堤亞尼(Nathan De Thierry)則掛免戰牌 。
利維尼與雲戴爾(Tom Varndell)和薩耶斯(Harry Sayers)合組後衛三俠,利維尼剛剛在早前的「新加坡七人賽」復出 ,至於香港出生而在英國長大的薩耶斯今季回流參加本地聯賽,努力爭取表現冀獲得香港十五人代表隊的青睞。
夏文最後道: 「薩耶斯和利維尼均能在兩翼產生威脅,他們均具有改變戰局的能力,還有在球會和七人隊的表現很出色。他們持球進攻的能力強,利維尼在新加坡的演出更是光芒四射,所以我們給予機會讓他們再次證明自己。」
富衛華南虎v Western Force 名單 (5月12日,香港仔運動場,下午4時開賽)
- 賓希堅斯, 2. 戴恩贊斯3. 高路馬達基, 4. F.菲爾迪, 5. 蘇利雲 6. 根寧咸 (雙隊長) 7. 占士梳亞(James SAWYER) 8. 雲達史密(Luke Van Der SMIT) 9. 史尼譚 (雙隊長) 10. 羅斯尼 11. 薩耶斯 12. 曉湯姆 (Tom HILL) 13. 賓布蘭(Ben AXTEN-BURRETT) 14. 雲戴爾 15. 利維尼
後備: 16. 米曹安祖斯 (Mitch ANDREWS), 17. 麥菲史密夫(Callum MCFEAT-SMITH), 18. 法爾薩所羅蒙拿(Fai SOLOMONA), 19. 保確迪, 20. 唐昇 (Josh DOWSING), 21. 拜恩菲立斯(Bryn PHILLIPS), 22. 維域域(Sami VIRIVIRI), 23. 佳恩曉士
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia)
欖球環球旅者: Western Force 東方之珠初體驗
[2019年5月10日,香港]: 前「超級欖球聯賽」(Super Rugby) 爭標球隊 Western Force 將於首屆Global Rapid Rugby 球季(亞洲區)亮相香江,並於本週日(下午4時)在香港仔運動場與富衞華南虎正面交鋒。
Western Force 上週造訪新加坡以7-3 小勝主隊 Asia Pacific Dragons後 ,已足夠成為屆Global Rapid Rugby 球季(亞洲區)皇者兼獲得50,000 澳元獎金,他們更挾三連勝氣勢襲港。
客隊教綀添森臣(Tim Sampson)滿意球隊的表現並說:「 我們在季前熱身賽在主場以26-16擊敗『世界明星隊』(World XV), 這賽事以Global Rapid Rugby 賽例作賽,所以對我方的備戰十分有利。我們今季的表現雖然穩定,但戰罷獅城後便要馬不停蹄到香港,增加了我們取勝的難度。」
添森臣也在季中率領球隊往日本與職業球隊進行兩場友賽 (以國際欖球慣例作賽),而華南虎和 Dragons 在同期則互相切磋。添森臣也滿意友賽的收獲, 他說: 「 友賽也是一種挑戰,因為我們要遊走兩種不同賽例之間和作出相應調整,而節奏明快的球賽也正合日本球隊的口胃。」
「到日本友賽的另一目的是宣傳Global Rapid Rugby 。國際欖球未來發展充滿變數和日職球隊Sunwolves也被『超級欖球聯賽』拒之門外,所以及早宣傳能把握機遇。Global Rapid Rugby 的願景對整個欖球運動發展很重要,賽事需要與時並進而欖球是其一項少數已有一段時間原地踏步的運動。」
「譬如澳洲的欖球聯賽(Rugby League)和澳式足球(Aussie Rules)在過去幾年都不約而同地作出轉變,反觀欖球卻一如往昔,所以我認為Global Rapid Rugby的新球例和開拓亞洲市場是美事。這雖然只是一小步 ,但我相信Global Rapid Rugby 在未來日子將更受歡迎。」
森氏當然最關心球隊的前景和力保今季的完美戰績,但他也很清楚華南虎不會輕易就範,他說: 「華南虎自作客不敵(22-45)我們後已經進步很多,戰術變得更聰明多變和更能控制戰局,虎軍雙隊長之一史尼譚(Liam Slatem) 、羅斯尼(Matt Rosslee)和佳恩曉士(Glyn Hughes)令我印象深刻。華南虎的整體實力不俗和表現蠻算穩定,每個位置的球員也能產生威脅,頗為高大的前鋒線也不易應付。」
今個星期日的亞洲區賽事結束後,Western Force 將轉戰大洋洲區與斐濟Latui(5月)和薩摩亞 Kagifa (6月) 競逐另一筆50,000 澳元的冠軍獎金。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia)
9 May 2019, Monaco – May 11th sees the Formula E Championship make a welcome return to Monaco as the iconic street track comes to life for the ninth leg of the 2018-19 series. The Monaco E-Prix carries extra significance for the proudly Monegasque VENTURI Formula E Team, the only motorsport team based in Monaco, who will be flying the flag for the Principality in front of a home crowd.
The Monaco E-Prix plays hard to get. The most glamorous race on the calendar only takes place every other year and it’s fair to say that the VENTURI Formula E Team has come a considerable way since May 2017. The prospect of returning to this legendary circuit to compete – just four minutes walk from the VENTURI HQ – is an exciting one for everyone on the team.
The 1.765 km circuit (one of the shortest of the season) includes 12 turns and promises good race pace placing extra emphasis on good energy management. Monaco, the jewel in the motorsport crown, is famous for its twisty track where overtaking is notoriously difficult. As a result, the qualifying session is certain to be among the most important of the season. Grip should not be an issue, as 80% of the length of the circuit has been resurfaced with new asphalt.
The drivers will be able to activate “Attack Mode” – which offers strategic power boosts during the race – on the straight between the Yacht Club hairpin and Tabac corner. Although it requires drivers to briefly leave the racing line, in theory it should not cause them to lose any time.
The VENTURI Formula E Team currently lies 6th in the overall team rankings. As the Monegasque flag is raised in box n°6 on Quai Albert Ier, the clear aim for the team is to regain the momentum from the first half of the season. After collecting valuable points in Hong-Kong, Mexico and Santiago (among others), the team founded by Monegasque native Gildo PASTOR is confident it can once again rise up the rankings.
(Source: VENTURI Formula E Team)
嘉里建設呈獻亞洲最大型冰球賽事 「2019 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」成年組臥虎藏龍
[2019年5月7日 – 香港]: 亞洲最大型的冰球賽 – 嘉里建設呈獻「2019 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」再次烽煙四起,這第12屆賽事逾80支來自世界各地共12個國家或城市的好手爭奪各項殊榮。
各青少年組的盟主已於上週六(5月4日)順利產生,而成年組賽事亦劇力萬鈞,賽事於本週舉行。今日假比賽場地Mega Ice舉行的成年組開球禮,由香港民政事務局副局長陳積志先生、香港立法會議員(體育、演藝、文化及出版界)馬逢國先生SBS, JP、香港旅遊發展局副總幹事葉貞德女士、國際冰球聯合會副會長胡文新先生、嘉里建設有限公司企業及市場傳訊總監林慧君小姐、MegaBox 總監文靜芝小姐、觀塘區議員蘇麗珍小姐MH, JP、Mega Ice高級經理黃靜嫺小姐以及一眾參賽國家或城市的駐港領事代表等主禮。
2018年國際精英組冠軍Cathay Flyers 派出強勁陣容,力圖衛冕之心路人皆知,2017年「最有價值球員」Sam Wheeler及同年「最佳前鋒」(國際A組) Jake McDonnell及上屆「最佳守門員」(國際精英組) Jasen Awalt [他亦是2016年及2017年國際A組「最佳守門員」]已整裝待發。
XPATS、Hong Kong Sammi Raptors、Nordic Vikings、Kung Pow Kings、HKIHA 和Empire Skate將對Cathay Flyers逼宮。
2018 年國際精英組「最佳前鋒」Stefen Northman 將是Nordic Vikings 的箭頭,而Empire Skate 亦簽入5名日本職業球員包括石岡敏、宮崎獠、金子直樹、 前日本U18門將木本榮人和現役日本國腳熊谷豪士協助爭標。
HKIHA 是香港隊的化身,由率領港隊參加「IIHF世界錦標賽2019」的正副隊長沈卓謙和馮本汝馬首是瞻,這也是香港男子隊繼世錦賽後首次在主場參加的國際級賽事。
DP Mantis (Evoke)和Pilipinas Islanders同是今屆女子組的新丁,前者是中華台北和新加坡代表隊組成的聯軍,並在今年早前奪得「Land Of Smile 賽事」(Land Of Smile tournament)冠軍。
Pilipinas Islanders是菲律賓國家隊的影子隊,該隊隊長Danielle Imperial只有22歲並是菲律賓國家隊的隊長。
一眾香港女子隊精兵將分佈於WIHO、WIHO Elite 和WIHO Jr,這也是眾港將港繼世錦賽後首次主場出撃的國際級賽事。
嘉里建設有限公司企業及市場傳訊總監林慧君小姐期待另一週精彩的冰球賽並說:「我們十分榮幸連續12年冠名贊助『Mega Ice五人冰球賽』,賽事的成功是各政府部門、合作夥伴、MegaBox 和Mega Ice團隊,以及忠實支持者通力合作的成果。今屆賽事的競爭性更上一層樓,我相信大家在Mega Ice會有美好的時光。」
「Mega Ice五人冰球賽」今年吸引加拿大、中國、香港、日本、菲律賓、新加坡、瑞典、泰國、中華台北和泰國等地的冰球精英,於5月5-11日期間的69場賽事中爭奪各項錦標。所有賽事免費入場。
今年賽事將再度作網上直播,上週六精選了青少年組Pee Wee A組及Bantam A 組決賽,本週六的四場成人組決賽(女子組、國際精英組、國際A組及亞洲精英組) 同樣透過 「Mega Ice五人冰球賽」YouTube 及Facebook作直播。
勝出各組別的「最有價值球員」、「最佳前鋒球員」、「最佳防守球員」 及「最佳守門員」 會收到 Empire Skate送出冰球裝備及潮流服飾品牌fingercroxx 的”fingercroxx X Hockey 5’s 別注版 T恤”一件。本土手工啤酒heroes beer亦再度推出賽事限定版啤酒。亦有特別版郵票供球員及公衆人士購買。
有關「Mega Ice五人冰球賽」賽事資訊,請瀏覽官方網 www.megaice.com.hk 或致電: (852) 2709 4023 。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 「2019 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」)
嘉里建設呈獻亞洲最大型冰球賽事 「2019 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」青少年好手光芒四射
[2019年5月5日 – 香港]: 由MegaBox 及Mega Ice主辦 —- 嘉里建設呈獻、全亞洲最大型的冰球賽 –「2019 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」青少年組別昨日(5月4日)上演決賽日,
今屆的Bantam A 及 Pee Wee A 決賽透過 「Mega Ice五人冰球賽」YouTube及Facebook頻道作網上
Junior Tigers在Atom A 決賽以5-4 力克HK Typhoons Selects Team,而Bangkok Zeus 亦在Atom B決賽以8-3勇挫Flying Tigers 。
Shanghai Feiyang Star在Mini Squirt A決賽中以3-0 技術性撃倒Beijing Dream Totem,International North Stars則在Mini Squirt B以4-1氣走 Shenzhen Kunlun Redstar Icekylin 。
HK Typhoons Selects Blue 以2-0 輕取 International North Stars 成為Squirt A 的皇者, AIYARA在Squirt B決賽以0-1向International North Stars稱臣。
International North Stars 和Singapore Ice Dragons 分別奪得Pee Wee A 和Pee Wee B冠軍,HK Typhoons Selects Blue (負2-4) 和 HKAIH (負1-3)分別成為他們的手下敗將。HK Typhoons Selects Blue 以1-0 戰勝Hong Kong Junior A 將Bantam A 獎盃據為己有。
International North Stars 和Singapore Ice Dragons 在昨日的煞科冠軍戰 – Bantam B決賽前夕磨刀霍霍, 最後Singapore Ice Dragons技勝一籌以1-0掄元。
決賽 | 冠軍 |
Atom A 組 | Junior Tigers |
Atom B組 | Bangkok Zeus |
Mini Squirts A 組 | Shanghai Feiyang Star |
Mini Squirts B 組 | International North Stars |
Squirt A 組 | HK Typhoons Selects Blue |
Squirt B 組 | International North Stars |
Pee Wee A 組 | International North Stars |
Pee Wee B 組 | Singapore Ice Dragons |
Bantam A 組 | HK Typhoons Selects Blue |
Bantam B 組 | Singapore Ice Dragons |
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 「2019 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」)
富衛華南虎與Western Force齊齊為 「母親節」獻上愛意
[2019年5月3日,香港]: 富衛華南虎歡迎母親們於5月12日到香港仔運動場一同慶祝「母親節」,當日華南虎對今屆不敗雄師Western Force (下午4時)的戲碼亦是Global Rapid Rugby 亞洲站首季試點賽季的煞科戰。
「母親節」慶祝活動貫徹 Global Rapid Rugby 將一流的欖球賽與場內外豐富娛樂結合的宗旨。華南虎5月12日的賽事也首次獲得St James’s Place全力贊助。
華南虎主要贊助商富衛對培育欖球明日之星不遺餘力,他們將贊助香港欖球總會「元旦日」青少年欖球賽的男女子12歲以下組別的歡喜冤家 – 港島精英隊與九龍半島精英隊,於5月12日合演一場賽前表演賽,兩隊亦會穿上別出心裁的老虎戰衣對壘。
Glen Alfred 及其樂隊將現場演奏(下午1時30分)多首澳洲名曲,讓客隊有賓至如歸的感覺。此外,理工大學舞蹈社和Central Cheer All Stars 啦啦隊,將於賽前和中場休息時間分別以Hip Hop和強勁節拍,刺激現場氣氛。
在中場休息時間舉行的「Rhino 接高開球競賽」也崔護重來,屆時現場兩位幸運觀眾可帶同1位朋友一齊參加「Rhino 接高開球競賽」贏取現金獎,這位幸運觀眾和其朋友將親身落場參加最高達港幣$5000的現金獎遊戲。遊戲玩法是由華南虎成員開出高球,遊戲參加者每成功接到高開球一次便可獲得港幣$250的獎金。
除此之外,現場觀眾可享受由嘉里酒店精心炮製的美食和買一送一的「歡樂時光」,還有本地手工啤酒品牌Heroes Beer為華南虎特別推出的口味。
特惠家庭套票之每張成人普通門票為港幣$200元(可攜同兩名12歲以下小童免費入場) ,而青少年門票(13-17歲)每張只售港幣$100元。成人門票港幣$200起,可透過www.zoonga.com.au/globalrapidrugby購買。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)