「中國人壽(海外) FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」 日本及意大利獲勝為賽事劃上完美句號
【2018 年 5 月 31 日 – 香港】由香港排球總會主辦、中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司呈獻之「中國人壽(海外)FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」(“「世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」”)今天於香港體育館圓滿結束。首場日本直落3局以3-0(25-16,25-21,25-21)拿下阿根廷;第二場由意大利以局數3-1(25-18,25-14,16-25,25-18)擊敗中國。
今天的個人獎項頒獎典禮由多位貴賓主持,當中包括香港排球總會會長吳守基SBS太平紳士、國際排聯終身名譽主席魏紀中先生、中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室宣傳文體部部長朱文先生、民政事務局副局長陳積志JP、中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會 會長霍震霆GBS太平紳士、中國人壽(海外)市場策劃部總經理唐秀珊女士、陽明山莊黃潘潔慧女士及安全貨倉有限公司助理總經理黃慧如先生。大會並向球員及教練頒發個人獎項,各隊最受歡迎球員包括:阿根廷隊長娜絲簡露(Julieta Constanza LAZCANO)、中國隊長朱婷(Ting Zhu)、意大利接應伊干奴(Paola OGECHI EGONU)及日本主攻黒後愛(Ai KUROGO);而最受歡迎教練由中國隊教練朗平(Ping LANG)奪得,中國同時獲得最受歡迎球隊。
2018 FIVB世界女排聯賽總決賽將於6月27日至7月1日於中國南京舉行。
阿根廷隊最受歡迎球員:隊長娜絲簡露(Julieta Constanza LAZCANO)。
中國隊最受歡迎球員隊長朱婷(Ting Zhu) ,而最受歡迎教練由中國隊教練朗平(Ping LANG)奪得,中國同時獲得最受歡迎球隊。
意大利隊最受歡迎球員:接應伊干奴(Paola OGECHI EGONU)。
日本最受歡迎球員:主攻黒後愛(Ai KUROGO)。
(資料來源: Yello Marketing/ 「世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港」)
「中國人壽(海外) FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」 意大利及中國於香港站第二天賽事取得勝仗
【2018 年 5 月 30 日 – 香港】由香港排球總會主辦、中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司呈獻之「中國人壽(海外)FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」(“「世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」”)今天於香港體育館繼續進行第二天賽事。首場意大利以3-0(25-15,25-16,25-18)輕鬆拿下阿根廷。而次場則由中國與日本上演亞洲王者之爭,連場精彩較技之後,最終中國以局數3-0(25-21,25-19,25-17)擊敗日本。中國隊隊長朱婷於比賽後表示:「要突破日本隊的防守有一定難度,但這是一場很好的對壘。總括而言,我們對自己的表現感到滿意。」
圖片二 a , 二 b
(資料來源: Yello Marketing/ 「世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港」)
「中國人壽(海外) FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」 戰幔正式揭開 日本及中國響勝鼓
【2018 年 5 月 29 日 – 香港】由香港排球總會主辦、中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司呈獻之「中國人壽(海外)FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」(“「世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」”)今天於香港體育館正式展開,大會邀得香港排球總會會長吳守基SBS太平紳士、大型體育活動事務委員會主席郭志樑先生、康樂及文化事務署署長李美嫦太平紳士、立法會議員馬逢國SBS太平紳士及中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司副董事長兼總裁劉安林先生擔任開幕典禮嘉賓,並為賽事舉行簡單而隆重的開幕儀式。首日賽事結束,日本在揭幕戰以局數3-2 (20-25,25-33,20-25, 25-23, 15-11) 險勝意大利,而第二場比賽由中國獲勝,以局數3-0(25-22,25-16,25-12) 擊敗阿根廷。
次日賽事將於明天(5月30日)晚上6時正開始,首場賽事由阿根 廷對意大利;中國則會於晚上8時30分與日本交鋒。
大會邀得香港排球總會會長吳守基SBS 太平紳士(中)、大型體育活動事務委員會主席郭志樑先生(左二) 、康樂及文化事務署署長李美嫦太平紳士(右二)、立法會議員馬逢 國SBS太平紳士(左一)及中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司副 董事長兼總裁劉安林先生(右一)為「世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」啟動儀式任嘉賓。
而第二場比賽由中國獲勝,以局數3-0(25-22,25-16 ,25-12)擊敗阿根廷。
(資料來源: Yello Marketing/ 「世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港」)
「中國人壽(海外) FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」 賽前記者招待會
【2018 年 5 月 28 日 – 香港】由香港排球總會主辦、中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司呈獻之「中國人壽(海外)FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」(“「世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」”)將於5月29至31日(星期二至四)假香港體育館舉行。進入第三周賽事,四支頂級球隊包括阿根廷、中國、意大利及日本已準備就緒,各球隊的教練及隊員代表於今天出席由賽會舉辦的賽前記者招待會,分享對香港站賽事的期望及備戰實況。
「中國人壽(海外) FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」賽程如下:
日期 | 時間 | 賽事 | 電視台 – 奇妙77台 | ||
5月29日 (星期二) | 18:00 | 日本 | 對 | 意大利 | 深夜12:30轉播 |
20:30 | 中國 | 對 | 阿根廷 | 直播 | |
5月30日 (星期三) | 18:00 | 阿根廷 | 對 | 意大利 | 深夜12:30轉播 |
20:30 | 中國 | 對 | 日本 | 直播 | |
5月31日 (星期四) | 18:00 | 日本 | 對 | 阿根廷 | 深夜12:30轉播 |
20:30 | 中國 | 對 | 意大利 | 直播 |
*有線高清體育2台 (Ch602) 及 體育2台 (Ch662) 直播所有賽事。
香港排球總會會長吳守基SBS太平紳士(右五)及「中國人壽(海外)FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」賽事組織委員會比賽總監鄭志明先生(左五) 與各球隊的主教練及球yuen代表於記者招待會中合照留影。
四支參賽隊伍的球員代表 (左起) 娜絲簡露(阿根廷)、朱婷(中國)、姬莉婕拉(意大利)及岩坂名奈(日本)於記者招待會中齊聚一堂。
(資料來源: Yello Marketing/ 「世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港」)
港隊勝仗為欖球世界盃2019冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅劃圓滿句號 逾千人於香港迎接 Webb Ellis Cup 為2019年日本賽事倒數
· 透過學校及球會的參觀活動,啟發欖球新世代
· 港隊於亞洲欖球錦標賽以91-10戰勝馬來西亞,獲取重要分數, 仍然有望晉身2019年欖球世界盃,競逐Webb Ellis Cup
· 亞洲地區的欖球參與率日益增長,目前已有超過50萬位參加者參與 了欖球世界盃2019的「Impact Beyond legacy」計劃
· 前欖球世界盃的冠軍成員Terry Wright(1987)和Josh Lewsey(2003) 為欖球世界盃首於亞洲地區舉辦興奮不已;他們現已為香港居民。
· 欖球世界盃2019冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅下一站為北京
Webb Ellis Cup本周到訪了香港不同學校和欖球球會, 讓數以千計的欖球迷參與欖球世界盃2019冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅。 冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅將於欖球世界盃2019賽事舉行前到訪18個國 家。香港作為旅程中的第五站,以91-10的佳績戰勝馬來西亞隊 伍。
港隊將於6月2日對戰韓國隊伍,爭奪亞洲欖球錦標賽冠軍殊榮。 冠軍得主將會於6月或7月與庫克群島角力對賽,力爭欖球世界盃2 019錦標賽複賽一席位。
香港足球會周六聚集了不少欖球支持者, 見證港隊成員努力在場上爭勝,並與場內展出的Webb Ellis Cup拍照留念。 是次冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅在過去幾天到訪了不同地方, 包括孔聖堂中學、英皇佐治五世學校、賽馬會善樂學校、 香港欖球總會社區基金的「聽障欖球計劃」、 青少年社區欖球訓練組、香港女子七人欖球代表隊、 及香港欖球總會的招待會。
1987年欖球世界盃冠軍得主紐西蘭名將Terry Wright及2003年欖球世界盃冠軍得主英國名將Josh Lewsey亦於本周參加了Webb Ellis Cup巡迴之旅,並對日本欖球世界盃2019表現支持和興奮。L ewsey與欖球世界盃2019的全球合作夥伴DHL攜手派發「 Get Into Rugby」紀念套裝予孔聖堂中學,Lewsey當日亦化身教練 ,與香港欖球總會的欖球推廣計劃教練一起訓練學員。截至2017 年底,Asia Rugby成功吸引了超過68萬人參與「Get Into Rugby」計劃,人數為全球第一,而在眾多參加者中有36%為 女性,緊貼欖球在世界各年輕地區的發展熱潮。
Lewsey說:「十分高興能夠參與欖球世界盃2019冠軍獎盃 巡迴之旅,特別是我現居香港 ,很難得能在Webb Ellis Cup中遇見老朋友。我亦很榮幸能夠身體力行支持『Get Into Rugby』計劃,派發紀念套裝, 並參與香港欖球總會的訓練課程,令孔聖堂中學的學生受惠。 我透過是次冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅,看到冠軍獎盃對年青人的影響, 以及如何啟發他們更加努力練習及樂在其中,深感欣慰。」
Lewsey續說:「距離日本欖球世界盃2019的賽事不足50 0日,對於World Rugby首次在亞洲區舉辦賽事感到高興。 隨著賽事的熱潮不斷升溫,已見證很多令人興奮緊張和期待的時刻。 賽事結合冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅到訪中國、尼泊爾、 巴基斯坦和菲律賓等不同國家的組合, 確實有助發展欖球為一項世界性運動。」
Webb Ellis Cup得以順利舉行,而香港警務人員和警察欖球隊隊員Lo Wai Yin 和 Andy Leung亦穿上了欖球鞋, 象徵警察國際欖球錦標賽將於明年在香港舉行。 香港警察是香港欖球總會的創辦成員之一, 兩隊男子及一隊女子隊伍積極參與不同本地組別賽事。另外, 他們還成立了擁有多於300位成員的「小型欖球隊」, 並與本地慈善團體「奮進行動」合作, 希望透過運動來幫助高危青年建立正面價值觀。
香港欖球總會行政總裁麥偉彬(Robbie McRobbie)表示:「我們歡迎欖球世界盃2019冠軍獎盃 巡迴之旅到訪香港, 並很高興能代表香港欖球總會和本地欖球愛好者迎接Webb Ellis Cup,為巡迴之旅與香港隊的比賽畫上完滿句號。」
麥偉彬續說:「欖球世界盃象徵著我們一直所嚮往的卓越、 友誼和尊重。我們希望Webb Ellis Cup不僅能秉承以上的精神,還能把它們發揚到年輕的一輩, 啟發更多本地欖球運動員和愛好者。 我們很高興香港能有份參與欖球世界盃2019冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅。 希望參加者都能記住這次巡迴之旅的美好回憶,並於2019日本欖 球世界盃上有機會大展拳腳,取得佳績。」
完成香港站後,Webb Ellis Cup將前往巡迴之旅的第六站-北京。透過連串社區、 教育和欖球活動,巡迴之旅有望吸引和啟發更多人士參與欖球運動。 巡迴之旅為期兩年,將到訪傳統欖球強國及欖球運動發展中國家, 並於亞洲區支持「Impact Beyond 2019」計劃,希望能吸引100萬參加者嘗試和繼續參與欖球運 動。計劃目前在亞洲經已取得不錯的成績,透過不同的活動和計劃, 已成功吸引超過50萬位參加者。
巡迴之旅將會繼續為全球欖球迷帶來驚喜, 並推動各地球迷一同支持日本欖球世界盃2019。 按此查看欖球世界盃2019冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅時間表。
欖球世界盃2019將於明年9月20日至11月11日舉行。 截至目前,門票申請人數已突破150萬人次。5月19日至6月2 6日期間,前排坐位及會員優先門票目前接受訂購。有意訂購者可於 www.rugbyworldcup.com/ supporter 登記成為會員和於www.rugbyworldcup.com/ tickets 訂購門票。
更多欖球世界盃2019的資訊,請瀏覽www. rugbyworldcup.com/tickets 。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
香港主場狂勝馬來西亞 與「世界盃2019」次輪外圍賽走得更近

「中國人壽 (海外 ) FIVB 世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港」 中國女排全接觸
【2018年5月27日-香港】由香港排球總會主辦、中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司呈獻之「中國人壽(海外)FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 -香港」(“「世界女排聯賽2018 -香港」”)將於5月29至31日假香港體育館舉行。
另外,賽會於5月29至31日賽事舉行期間,在場館外特別安排"七桌子X 樺得園"、"有得餃"及"菠蘿仔食堂"3輪特式美食車,吸引觀眾的味蕾,為觀眾帶來更方便的選擇及不一樣的香港街頭美食體驗。服務時間為每日下午4時30分至晚上9時30分。
市民於「世界女排聯賽2018 -香港」排球嘉年華的紀念品攤位選購賽事精品。
賽會將於5月29至31日賽事舉行期間,在場館外特別安排"七桌子X 樺得園"、"有得餃"及"菠蘿仔食堂"3輪特式美食車,吸引觀眾的味蕾,為觀眾帶來更方便的選擇及不一樣的香港街頭美食體驗。
(資料來源: Yello Marketing/ 「世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港」)
「中國人壽(海外) FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」 中國女排簽名會
【2018 年 5 月 26 日 – 香港】由香港排球總會主辦、中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司呈獻之「中國人壽(海外)FIVB世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」(“「世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」”)即將於5月29至31日假香港體育館舉行,而大會今日在場館外舉行排球嘉年華,除設有遊戲及紀念品攤位外,亦包括中國人壽(海外)中國女排簽名會。
另外,賽會將於5月29至31日賽事舉行期間,在場館外特別安排"七桌子 X 樺得園"、"有得餃"及"菠蘿仔食堂"3 輪特式美食車,吸引觀眾的味蕾,為觀眾帶來更方便的選擇及不一樣的香港街頭美食體驗。服務時間每日下午4時30分至晚上9時30分。
中國女排出席「世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」中國人壽(海外)中國女排簽名會,與球迷作近距離接觸。
市民於「世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」排球嘉年華中挑戰各排球體驗遊戲攤位。
(資料來源: Yello Marketing/ 「世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港」)
Webb Ellis Cup抵港為香港與馬來西亞競逐欖球世界盃2019參賽資格大戰加溫 欖球世界盃冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅為明年日本欖球世界盃2019倒數
· 香港欖球總會和本地欖球代表正式迎接欖球界最享負盛名的冠軍獎盃
· Webb Ellis Cup將於香港足球會展示至5月26日,屆時港隊將迎戰馬來西亞,競逐欖球世界盃2019 (Rugby World Cup 2019)參賽資格
· 欖球世界盃2019冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅 (Rugby World Cup 2019 Trophy Tour) -香港站將於5月24至26日展開,並於本地學校、各地標巡迴展覽,而2003年欖球世界盃冠軍得主英國名將Josh Lewsey亦會驚喜現身
· 欖球世界盃為全球第三大體育盛事,而欖球世界盃2019將於首次在亞洲地區-日本舉行,標誌著欖球運動於全球進一步發展
· 冠軍盃巡迴之旅將吸引更多球迷關注和參與 2019年日本欖球世界盃
· Project Asia 1 Million為Impact Beyond計劃的一部份,旨在於2020年前吸引100萬人初嘗欖球運動樂趣,目前已於亞洲地區吸引超過50萬位參加者
· 距離賽事尚有不足500日,前排坐位及會員優先門票目前接受訂購
在賽事揭幕前,香港欖球總會聯同本地欖球代表,及1987年欖球世界盃冠軍得主紐西蘭名將Terry Wright,一同於香港足球會迎接欖球界最享負盛名的Webb Ellis Cup。
欖球世界盃2019冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅於本日較早前到訪英皇佐治五世學校並展出Webb Ellis Cup,啟發一眾來自該校和賽馬會善樂學校的年輕新一代。英皇佐治五世學校發展欖球已有多年歷史,亦培育出多位本港男女子欖球代表。而賽馬會善樂學校則與香港欖球總會社區基金合作,每周為不同學習需要的學生提供欖球訓練。
香港欖球總會行政總裁麥偉彬(Robbie McRobbie)表示:「我們歡迎欖球世界盃2019冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅抵達香港,並很高興能代表香港欖球總會和本地欖球愛好者迎接Webb Ellis Cup。今日我們看到數百名來自英皇佐治五世學校和賽馬會善樂學校的學生深受啟發,這對年輕欖球運動員和球迷別具意義。而欖球世界盃2019將在日本舉行,首次亞洲地區的賽事是一個絕佳機會在本地進一步推廣欖球。我們很榮幸能夠參與本周的各項社區活動和周六於香港足球會舉辦的Webb Ellis Cup公眾展覽。」
麥偉彬續說:「本周六香港與馬來西亞賽事將會是我們晉身日本欖球世界盃2019的另一個里程碑,我們很有信心在『亞洲欖球錦標賽』中取得佳績。我深信Webb Ellis Cup將能啟發和鼓勵一眾運動員和球迷們。」
Webb Ellis Cup更踏足了充分展現香港迷人景色的尖沙咀天星碼頭和最古老的地標之一鐘樓。按此查看欖球世界盃2019冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅香港站的圖片。
孔聖堂中學的學生於活動中與2003年欖球世界盃冠軍得主英國名將Josh Lewsey見面,並獲得Get Into Rugby 紀念套裝,包括欖球、球衣、哨子和腰帶。Get Into Rugby計劃為World Rugby於全球推廣欖球運動的策略之一,透過與各地欖球總會和機構合作,鼓勵不同年齡人士嘗試和參與這項運動。截至2017年11月底,Asia Rugby成功吸引了超過68萬人參與Get Into Rugby,人數為全球第一,而在眾多參加者中有36%為女性。
訪校活動後,Webb Ellis Cup將現身「香港欖球總會社區基金聽障欖球計劃」。計劃於七年前推出,並於上月派出七男一女運動員到澳洲參加首屆「世界聽障七人欖球賽」,並與柬埔寨的聽障欖球隊交流,印證計劃已取得成果。而香港欖球總會首位聾人欖球教練張永賢(Winnie)更於南華早報舉辦的「香港精神獎」中獲得提名。
欖球世界盃2019冠軍獎盃巡迴之旅將於星期六到訪香港足球會,讓到場支持香港與馬來西亞對戰的球迷們可藉此一睹Webb Ellis Cup的風采。
完成香港站後,Webb Ellis Cup將前往巡迴之旅的第六站-北京。透過連串社區、教育和欖球活動,巡迴之旅有望吸引和啟發更多人士參與欖球運動。
巡迴之旅為期兩年,將到訪傳統欖球強國及欖球運動發展中國家,並於亞洲區支持Impact Beyond 2019計劃,希望能吸引100萬參加者嘗試和繼續參與欖球運動。計劃目前在亞洲經已取得不錯的成績,透過不同的活動和計劃,已成功吸引超過50萬位參加者。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
香港距離寫下「亞洲欖球錦標賽」新歷史不遠 港隊14個陣容變動迎馬來西亞 主帥利鍾斯要連續拆解兩場「盃賽決賽」式大戰
[2018年5月25日,香港]: 香港男子欖球代表隊染指首個「亞洲欖球錦標賽」冠軍和晉身「世界盃2019」次輪外圍賽(爭取第20個決賽週席位)只有一箭之地,該「世界盃」也是首次在日本和亞洲舉行。
港隊督軍利鍾斯(Leigh Jones)麾下戰將至今也順利完成先前的任務,取得「世界盃2019」外圍賽過程中的兩場重要作客勝仗,如今只要登上「亞洲欖球錦標賽」皇者寶座便可以在下月的主客制次輪外圍賽與庫克群島一較高下。
利鍾斯說: 「馬來西亞為賽事帶來新衝擊,我們很高興他們能參與其中。」「他們一直很努力提升實力,我相信他們會在今屆賽事獲益良多,亦希望他們繼續成長。他們每場比賽都奮戰到底和展示出頑強鬥志,所以我預料今個星期六他們也照辦煮碗。」
四位大有機會初披港隊戰衣的新兵包括索比迪(Ted Soppet) 、當拿尼(Ronan Donnelly) 、皮爾邦迪(Cris Pierrepont)和潘友謙先列為後備。利鍾斯已督促球員不應受變動所影響和爭勝依然是最終目標,他說: 「我已叮囑我軍今次視對馬來西亞為本地欖球史上最重要一役之一,要將這兩場比賽如決賽般看待。」「之前在韓國身上取得客勝非常重要,同時阻止了他們取得額外積分,我們主場面對他們時也不可心軟。」
雖然港隊對連續三次晉身「世界盃」次輪外圍賽觸手可及,但利鍾斯亦有更高要求,他表示: 「縱然我們曾經晉身次輪外圍賽,但我相信已不可同日而語,我們不可只滿足於晉身次輪外圍賽階段,反而要精益求精。」「我們希望踏上『世界盃』舞台之心路人皆見,但實現夢想前還有幾場重要賽事 。」
今屆「亞洲欖球錦標賽」的皇者可晉身「世界盃」次輪外圍賽,屆時要在主客制下(6月30日和7月7日) 與大洋洲的庫克群島角力,該輪的勝方將可參加11月在法國舉行的四隊制「終極外圍賽」。
此外享負盛名的「世界盃」冠軍獎座 – William Webb Ellis 盃也造訪香江,公眾可在5月26日的香港主場賽事一睹其真身。
香港對馬來西亞名單 (「亞洲欖球錦標賽」- 5月26日)
1. 富加比(Adam FULLGRABE), 2. Jamie TSANG (隊長), 3. 積克柏飛迪(Jack PARFITT), 4. 扁確特 (Jamie PINCOTT), 5. 迪拿科斯(Jack DELAFORCE), 6. 曉臣(Nicholas HEWSON), 7. 韋菲特(Philip WHIFIELD), 8. 保確迪(Kane BOUCAUT), 9. 朗達(Jamie LAUDER), 10. 羅斯尼(Matthew ROSSLEE), 11. 丹馬克(Max DENMARK,) 12.黎萬利(Benjamin RIMENE), 13. 施比斯(Tyler SPITZ), 14. 赫尼(Conor HARTLEY), 15. 羅比基夫(Rob KEITH), 16. 索比迪(Ted SOPPET)*, 17. 麥菲史密夫(Callum McFEAT-SMITH), 18. 當拿尼(Ronan DONNELLY)*, 19. 林保利(Thomas LAMBOLEY), 20. 米高柏飛迪(Michael PARFITT), 21. 皮爾邦迪(Cris PIERREPONT)*, 22. 潘友謙*, 23. 利維尼(Jack NEVILLE), 24. 蘇利雲(Kyle SULLIVAN) * 有機會初次代表香港
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
「中國人壽(海外) FIVB 世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港」 舉行拜神儀式 祈求比賽順利舉行
【2018 年 5 月 23 日 – 香港】由香港排球總會主辦、中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司呈獻之「中 國人壽(海外)FIVB 世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港」(“世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港”)將於 5 月 29 至 31 日 (星期二至四)假香港體育館舉行。
國際排球聯會將已舉辦 25 年的「世界女排大獎賽」賽制優化,改 革成全新的「世界女排聯賽」。全新聯賽、全新賽制,4 支頂級國家隊伍將來港上演 6 場高水平對賽。本 屆賽事的參賽隊伍包括:世界排名第一的中國、2012 年倫敦奧運季軍日本(世界排名第六)、2017 年 世界女排大獎賽亞軍意大利(世界排名第七)、以及南美黑馬阿根廷(世界排名第十一)。
距離比賽不足一星期,主辦單位今早在香港體育館進行了拜神祈福儀式,祈求今屆「世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港」賽事順利舉行。
香港排球總會會長吳守基SBS太平紳士出席「世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」拜神祈福,祝願比賽順利舉行。
「世界女排聯賽2018 – 香港」賽事組織委員會執行主席何仲浩先生亦親身到場,為賽事誠心祈福。
「世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港」賽事組織委員會及贊助商仝人一起切燒豬,祈求比賽順利舉行。
(資料來源: Yello Marketing/ 「世界女排聯賽 2018 – 香港」)
[Hong Kong, 20 May 2018]: Newcastle United won the HKFC Citi Soccer Sevens title for the first time since 2012 on Sunday evening as the English Premier League club secured a 1-0 win in sudden-death extra-time over Glasgow Rangers.
Callum Roberts scored the winning goal midway through the four-minute four-on-four tie- breaker period after the final finished scoreless after two 10-minute halves as the team from St James’s Park claimed the club’s second HKFC Citi Soccer Sevens title.
“All the lads are buzzing,” said Newcastle captain Owen Bailey. “I couldn’t be prouder of them. I know we didn’t get as many wins as we would have liked and to win in the four-on- fours was really tough, but I’m really proud of the boys.
“We knew the ability all the boys had, we knew we had a good shape, (head coach) Ben Dawson set us up and drilled us. We didn’t expect to come here and get the trophy but we knew that we had a chance, so I’m really proud.
“It’s been tough. The humidity has been ridiculous, and especially in the four-on-fours, but we got the result and now we can have a rest and look forward to next season.”
Newcastle saw off last year’s winners Leicester City in the semi-finals having defeated Kashima Antlers on penalties in the quarter-finals while Rangers won against West Ham United in the last eight before beating Italy’s Cagliari Calcio to secure their place in the decider.
Both teams dealt with stifling conditions in front of a packed-out Hong Kong Football Club stadium in the final, but neither was able to find a way through to goal until Roberts claimed the sudden-death winner that secured the title.
Aston Villa, beaten finalists last year, won the Shield Final as they defeated West Ham United 2-1 while Australia’s Newcastle Jets claimed a 2-0 win over Yau Yee Select to emerge victorious from the Plate final in their debut appearance at the HKFC Citi Soccer Sevens.
Discovery Bay won the Masters title for the first time with a 2-0 win over Nottingham Forest Mobsters in the final.
Citi All Stars had been aiming for a third straight title but fell in the last four to Discovery Bay while Wallsend Boys Club, last year’s beaten finalists, slipped up against Mobsters before Discovery Bay secured the title win.
“It’s a different game to 11-a-side football and we’ve got some talented players who have done it before and we’re very happy to have won,” said Discovery Bay head coach Tim Bredbury. “We improved with every game and we’re happy to have done that.
“Everyone’s contributed because we were down to the bare essentials for the final, but Forest were as well. At our age, though, we don’t need 10-minute finals!”
SCC Masters, meanwhile, handed PlayonPros a 4-3 defeat to win the Masters Plate final.
(Source: Roco Communications/ HKFC Citi Soccer Sevens 2018)
Hito-Communications Sunwolves make history with first win away from Tokyo in last-second thriller over DHL Stormers
[Hong Kong, 19 May 2018]: Hito-Communications Sunwolves recorded their first ever win outside of Japan today with a dramatic last-second win over the DHL Stormers in the first ever Mitsubishi Estate Super Rugby match held in Hong Kong at the Mong Kok Stadium.
A Hayden Parker drop goal got the Sunwolves’ Hong Kong experiment off to the best possible start at Mong Kok Stadium on Saturday, with the fly half splitting the sticks with time expired to give his side a 26-23 victory over the Stormers.
It was the first time the Sunwolves have won two matches in a row, their first victory away from Tokyo and the final nail in the coffin of the Stormers’ finals hopes.
Much to the delight of the largely pro-Sunwolves crowd, Parker kicked truly from 30 metres out after his teammates had dug deep to drive the ball forward and give him a chance to win the game.
“I think in the last five minutes it was just free flow, the credit really has to go to the team,” Sunwolves coach Jamie Joseph said.
“When you just have a look at the quality of the game in terms of what the forward packs have to do in that heat, that laid the foundation I thought for us. We were playing a very big pack who targeted our set piece and did very well in those situations, but we were able to put them under pressure in other areas and Hayden was a big part of that and controlled the game very well.”
Hong Kong’s first Super Rugby match did not disappoint, with action from the outset and some superb tries from both sides. The TMO was called upon early after Dillyn Leyds pounced on a Sunwolves turnover in the Stormers half before weaving his way down field and touching down in the corner under pressure from two tacklers.
After much deliberation, Leyds was judged to have kept his feet in the air as he was bundled over the sideline and the South Africans took the lead after six minutes.
As expected, the Stormers took control in the scrum early and forced a number of penalties, while the Sunwolves opted for regular kicks to gain territory, some of which served little more purpose than to return the ball to the Stormers.
The Sunwolves continued to be their own worst enemy, with captain Willie Britz passing the ball straight to Stormers centre JJ Engelbrecht on the 22, allowing him to waltz over and make it 10-0, with Jean-Luc du Plessis adding the extras.
The Sunwolves were on the board soon after with a play that had just about everything, with Fumiaki Tanaka’s kick charged down before being hacked forward, with some crafty passing allowing Parker to dot down.
The flyhalf – who finished with 21 of the Sunwolves 26 points – added his own extras to make it 12-7 after 25 minutes. The Stormers continued to create scoring opportunities and were on the board again soon after, with scrum half Dewaldt Duvenage sliding through a clever grubber kick to Leyds, whose desperate lunge saw him touch down with centimetres to spare.
The winger’s first-half double pushed the score to 17-7, before Parker slotted a penalty to bring it back to 17-10 at the break.
“The first try was us having a go and trying to exploit an opportunity that we saw during the week that wasn’t there today, it could have been under their posts had we have taken that ball. The second one was soft,” Joseph said about his side’s slow start.
The second half took its time to get going, with players starting to show fatigue as the game tightened right up and the scoring ground to a halt. Joseph claimed during the week that the heat would favour his side against the heavier South Africans and it certainly looked that way in the 56th minute, with the Japanese side stringing together a host of positive phases to drive the Stormers back.
Their drive ended with veteran back rower Michael Leitch producing a superb offload to send lock Grant Hattingh over, with Parker’s extras tying the scores. Parker stepped up soon after to give the Sunwolves their first lead, slotting a penalty to give his side a 20-17 advantage with 15 minutes to play.
The Stormers wouldn’t lie down though, heaping pressure on their opponents to win two penalties within kicking distance, with fullback SP Marais slotting both, including a booming boot from his own half to put his side back in the lead with six minutes to play.
But the Sunwolves refused to be denied, levelling through a Parker penalty before the New Zealander’s magic sealed the deal.
“We created history today, it’s the first game the Sunwolves have won outside of Japan. We have had some lean times no doubt, but we’re heading in the right direction and that’s really pleasing,” Joseph said.
“What actually happened in the second half is we changed and we saw a different Sunwolves team come out, we played a lot more direct, a lot more decisive, we played with a lot more confidence than we did in the first half.”
For Stormers’ boss Robbie Fleck, there was little he could do but applaud the Sunwolves after his side’s finals hopes went up in smoke.
“They worked their way up the field and it was exceptional brilliance that won the game – well played,” he said.
(Source: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
Daniel Abt puts on dominant display in Berlin ahead of team-mate Lucas di Grassi to secure first one-two for Audi

Daniel Abt
Audi Sport ABT Schaeffler
BERLIN, GERMANY (May 19, 2018) – Daniel Abt drove a dominant race to secure victory in the BMW i Berlin E-Prix in front of his home fans ahead of Audi Sport ABT Schaeffler team-mate Lucas di Grassi at Tempelhof Airport.
The German led from the front after clinching Julius Baer pole position to pick-up his second win in the ABB FIA Formula E Championship after standing on the top step in Mexico City earlier this year.
Not only did Abt collect three extra points for posting the quickest time in qualifying, he earned an additional point for Visa fastest lap – taking the spoils and gathering the maximum amount of points on offer.
Abt was barely troubled throughout the race – with only a slow pit-stop causing added pressure from behind when exiting the pitlane. He lost three seconds compared to his team-mate in the mid-race car swap, closing the gap to under a second when returning to track.
Di Grassi had to settle for second place and couldn’t mount a serious challenge against Abt – who crossed the chequered flag over six seconds down the road and was met with rapturous applause from the grandstands full of German fans.
It’s only the second one-two finish in the history of Formula E, with TECHEETAH the only other team to manage the feat in Santiago earlier this season. Now Audi can add their name to the list – and even sweeter for it to come on home soil.
The German outfit has vaulted up the table and now sits second in the team standings in a bid to chase down TECHEETAH as the championship approaches its climax.
Championship leader Jean-Eric Vergne continued his consistent run of results – collecting another podium finish and extending his lead to 40 points over nearest rival Sam Bird. Vergne lost a place to the fast-starting Jerome D’Ambrosio, who took the long route around the outside of the sweeping section at Turn 1.
However, he quickly made his way back past at the Turn 6 hairpin – only to drop two positions in quick succession. As di Grassi fought through the field putting a move on Vergne, the Frenchman ran off-line and allowed Sebastien Buemi to jump ahead.
The battle ensued once again approaching the mid-way point of the race, as Vergne banged wheels with Buemi through the long left-hander at Turn 1. Vergne forced his way through into fourth place only to be staring at the rear wing of Buemi once again exiting the pits.
After the pair scythed past Oliver Turvey – who stopped one lap earlier than the leaders and was conserving energy in his second stint – Vergne dived down the inside into Turn 6 to claim the final podium spot.
Turvey couldn’t translate his pace in qualifying to the race, but crossed the line in an impressive fifth after lining-up on the front row alongside Abt. Panasonic Jaguar Racing driver Mitch Evans finished one position further back in sixth after surviving a near miss with team-mate Nelson Piquet Jr. pulling out the garage.
Bird struggled to close the gap at the top to Vergne and could only manage seventh – failing to finish on the podium for the first time in three races. The other driver in the championship hunt came away from Berlin without a point to his name, with Felix Rosenqvist running wide on the opening lap and ruining his race.
Three German drivers rounded-out the top-10 – with Maro Engel, Andre Lotterer and Nick Heidfeld benefiting from the chaos on the penultimate lap between Piquet and Jose Maria Lopez, which resulted in the DRAGON driver facing the wrong way entering the tunnel passing through the EMOTION Club.
Formula E now packs its bags to depart Tempelhof Airport and travel to Zurich, bringing circuit racing back to Switzerland for the first time in over 60 years for round 10 of the 2017/18 ABB FIA Formula E Championship – the Julius Baer Zurich E-Prix on June 10.
Daniel Abt, Audi Sport ABT Schaeffler, said: “It’s super special. I keep saying I have these weeks where I just feel like good stuff is going to happen and I had this feeling here in my home round. There is so much positive energy from everyone around, from the fans to the staff. I felt confident today all of a sudden, in qualifying there was not much more in it and was spot on and from then on, I knew we could win it. To get a one-two with Lucas was so special for Audi, for everyone and the team.”
Lucas di Grassi, Audi Sport ABT Schaeffler, said: “First, congratulations to Daniel – I think he deserved the win today, he drove fantastically with no mistakes. Second, I think the Audi car today had a good advantage over the others. We were super-fast, and we could only challenge each other. In the first stint, I managed to pass Jerome, Turvey and JEV and then opened up the gap to them before the pit stop. After that we were very close and my second car had some problem that I have to analyse, but I was just happy to bring it home. The one-two is a dream come true for Audi after we started the year so badly and now we’ve recovered and are second in the team championship, and it was my fourth straight podium in a row – I can only be happy!”
Jean-Eric Vergne, TECHEETAH, said: “Well done to the Audi guys and Daniel, I know how it feels at home – it’s pretty amazing so I’m happy for him. I think I’m going to change my nationality at every race because it seems at every home race a driver wins, so in Zurich I’m going to be Swiss and in New York, American! The race went very well, I took it easy, I knew from this morning the Audi guys were out of reach. When Lucas was behind I didn’t even look, I let him by. Then I passed Buemi and he was quite aggressive in closing the door sometimes. The pit stop wasn’t bad, I lost a position to Buemi so I had to pass him again. Overall I’m extremely happy, last year this was our worst track performance-wise and I’m very happy with the job the team has done.”
– Popular points-scorers; as well as celebrating victory for Daniel Abt on home ground, the German contingent each picked-up points – with Maro Engel, Andre Lotterer and Nick Heidfeld finishing in the top-10.
– Full house; Julius Baer pole position, Visa fastest lap and race win – it doesn’t happen often – Daniel Abt’s performance in Berlin was only the third time a driver has picked-up the maximum points on offer.
– Seconds out; the close competition in Formula E was highlighted once again, with the 20 drivers separately by less than a second after the qualifying group stages – only 0.998s covering the entire field.
(Source: FIA Formula E)
「2018 香港足球會 Citi 七人足球賽」阿士東維拉連贏 3 場 擠身銀盃賽 8 強力戰李斯特城 衛冕的花旗明星隊踢入名人賽銀盃 4 強賽事
[香港特別行政區 — 2018 年 5 月 19 日] – 「2018 香港足球會 Citi 七人足球賽」第 2 日的 主賽事於酷熱天氣下展開,一眾英超球隊亦施展渾身解數,其中阿士東維拉以 3:0、 3:0 及 2:1 先後擊敗港會選手隊、傑志及卡利亞里,成功踢入銀盃 8 強,將會迎戰衛冕的李斯特城。
阿士東維拉隊長麥卡迪於賽後表示:「我們連羸 3 場,實在是一件很美好的事,這正 是我們來港的目標。我亦很滿意自己及球隊的表現,期待明天的賽事,希望今年能打 入決賽。」明天阿士東維拉首場賽事將會迎戰李斯特城,相信兩隊將會全力以赴,爭取殺入決賽的機會。
今年賽事除了吸引一眾英超外隊參與外,多支本地球隊亦有現身港會,其中香港飛龍 表現令人滿意,對白禮頓的賽事更以 1:1 迫和對手,香港飛龍隊長余煒廉表示:「我真 的很高興,今日大家手表現都很好,之前我同林樂勤都曾經踢過這項七人賽,所以絕對有利球隊。」唯最後以 0:1 不敵新加坡木球會,只能打銀碟 8 強賽事。
名人賽方面,英國退役球員協會則於早獲得首場的勝利,以 2:0 擊敗香港的九龍木球會 元老隊,賽後球星布朗接受訪問時表示:「很高興今日終於獲勝,今日天氣實在很 熱,但整體來說我都很滿意今日的表現。」英國退役球員協會踢入名人賽銀碟決賽與新加坡木球會元老隊交鋒。
球迷鍾先生表示:「今日特登入場為布朗打氣,本身都是個足球迷,今次更成功拿取 簽名,實在很感動。今日天氣十分酷熱,所以對球員來說一定比平時更吃力。另外, 我很歡迎大會於球場旁設置賽事村,為球迷提供美食之餘,還有不同的親子活動及球挑戰,這個安排實在很吸引。」
「2018 香港足球會 Citi 七人足球賽」將於明天進行銀盃賽及銀碟賽的準決賽及決賽賽 事,球迷如欲得悉即時賽果及其他賽事資訊,請瀏覽: http://www.hksoccersevens.com 。
此外,大會一直致力於本地推動足球運動,為了吸引更多家庭球迷及小球迷參與,大 會特意於球場旁設立「賽事村」。一如以往,今屆賽事村將會設立吹氣樂園為小朋友 提供一個歡樂的玩樂區,小朋友可免費在吹氣區內遊玩;大會還設立一系列的畫臉 區、小型足球挑戰賽及足球遊戲等,務求令各大、小球迷歡渡一個愉快的週末。球迷 亦可於賽事村內品嚐不同的美食,由英式漢堡包,到熱騰騰的薯條雞翼等,球迷定能 盡情歡樂。此外,球迷亦可以於場內與球星近距離接觸,輕易地與他們 selfie 及索取 簽名。
此外,大會一直致力於本地推動足球運動,為了吸引更多家庭球迷及小球迷參與,大 會特意於球場旁設立「賽事村」。一如以往,今屆賽事村將會設立吹氣樂園為小朋友 提供一個歡樂的玩樂區,小朋友可免費在吹氣區內遊玩;大會還設立一系列的畫臉 區、小型足球挑戰賽及足球遊戲等,務求令各大、小球迷歡渡一個愉快的週末。球迷 亦可於賽事村內品嚐不同的美食,由英式漢堡包,到熱騰騰的薯條雞翼等,球迷定能 盡情歡樂。此外,球迷亦可以於場內與球星近距離接觸,輕易地與他們 selfie 及索取 簽名。
賽事門票現於 Ticketflap 公開發售,單日票價 (星期六或星期日)為港幣$160 正,套票 (星期五至星期日)為港幣$300,以 Citi 信用卡訂購門票即享 6 折優惠。此外,凡 16 歲 以下人仕可於整個賽事週免費入場欣賞賽事。如欲購買門票,請瀏覽: www.ticketflap.com/hksoccer7s2018。
(資料來源: Roco Communications/ HKFC Citi Soccer Sevens 2018)
「香港足球會 Citi 七人足球2018」開鑼 般莫迪及布朗港會現身 花旗明星隊旗開得勝
[香港特別行政區 — 2018 年 5 月 19 日發佈] – 第 19 屆的「香港足球會 Citi 七人足球賽 2018」今日於跑馬地的香港足球會舉行,今日賽事以名人賽展開序幕戰,球星般莫迪 及布朗等均有落場一展腳法,在場球迷都表現得十分雀躍。
今屆賽事吸引了 16 支本地及國際勁旅於主賽事角逐賽事冠軍的殊榮,第一日的賽事為 名人賽,上屆衛冕冠軍的花旗明星隊表現出眾,分別以 3:0 及 4:1 擊敗友誼聯賽事隊及 港會主席選手隊,球星般莫迪於賽後接受訪問時表示:「雖然今日天氣都很悶熱,但 我很滿意自己今日的表現,始終七人賽有別於一般球賽,需要一點時間都適應場地和 天氣,當然會盡力為球隊爭取最佳成績。」反觀英國退役球員協會雖然有球星布朗坐 陣,但表現一般,只能與對手打和。
球迷如欲知道更多賽事詳情及賽果,請瀏覽: http://www.hksoccersevens.com/zh-hant/matches-2018/ 。明天的賽事將於上午九時開始,
門票現於 Ticketflap 公開發售,單 日票價 (星期六或星期日)為港幣$160 正,套票(星期五至星期日)為港幣$300,以 Citi 信 用卡訂購門票即享 6 折優惠。此外,凡 16 歲以下人仕可於整個賽事週免費入場欣賞賽事。如欲購買門票,請瀏覽:www.ticketflap.com/hksoccer7s2018。
大會一直致力於本地推動足球運動,為了吸引更多家庭球迷及小球迷參與,大會特意 於球場旁設立「賽事村」。 賽事村內設置吹氣樂園為小朋友提供一個歡樂的玩樂區, 小朋友可免費在吹氣區內遊玩;大會還設立一系列的畫臉區、小型足球挑戰賽及足球 遊戲等,務求令各大、小球迷歡渡一個愉快的週末。球迷亦可於賽事村內品嚐不同的 美食,由英式漢堡包,到熱騰騰的薯條雞翼等,球迷定能盡情歡樂。此外,球迷亦可 以於場內與球星近距離接觸,輕易地與他們 selfie 及索取簽名。
香港足球會 Citi 七人足球賽 主賽事分組結果 |
A組 |
B組 |
C組 |
D組 |
韋斯咸 |
阿士東維拉 |
紐卡素 |
李斯特城 |
威靈 |
頓 |
鳳凰 |
卡利亞里 |
格拉斯哥流浪 |
白禮頓 |
鹿島鹿角 |
傑志 |
紐卡素噴射機 |
香港飛龍 |
友誼聯賽選手隊 |
港會隊長選手隊 |
港會 |
新加坡木球會 |
香港足球會 Citi 七人足球賽 名人賽分組結果 |
A組 |
B組 |
英國退役球員協會 |
花旗銀行明星隊 |
禾辛特男童會 |
諾定咸森林暴徒 |
九龍木球會元老隊 |
新加坡木球會元老隊 |
港會元老隊 |
港會主席選手隊 |
愉景灣 |
友誼聯賽元老隊 |
(資料來源: Roco Communications/ HKFC Citi Soccer Sevens 2018)
Hito-Communications Sunwolves out to make Hong Kong their home away from home in Mitsubishi Estate Super Rugby match
[Hong Kong, 18 May 2018]: Hito-Communications Sunwolves, Asia’s sole Super Rugby franchise, are hoping to attract new fans on their Hong Kong debut in Saturday’s Mitsubishi Estate Super Rugby match, the first Super Rugby fixture ever held in the territory. The match will be played at the 6,000-seat Mong Kok Stadium on Saturday (kick-off at 13.15).
The Hong Kong fixture joins a game next month in Singapore as the Sunwolves’ two away “home” games this season and assistant coach Tony Brown is keen to grow the club’s fanbase around the region.
“It’s really important for us to perform on Saturday,” said Brown.
“All of the players understand our role. As the first Asian side involved in Super Rugby, our job is to represent Japan and Asia well, and hopefully the Hong Kong game can create some home advantage and when we come here again we will have even more support.
“I hope that Hong Kong people will enjoy watching us. We like to think that the Sunwolves play an attractive brand of rugby and are pretty exciting at times, as you saw last week with some of the tries we scored, [in a 63-28 win over the Reds, the Sunwolves’ first victory over an Australian opponent].
“If we can put on that sort of performance against the Stormers, then in the future when we come back we should have even more people behind us,” added Brown.
Brown knows that a repeat showing of the performance in last week’s resounding win is a must against a Stormers outfit playing for their play-off lives.
“It is another big challenge for us. Stormers are a quality team. We had a good win last week and want to back that up with another good performance. Hopefully that will be good enough on the day.
“They are pretty frustrated with losing at home last week so we are expecting a tough battle, especially early on around the physicality.
“South African teams like to use that to intimidate and I think it will be the same on Saturday. It’s never an easy task against South African teams but you know what is coming and we have had all week to prepare for that style of game.
“I’m sure our forwards in particular understand what type of game is coming,” Brown added.
Defence has been a focus for Head Coach Jamie Joseph and Brown this season and the ex-All Black flyhalf believes that some gains have been made this season.
“We’re getting better in our defence. When we have lost this season we’ve conceded a lot of soft tries and that’s our challenge against quality teams – to not concede those kinds of tries that really kill morale.”
“We’ve been battling away and improving every week so far this season, without any success, so last week getting a win will definitely give the boys a lot of confidence that what we are doing is right.
“If we continue to train well and put that on the park we’re good enough to beat most teams in this competition.”
The Sunwolves will need to back up their first win over an Australian opponent last week with a first ever win on the road since joining Super Rugby three seasons ago.
“Our statistics show that that is a challenge for us because we’ve never won away from Tokyo, but we are focused on our preparations and our performance and eventually we will win away from home. Why not this weekend?” mused Brown.
That is a question that local fans, particularly the more than 10,000 resident Japanese in the city, will be looking for the team to answer on Saturday.
Uncovered general admission seating is priced from just HK$100 for kids (aged 12 and under) to HK$249 for adults. Seats in the Wolfpack stand, especially reserved for Sunwolves fans, are $299 for adults and $150 for children. Covered seating prices are HK$399 for adults and HK$150 for kids with individual hospitality tickets, (inclusive of covered seating and free flow food and beverage), set at HK$738. Tickets can be purchased via Ticketflap at https://www.ticketflap.com/superrugby2018.
(Source: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
Modis offering the chance to join ABB FIA Formula E Championship for six-month internship as Innovation Manager

Alejandro Agag, Founder & CEO of Formula E
LONDON, UK (May 18, 2018) – The ABB FIA Formula E Championship has teamed-up with Modis – official partner for professional staffing and solutions for IT and engineering – to launch the search for an aspiring innovator to join the electric street racing series on a six-month internship.
The project – titled the Innovation Manager Challenge – was revealed today ahead of the BMW i Berlin E-Prix. Under the mentorship of Eric Ernst, Head of Technology at Formula E, the successful candidate will help implement and oversee a new software platform for the opening rounds of season five.
Both Formula E and Modis are particularly keen to hear from self-starters, drivers of change, problem solvers, and great communicators with a basic knowledge of computer science.
If you think you have what it takes to excel in the world of e-mobility and highly-competitive motorsport – apply before July 1 via the Modis website at www.modis.com/innovation-manager
Applicants will be put through their paces with tests designed to measure numerical aptitude, logical thinking and behaviour heuristics. A shortlist of promising candidates will then be invited to participate in an interview stage, with the winner being announced on July 14.
They will get to work on September 1, with six months to develop and apply software used at official championship events. The internship will involve interaction with teams all over the world and hands-on experience at two race events.
Alejandro Agag, Founder & CEO of Formula E, said: “It’s great to partner with Modis on this particularly exciting initiative. I’m fully supportive of finding the next generation of new talent and it’s fitting to collaborate with Formula E – the most competitive and accessible platform for innovation and advances in technology currently. I look forward to meeting the applicants and welcoming them to the electric revolution.”
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a smart, young innovator to shine in the highly-competitive world of e-racing and technology,” said Alain Dehaze, CEO of the Adecco Group – the parent group of Modis and the world’s leading HR solutions partner. “Talent, youth and technology make for a powerful combination in the world of work, and we can’t wait to see how the winner will help to take Formula E to the next level.”
Nick Heidfeld, Mahindra Racing driver and eight-time podium finisher, said: “Every role in Formula E demands a mix of smart talent and technological know-how – and the Innovation Manager Challenge will be no different. I think this is a great opportunity for anyone starting their career in motorsport.”
(Source: FIA Formula E)
Hito-Communications Sunwolves 以香港作為第二個主場
[2018年5月18日,香港]: Hito-Communications Sunwolves是「超級欖球聯賽」的唯一亞洲代表,他們希望透過本週六史上首次在港舉行的「三菱地所超級欖球聯賽」吸引新球迷。這場賽事將於6,000座位的旺角大球場上演(下午1時15分)。
除了香港外,Sunwolves也於下月在新加坡作賽,這兩場皆是他們今季的兩場「第二主場」賽事,助教東尼布朗(Tony Brown)樂見球會的亞洲知名度有所增加,他說:「我們很重視週六一戰打出水準。」「球隊上下明白自己的角色,因為作為首支角逐『超級欖球聯賽』的亞洲球隊,我們有同時代表日本和亞洲的雙重身份,希望屆時香港能為我們增加一些主場之利,為日後再來港時累積更多凝聚力。」
「我希望香港球迷享受我們的賽事,並展示出我們的賞心悅目打法,正如上週我們戰勝Reds (勝63-28)的表現 [該仗也是Sunwolves首次擊敗該支澳洲球隊]。」
布朗知道要戰勝為季後賽放手一搏的 Stormers 談何容易,他道:「這是我們的另一大挑戰。Stormers 是一支具質素的球隊。我們希望今次能延續上場的理想表現和足以取勝。」「對手上仗主場失利後定必力求迅速反彈,所以我們預料惡戰難免,而且比賽初段的身體對抗性會很厲害。」
主帥占美祖瑟夫(Jamie Joseph)和布朗今季注重打好防守根基,後者作為前新西蘭國腳認為此舉已初見成效,他表示:「我們的防守漸入佳境,但我們面對強隊時也多次被對手輕鬆達陣,這是必須儘快糾正的問題和大大影響士氣。 」
Sunwolves 十分希望延續參戰3季以來的首場勝利勢頭,布朗最後說:「數據上我們未曾在東京以外獲勝,但相信只要用心訓練和比賽,終有一天能打破宿命,可能今個星期六便是注定之日呢!」
普通門票(露天座位)每張為港幣249元 和兒童特惠票(露天座位)每張為港幣100元。由於這場賽事是Sunwolves三場中立場賽事之一,欖總特設 Wolfpack Stand讓Sunwolves球迷可齊集為愛隊打氣。這個特別打氣區是希望吸引居港的10,000名日本僑民入場觀戰,每張門票(露天座位)為港幣299元 和兒童特惠票每張為港幣150元。普通門票(有蓋座位)每張為港幣399元和兒童特惠票每張為港幣150元,餐飲套票(有蓋座位連全場免費任飲任食)每張為港幣738元 。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
Riyadh set to host first race of 2018/19 ABB FIA Formula E Championship with debut of next generation cars in December
Alejandro Agag
Founder & CEO of Formula E
RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA (May 17, 2018) – The ABB FIA Formula E Championship is set to make its debut in the Middle East next season in Riyadh, with the Saudi Arabian capital scheduled to host the opening round of season five in December.
In a double-first for the electric street racing series, Formula E will bring international motorsport to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the very first time as part of a 10-year agreement with the General Sports Authority and Saudi Arabian Motor Federation. Alongside hosting the first fully-electric race in the region, the exciting news signals the start of a new era of the ABB FIA Formula E Championship with the eagerly-anticipated competitive debut of the next generation cars in Riyadh.
The announcement was made by His Royal Highness Prince Khaled Bin Sultan Bin Abdullah AlFaisal, President of the Saudi Arabian Motor Federation, and His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Faisal Al Saud, Vice-Chair of the Saudi Arabia General Sports Authority, together with Founder & CEO of Formula E Alejandro Agag.
Pending confirmation of the calendar by the FIA World Motor Sport Council, the E-Prix will see the Formula E cars navigate the streets of the picturesque Ad Diriyah district – with experienced motorsport promoter Carlo Boutagy tasked to deliver and promote the race through his company CBX. Further details on the location and circuit layout will be revealed in due course.
Alejandro Agag, Founder & CEO of Formula E, said: “Bringing racing to Riyadh for the first round of the new season is the perfect setting for the next phase of the ABB FIA Formula E Championship. An exciting and vibrant country that is focussing on its future, Saudi Arabia will be the ideal venue to mark the competitive debut of the next generation Formula E cars. We think Saudi Arabia – with the new vision of Prince Abdulaziz, Prince Khalid and the country – is a fitting location to launch the latest chapter of the electric street racing series. Many other sports are already increasing their presence in Saudi Arabia and we’re proud that they’ve chosen Formula E over other categories in racing. Most countries are now looking to Formula E, especially Saudi Arabia which is concentrating on the development of new technologies, renewable energies and electric vehicle s.”
His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz, said: “Saudi Arabia is looking to the future and Formula E is the motorsport of the future, that’s why this is such an exciting opportunity. It aligns perfectly with the country’s 2030 vision and offers the prospect of world-class racing on the streets of the capital for the first time in our history. For all fans, men, women, young and old, the dream of a hosting a ‘home race’ will now come true. As a driver myself, who cares about growing the sport, nothing could make me happier. The length of the partnership will give Saudi Arabia and Formula E the platform to create a lasting legacy for both the sport globally and the Kingdom over the course of a decade. This is the latest in a series of game-changing sports events that the people of Saudi Arabia will now be able to enjoy as families, with benefits that go far beyo nd the sport to deliver a positive impact across our society. Also for the next generation of Formula E, perhaps with a future champion, technician, engineer or team manager watching from the crowd in Riyadh and being inspired by the sport.”
His Royal Highness Prince Khaled Bin Sultan Bin Abdullah AlFaisal, President of the Saudi Arabian Motor Federation, commented: “The interest and passion for motorsport amongst the people in the Kingdom is already vast, with a rich heritage in rallying, drag racing and other forms of motorsport – but the sport in Saudi Arabia is about to be supercharged by this development. This event and all that surrounds it, from welcoming world-class teams to the global TV coverage, represents a watershed moment. By hosting Formula E in Riyadh, the enthusiasm for motorsport and sustainable technologies will be heightened further to leave behind a valuable footprint in the Kingdom’s landscape and showcase its growing credentials as a sporting destination.”
(Source: FIA Formula E)
「撐香港體壇精英」全港學界微電影比賽2018 現已接受報名
比賽設有兩個主題,第一個主題是 「齊撐香港體壇精英」。大會希望參加者透過作品,介紹香港運動員在國際賽事中的傑出表現,從而帶動香港市民去欣賞及支持香港運動員出戰2018年亞洲運動會及亞洲殘疾人運動會。第二個主題是「運動員的奮鬥史」。每位運動員都有一個共通點,就是同樣擁有一份永不言敗的精神,為理想堅持不懈地奮鬥。大會希望參加者能夠透過作品描繪香港運動員在比賽中展現的堅毅意志、體育精神及其他特質。
大會更會在6月至7月安排3場簡介會及工作坊,邀請多位資深傳媒工作者及電影業界 人士擔任導師,傳授短片製作技巧,而體院的精英運動員亦會現身說法,與參加者分享他們的點滴,為參加者帶來更多創作靈感,豐富他們創作故事的內容和感染力。
比賽將於今年6月30日 (星期六) 截止報名,而提交作品限期為7月31日 (星期二)。有關比賽詳情及報名表格,請參閱大會網頁: www.hksi.org.hk/jcaias/microfilm。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 香港體育學院)
[Hong Kong, 17 May 2018]: HKFC Citi Soccer Sevens champions Leicester City go into the defence of their title at Happy Valley this weekend confident of retaining the trophy they won 12 months ago at Hong Kong Football Club.
Leicester City kick off their challenge for a third title in six years when they take on Singapore Cricket Club on Saturday before facing newcomers Brighton & Hove Albion and HKFC Red Dragons in Group D of the Main Event.
Leicester City captain Darnell Johnson, who led his side to the title last year, believes he and his team mates can pull off a repeat performance at this year’s event.
“We’re all good to go,” said Johnson. “We’re confident going into this year’s competition and we’ll be trying to retain the title. We’ve been out there and so far it’s been hot, the other teams look better and it’s going to be a tough test.
“Looking at the players we know from back in England, I know it’s going to be tough. And from what I remember from last year, the Hong Kong teams were very good because they play this game regularly and are well equipped and know what to do. “
Fellow Premier League club Brighton & Hove Albion join Leicester City in Group D as they make their first-ever appearance in the competition and captain James Tilley is looking forward to the challenge his team will face over the weekend.
“As a team we’re all really excited,” said Tilley. “We’re really excited to get out there on Saturday and show what we can do.
“We are good technically as a team, good at passing, so we’ll play our own game but it’s going to be hard. Seven-a-side on a big pitch means there’s going to be a lot of running involved. And in this heat as well, it’s going to be different to England.
“We’re going to go out and do our best and give what we can. We’ll see what happens.”
Sixteen teams will face off for the HKFC Citi Soccer Sevens title in the Main Event while 10 teams will also play in the Masters Events, contested by teams featuring players over 35 years of age.
Group A of the Main Event features West Ham United, Wellington Phoenix from New Zealand, Japan’s Kashima Antlers and a Yau Yee League Select, while Group B will be contested by Aston Villa, Italy’s Cagliari Calcio, Kitchee and HKFC Captain’s Select.
Newcastle United and Glasgow Rangers both return to play in Group C alongside Hong Kong Football Club and newcomers Newcastle Jets from Australia.
“We’re well prepared,” said Jets captain Solomon-John Moanhan-Vaiika. “It’s going to be different, but we expect to do our best. We didn’t come here to have a jolly. We’re here to compete to the best of our abilities.”
The 2018 HKFC Citi Soccer Sevens will also see the Citi All Stars return to defend the Masters title they have won in each of the last two years and the Masters Tournament will commence proceedings on the Friday evening before the Main Event starts at 9am on Saturday.
Tickets for the event are available at www.ticketflap.com/hksoccer7s2018 with free entry for all on Friday May 18 and free entry for children under 16 years old all weekend. Single day tickets cost HK$160 and weekend passes are HK$300.
(Source: Roco Communications/ HKFC Citi Soccer Sevens 2018)
DHL Stormers 惡鬥Hito-Communications Sunwolves 許勝不許敗
[2018年5月17日,香港]: DHL Stormers 一行25人大軍歷史性抵港,他們即將於本週六(下午1時15分)首次在港舉行的「三菱地所超級欖球聯賽」(Mitsubishi Estate Super Rugby)與Hito-Communications Sunwolves 一較高下。
DHL Stormers 主帥菲力克(Robbie Fleck)挑選多位經驗豐富的戰將隨行,決心在這場 「生死大戰」中脫穎而出,亦為今季成績增添美麗色彩。
DHL Stormers 剛在上週六以9-15之差不敵族長隊(Chiefs) ,前者希望以今仗勝利一洗頹風和在積分榜上力爭上游,因為他們暫時位列榜尾,而與第5位只相差1分。
「賽程雖然艱難而我們仍然期望晉級,我預計3支南非球隊將可以進入季後賽。Sunwolves 可藉今仗寓賽於操,但我們卻是背城借一;若我們今仗落敗,躋身季後賽的希望便等同幻滅。」
DHL Stormers 自2016年加入「超級欖球聯賽」以來對Sunwolves未嘗一敗,他們當然希望在這場首次在港上演的賽事延續一面倒的對賽往績。
菲力克最後說: 「Sunwolves 總是會製造驚喜,觀看他們的比賽也很賞心悅目。他們打法聰明,善於控球在手和向對手施壓。我相信不出幾年他們會如Jaguares 一樣適應了『超級欖球聯賽』後便能綻放異彩,如日後有更多國腳級人馬加盟,實力更可即時提升。」
DHL Stormers 名單: 卡爾(Nizaam Carr)、迪阿倫迪(Damian de Allende)、 迪卻尼克(Jan de Klerk)、迪韋特(Paul de Wet)、杜派薩斯(Jean-Luc du Plessis)、杜托迪(Pieter-Steph du Toit)、杜雲拿治(Dewaldt Duvenage)、安祖比察特(JJ Engelbrecht)、雲溫斯保(JC Janse van Rensburg)、傑索夫(Steven Kitshoff)、高尼斯(Siya Kolisi) [隊長]、 尼迪斯(Dillyn Leyds)、路維(Wilco Louw)、馬靴比(Frans Malherbe)、馬華爾斯(SP Marais)、 圖扁尼(Scarra Ntubeni)、諾舒爾(Sikhumbuzo Notshe)、侯尼(Raymond Rhule)、沙迪爾(Carlu Sadie)、森美爾斯(Ramone Samuels)、辛尼拿(Seabelo Senatla)、 雲戴克(Kobus van Dyk)、 雲薛爾(Chris van Zyl)、維祖安(EW Viljoen)、韋爾斯(Cobus Wiese)
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
Hito-Communications Sunwolves 挾強勢揮軍香港
[2018年5月15日,香港]:即將於本週六首場在港舉行的「三菱地所超級欖球聯賽」(Mitsubishi Estate Super Rugby)與DHL Stormers 交手的Hito-Communications Sunwolves 乘勝利氣焰來港。
Sunwolves 剛剛錄得今季「超級欖球聯賽」的首場勝仗,占美祖瑟夫(Jamie Joseph)也希望一嘗重挫由菲力克(Robbie Fleck)領軍的DHL Stormers。
占美祖瑟夫今季在東京最後一役以63-28大勝Reds後說: 「這場賽事在炎熱天氣下進行,相信香港只會過之而無不及和對我們的南非對手更不利。」
Sunwolves打開勝利之門後 (今季成績1勝9 負) 希望延長勝利之路和取得3年來的首次連勝。
雖然剛剛取得對澳洲好手的歷史性大捷,占美祖瑟夫認為火拼Stormers (今季成績5勝7 負)前仍要下一番苦功,他道: 「我們差不多丟了30分和讓對手攻入一些輕鬆達陣,因此我們要整場比賽都要硬起心腸和防守要更硬朗。」
Sunwolves和Stormers曾四度交戰,後者分別於2016年和2017年在南非取得46-19 及52-15 的壓倒性勝利;但Sunwolves之後開始慢慢縮窄雙方差距,兩軍在2016年在新加坡再碰頭時以17-17握手言和,而Sunwolves在上年則以31-44較近比數敗陣。
東尼布朗(Tony Brown)在占美祖瑟夫暫別球隊時會暫代主教練一職,並帶領球隊於5月25日在墨爾本鬥Rebels,而史葛漢臣將領軍於6月3日在堪培拉對Brumbies 。
占美祖瑟夫談及他的雙重身份時說: 「我和教練團同時兼顧球會和國家隊會帶來協同效益,藉著『超級欖球聯賽』來建立球風和更良好球員關係,所以大 家可預期國家隊的風格與球會大同小異。」
占美祖瑟夫續道: 「大家也見到我們之前6場賽事中有部份時間表現不錯。我們要逐漸全場80分鐘也要打出應有水準,只要能做到這點,我們的爭勝本錢便更多。」
Reds 對Sunwolves的攻守效益完全身同感受。占美祖瑟夫獲勝後開心地表示: 「我們今仗終於將所有東西融合一起。」
香港球迷對Sunwolves陣中日本國腳並不陌生,部份新秀同樣令人期待。前鋒姫野和樹(Kazuki Himeno)和中場米高列圖(Michael Little)是今季的主力,希頓柏加(Hayden Parker)上仗在Reds 身上獨取36分和修馬基(Hosea Saumaki)上仗也達陣3次,個人今季累積達陣至7次。
球隊在流大 (Yutaka Nagare ) 、韋利碧斯(Willie Britz)和由東尼布朗負責的後衛線共同帶領下,相信會帶來意外驚喜。
普通門票(露天座位)每張為港幣249元 和兒童特惠票(露天座位)每張為港幣100元。由於這場賽事是Sunwolves三場中立場賽事之一,欖總特設 Wolfpack Stand讓 Sunwolves球迷可齊集為愛隊打氣。這個特別打氣區是希望吸引居港的10,000名日本僑民入場觀戰,每張門票(露天座位)為港幣299元 和兒童特惠票每張為港幣150元。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
[2018年5月12日,香港]: 港隊作客到訪韓國仁川挑戰對手,即使天公不作美,仍無阻港隊以3
港隊猛將羅斯尼(Matt Rosslee)腳風甚順,罰球7射6中,再加上一記附加罰球,
完半場前史尼譚(Liam Slatem)籍著球隊在達陣前的鬥牛,個人獨闖龍潭成功達陣,
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
港欖球隊征韓 劍指榜首
今仗正選名單僅有一個變動,另外黎萬利(Ben Rimene)及保確迪(Kane Boucaut)傷癒歸隊,二人將在後備席隨時候命。
港隊在近五次韓國皆獲全勝,雖然對賽往績佔優,不過隊長根寧咸(Jamie Cunningham)認為作客到訪韓國不能掉以輕心。
1.丹巴路(Daniel BARLOW), 2. 羅拔斯(Benjamin ROBERTS), 3. 戴倫羅渣士(Dylan ROGERS), 4. 根寧咸(James CUNNINGHAM) ©, 5. 蘇利雲 (Kyle SULLIVAN), 6. 曉臣(Nicholas HEWSON), 7. 芬尼(Toby FENN), 8.林保利(Thomas LAMBOLEY), 9. 史尼譚(Liam SLATEM), 10. 羅斯尼(Matthew ROSSLEE), 11. 丹馬克 (Max DENMARK), 12. 禾獲特(Max WOODWARD) , 13. 施比斯(Tyler SPITZ), 14.姚錦成, 15.利維尼(Jack NEVILLE)
後備: 16. 夏里斯(Alexander HARRIS), 17. 富加比(Adam FULLGRABE), 18. 積克柏飛迪(Jack PARFITT), 19. 扁確特 (Jamie PINCOTT), 20. 保確迪(Kane BOUCAUT), 21. 赫尼(Conor HARTLEY), 22.黎萬利(Benjamin RIMENE), 23. 朗達(Jamie LAUDER), 24. 米高柏飛迪(Michael PARFITT)
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
Panasonic 2018年香港馬拉松游泳暨2018/19年公開水域游泳系列賽 (第一部)
本會將於二零一八年五月十三日(星期日)早上九時正於新界大埔大美督船灣淡水湖主壩舉辦Panasonic 2018年香港馬拉松游泳暨2018/19年公開水域游泳系列賽 (第一部)。是次賽事將由香港青年協會大美督戶外活動中心出發,於船灣淡水湖主壩旁水域比賽,並折返香港青年協會為終點,比賽距離分為1.7公里及10公里。
是次比賽共吸引超過650名泳員參加,當中更包括於今年二月的第八屆亞洲公開水域游泳錦標賽中奪得兩面銅牌的黃楚瑩參加10公里賽事,各位選手必定全力以赴力爭冠軍。歡迎大家來臨採訪拍照及為泳員打氣。誠邀 貴刊/報/台蒞臨採訪及拍攝!
有關賽事資料,可於本會的網頁www.hkasa.org.hk下載。如須更多資料,請聯絡泳總辦事處,電話2572 8594。
(資料來源: 香港業餘游泳總會)
Leading technology and capital goods group joins ABB FIA Formula E Championship for voestalpine European races in season five
Alejandro Agag
Founder & CEO of Formula EVIENNA, AUSTRIA (May 8, 2018) – Formula E has today announced a new partnership with voestalpine – global leading technology and capital goods group – for select events next season in the ABB FIA Formula E Championship, titled the voestalpine European races.
Starting from season five, voestalpine will put its name to the European leg of the ABB FIA Formula E Championship – where the fully-electric next generation of Formula E cars make their way across the continent competing in iconic city-centre locations.
As a platform to test and develop road-relevant technologies and speed-up the mass adoption of electric vehicles on a global scale, Formula E will work closely with voestalpine to make further advancements in the field of e-mobility and assist with technology transfer.
Alejandro Agag, Founder & CEO of Formula E, said: “Formula E is the most relevant platform to trial and test the latest technological innovations in the automotive sector and partnering with leading companies such as voestalpine allows the series to further develop in the field of e-mobility. Both brands have a shared strategic focus tailored towards dynamism, speed and creativity. I look forward to working closely with voestalpine for the European races in the ABB FIA Formula E Championship from next season and continuing to set future mobility trends.”
Wolfgang Eder, CEO of voestalpine AG, said: “Accounting for around a third of our Group revenue, for years the automotive industry has been a key driver of innovation and growth at voestalpine. With our comprehensive automotive expertise, we see huge potential to grow faster than in the traditional segments, especially in the electromobility sector. Both Formula E and voestalpine are international pioneers when it comes to literally putting tomorrow’s technologies on today’s roads, and making them ready for series production. The aim of our partnership with Formula E is to jointly develop electromobility further, as well as to encourage technology transfer between automotive suppliers, manufacturers, and customers.”
(Source: FIA Formula E)
【香港,2018年5月8日】:傑志今日欣然公布球隊於2018-2019賽季的全新Nike主場球衣,並在今天(5月8日)正式發佈全新主場球衣的設計。球隊將於今季最後一場聯賽(5月13日) 及兩場盃賽決賽 (5月19日及26日) 穿上全新Nike球衣作賽,而5月13日對陽光元朗的聯賽煞科戰亦將為傑志球員科蘭於香港的告別戰,希望球迷們能踴躍入場歡送科蘭。
新球衣將秉承傑志傳統藍色作為主調,兩旁及衣領則以粉紅色作為配襯,球衣兩側富彈性的雙層式結構能夠在球員跑動時伸展及收縮,而底層的網層衣料則令球衣更透氣及有助揮發汗水。另外,球衣採用Nike Dri-FIT技術,並根據身體不同的位置採用不同的透氣密度,更有效將汗水吸收及揮發,從而使球員時刻保持乾爽舒適,以最佳狀態投入比賽。此外,整套隊服還包括藍色短褲以及帶有粉紅色條帶設計的藍色襪。
新款球衣的胸前位置首次印上贊助商edps的字樣,令人耳目一新。edps 在過去一直全力支持傑志,而今次正式成為球衣的心口贊助,主要是相信傑志能繼續為香港足球創造佳績,edps 副總裁及總經理潘宗賢先生表示: 「edps於過去40多年一直為各機構提供不同類型的IT專才,為他們解決科技上的問題,並提供高質素的服務,而傑志今年的卓越表現,正與本公司 “Committed to Excellence” 的口號不謀而合,深信這次合作能讓更多人認識edps之餘,亦能為傑志,甚至香港足球出一分力。」
傑志亦為這款全新球衣拍攝一條以「#讓傑志傳承」為口號的宣傳片,目的亦是讓球迷有意想不到的感受 (https://www.facebook.com/kitchee.sc/videos/1487420498036265/ )。
新款傑志球衣將於今日晚上6時起在傑志網上商店(https://hk.shop.yahoo.com/shop/12076) 接受預訂,球迷亦可由5月12日起親臨賽馬會傑志中心 (當天早上10-11時亦為球隊的公開操練日)及之後傑志的比賽日於球場的傑志POP-UP SHOP購買,新球衣每件定價港幣$539*。現凡於5月19日或之前購買新款傑志主場球衣的首200位球迷,即可獲贈限量感謝卡一張,持卡球迷可於5月26日之足總盃決賽邀請一位未嘗入場觀賽的朋友到場支持傑志 (憑卡可換領當日門票兩張)。
資料來源: 傑志(體育管理)有限公司
「世界盃2019」進軍之路 香港欖球隊作客大勝馬來西亞順利闖過首關
[2018年5月7日,香港]: 香港隊克服馬來西亞潮濕天氣的影響,上週六在主隊身上攻入10次達陣並以67-8取得大捷,順利跨過「世界盃2019」進軍之路的第一道關卡。
馬來西亞陣中有幾名太平洋島國的歸化兵,戰鬥力因而提升不少並助主隊取得不俗的開局,而港隊的罰球劊子手羅斯尼(Matt Rosslee)初段腳風不順,射失幾個罰球得分機會。
港隊的前鋒線逐漸找到破敵之計,更令馬來西亞一位球員被罰黃牌,並由林保利(Thomas Lamboley)的達陣打破僵局,羅斯尼今次終於命中門框,香港領先8-0。
港隊的後衛線其後也加入得分之列,利維尼(Jack Neville)接應史尼譚(Liam Slatem)策動的反撃而達陣得手,羅斯尼的附加罰球將比分改寫至20-0。
吃過驚風散後的港隊不敢怠慢,史尼譚再次發動攻勢,傳予翼鋒丹馬克(Max Denmark)再交到施比斯(Tyler Spitz)手中,並再回傳予史尼譚達陣,這三角戰術令馬來西亞束手無策,羅斯尼也射入附加罰球並將優勢擴大至27-5。
扁確特(Jamie Pincott)後上接應隊友並在無人阻擋下狂奔20米達陣,港隊的附加罰球也順利化成分數,加上隊友赫尼(Conor Hartley)也達陣,客隊此時已遙遙領先53-5。
積克柏飛迪(Jack Parfitt)及羅比基夫(Robbie Keith)的達陣為港隊錦上添花,主隊在完場前從48米外射入超長程罰球,總算為8-67的敗局取回些場安慰。
香港統帥利鍾斯(Leigh Jones)賽後說: 「我們入局較慢但幸好仍能大勝而回。」「我對球隊的整體演出和攻撃成功率感到滿意。我們出現一些鮮見失誤,但相信是受天氣所影響。」
「 除予天氣因素外,馬來西亞也常用慢節奏試圖打亂我們的節奏,但我們尤其是下半場的表現十分專業並沒讓對手得逞,而且我們今次沒有傷兵和有幾名球員歸隊,所以下週作客韓國同樣胸有成竹。」
利鍾斯讚賞後備兵今仗的表現時道: 「他們亦一如我們所願能為球隊增值和帶來正面影響。」「我尤其喜歡小將丹馬克的成長和新兵朗達(Jamie Lauder)初披港隊戰衣的表現。」
新隊長根寧咸(Jamie Cunningham)也滿意賽果並說: 「我樂見大家的奮力作戰後取得回報。我們克服了初段的壓力並有效地將控球權轉化成分數。」
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
2018香港ASTC 三項鐵人青年亞洲錦標賽 香港隊主場勇奪男子組三甲及隊際冠軍
[2018年5月6日,香港] — 香港三項鐵人代表隊在今日上午於大尾篤舉行的「2018香港ASTC 三項鐵人青年亞洲錦標賽」大豐收!男子隊勇奪三甲及隊際冠軍,而女子隊亦有三人跑進前十,並獲得隊際亞軍。
賽事在上午6時正式展開,女子青年鐵人運動員在鳴槍後紛紛躍入大海,水花四濺,日本隊選手中山彩里香(Sarika Nakayama)、中山菜菜美(Nanami Nakayama)、酒井美有(Miyu Sakai)、長島実櫻(Mio Nagashima)在游泳路段輕易帶出,而香港代表Bailee Brown 緊貼以第5位登岸,並一直保持在領先集團完成單車路段;日本隊在最後5公里的跑步路段顯示出驚人實力,逐步拋離Bailee Brown ,結果中山菜菜美首先衝線,酒井美有及中山彩里香緊接完成賽事,獲得亞軍及季軍,Bailee Brown 最終力壓長島実櫻取得第4名,與獎牌擦身而過。香港曹詠淘及盧可欣則以第8及第9名完成賽事。
香港男子隊由衛冕冠軍的Oscar Coggins領軍,率領余承謙、伍泰龍、曾祥星、洪迪朗及Philip Sato 上陣,迎戰近50名亞洲選手。賽事在上午6時30分起步,運動員須完成750公尺游泳,中華台北潘子易率先上水、兩位日本選手吉川恭太郎(Kyotaro Yoshikawa)、望月滿帆(Mitsuho Mochizuki)及香港曾祥星等緊隨其後,他們第一轉項區領先其他選手大約半分鐘,不過大隊迅速在單車路段趕上組成主車群,當中包括主隊的余承謙、Oscar Coggins、伍泰龍,各位選手在完成20公里的單車路段後仍然競爭激烈;第二次轉項區後,三位香港代表余承謙、Oscar Coggins、伍泰龍即在跑步初段加速,日本望月滿帆、吉川恭太和香港曾祥星逐漸落後,直至跑步最後一圈,港隊三雄已形成鐵三角,獎牌誰屬已是隊內之爭。余承謙在最後直路率先發力,Oscar Coggins亦步亦趨,結果以兩秒之差力壓前者勝出,成功衛冕亞青冠軍的頭銜,余承謙繼2016年後再次摘下亞青賽銀牌,而早前在蘇碧灣亞洲杯勝出的伍泰龍則以第3名衝線。日本隊吉川恭太郎及望月滿帆獲第4及第5名。
「2018香港ASTC 三項鐵人青年亞洲錦標賽」由香港三項鐵人總會主辦,賽事獲ITU國際三項鐵人聯盟及ASTC亞洲三項鐵人聯盟認可,並獲得民政事務局及康樂及文化事務署資助,大會贊助包括Watsons Water、TYR及NTT。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 「2018香港ASTC 三項鐵人青年亞洲錦標賽」)
嘉里建設呈獻亞洲最大型冰球賽事 「2018 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」 成年組冠軍殊榮塵埃落定
[2018年5月6日 – 香港]: 由MegaBox 及Mega Ice主辦 —- 嘉里建設呈獻、全亞洲最大型的冰球賽 -「2018 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」成年組於5月5 日上演決賽日,在全港唯一符合規格舉辦國際冰球比賽的場地Mega Ice舉行。雖然運動員場上各為其主,但大家「識英雄重英雄」,場外也有說有笑,而球迷則沉醉於激烈的賽事當中,證明冰球魅力沒法擋。
決賽日共有8場決賽,率先登場的亞洲C組決賽由Wendigos以 2:1小勝Kung Pow Kings 。
國際B組決賽非常緊湊,最終Old Boys Pilsen Indians戰至加時以3-2擊敗Empire Skate,成功高舉冠軍獎盃。
Nakaraj在亞洲 B組將Sammi’s Superstars變成手下敗將 (5-2) 。
HK Samwai Raptors飲恨亞洲 A組決賽,以1-2惜負Gold Club,與冠軍擦身而過。巾幗不讓鬚眉,女子組戰情也相當緊湊,最後由較為年輕的Generation Next以2-1險勝WIHO Elite。
HK Tigers意氣風發地以5:0戰勝Flying French,成為國際A組的王者。
亞洲精英組決賽由Hong Kong Hitmen和Empire Skate對決,兩隊激戰三戰後,最終前者大勝5-1衛冕錦標。
賽事重頭戲國際精英組今屆上演去年國際A組翻版對決,由Cathay Flyers 迎戰Nordic Vikings,上年交手時由前者以4:3勝出,今年Nordic Vikings勢要一雪前恥。
第一節Nordic Vikings僅用5分鐘便先開紀錄,之後雙方互有攻守,但也未能找到入方程式。
戰至第三節,Cathay Flyers在多打一人情況下成功把握機會將比數追平1:1,兩隊在法定時間再沒有入球,比賽需要進入加時。
Nordic Vikings在兩節加時向手窮追猛打,不過Cathay Flyers門將表現神勇,令比賽需要以互射點球分勝負,最終Cathay Flyers以3:2再次擊敗Nordic Vikings。
今屆的國際精英組、國際A組及亞洲精英組決賽透過東網體育頻道(on.cc)及 「Mega Ice五人冰球賽」YouTube 頻道收看作網上直播,令全球球迷也可以欣賞到「2018 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」。
「2018 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」今年吸引澳洲、北京、捷克、法國、香港、日本、新西蘭、深圳、上海、新加坡、瑞典、泰國、台灣和武漢等地的冰球精英將爭奪今年各項錦標 。賽事精彩萬分,非常刺激。
女子組: Generation Next
亞洲 C組: Wendigos
亞洲 B組: Nakaraj
亞洲A組: Gold Club
亞洲精英組: Hong Kong Hitmen
國際 B組: Old Boys Pilsen Indians
國際 A組: HK Tigers
國際精英組: Cathay Flyers
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 「2018 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」)
「世界盃2019」進軍之路 香港昂首踏出第一步
[2018年5月4日,香港]: 香港將在週六向「世界盃2019」(首次在亞洲舉行)的晉級之路踏出第一步,皆因香港在星期六(下午4時30分)的「亞洲欖球錦標賽」作客馬來西亞。
港隊雖然早前與族長隊發展隊友賽中以27-49落敗,但主帥利鍾斯(Leigh Jones)對於香港在「亞洲欖球錦標賽」中脫穎而出充滿信心,更挑選友賽的13名正選鬥馬來西亞。
港隊的兩個變動來自前鋒線和後衛線,扁確特 (Jamie Pincott)和新秀翼鋒丹馬克(Max Denmark)獲得正選,取代對族長隊發展隊時的兩名正選蘇利雲(Kyle Sullivan)和赫尼(Conor Hartley)。
利氏續說: 「我們有些傷兵問題但這不是借口,我們今次也派出強陣以表對馬來西亞的尊重。」「當地的天氣是未知之數,上週惡劣的天氣阻礙了交戰兩軍的應有發揮。」
「我們希望能在馬來西亞和韓國取得客勝,這樣輪到主場時便相對輕鬆。」 「我們不會天馬行空,只會專注眼前的工作並好好執行賽前部署,我們也不會過分憂心結果,因為我們不需要這些無形壓力。」
這場賽事將於亞洲欖球總會Facebook 直播: http://bit.ly/ARC-Live
1.丹巴路(Daniel BARLOW), 2. 羅拔斯(Benjamin ROBERTS), 3. 戴倫羅渣士(Dylan ROGERS), 4. 根寧咸( James CUNNINGHAM) ©, 5. 扁確特, 6. 曉臣(Nicholas HEWSON), 7. 芬尼(Toby FENN), 8.林保利( Thomas LAMBOLEY), 9. 史尼譚(Liam SLATEM), 10. 羅斯尼(Matthew ROSSLEE), 11. 丹馬克, 12. 施比斯(Tyler SPITZ), 13. 禾獲特(Max WOODWARD), 14.姚錦成, 15.利維尼(Jack NEVILLE)
後備: 16. 夏里斯(Alexander HARRIS), 17. 富加比(Adam FULLGRABE), 18. 積克柏飛迪(Jack PARFITT), 19. 蘇利雲, 20. 米高柏飛迪(Michael PARFITT), 21. 朗達(Jamie LAUDER), 22. 羅比基夫(Robert KEITH), 23. 赫尼(Conor HARTLEY
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)
2018香港ASTC 三項鐵人青年亞洲錦標賽 香港主戰迎接65名亞洲青年選手挑戰
[2018年5月4日,香港] — 2018香港ASTC 三項鐵人青年亞洲錦標賽將於5月6日(星期日)假大埔大尾篤舉行,賽會一共收到14個國家地區合共65名男女子青年運動員報名參賽,加上東道主香港代表隊的11位隊員,將有76位選手競逐一年一度的亞洲青年冠軍的榮譽。
力爭衛冕亞青冠軍的Oscar Coggins 在男子精英組取得第5名,為他在週日主場蟬聯青年亞洲錦標賽皇者寶座注入強心針;而伍泰龍及曾祥星則在男子青年精英組齊齊踏上頒獎台,勇奪冠亞軍,加上洪迪朗及Philip Sato取得第5及第6名,他們將會聯同余承謙出戰,他為了應付香港中學文憑試而缺席選拔賽,不過他已有3次參加亞洲錦標賽的經驗,並先後於2015及2016年兩屆亞洲錦標賽分別取得青年組亞軍和季軍,香港男子隊目前狀態大勇,對再次囊括全部3面獎牌更添信心!
香港女子隊由在蘇碧灣亞洲杯取得女子精英組20名的Bailee Brown掛帥,其餘4位香港代表曹詠淘、盧可欣、Anju Chenaux Repond及陳曉儀均在蘇碧灣亞洲杯女子青年精英組以前10名衝線,力爭在眾多參賽選手中突圍而出。
香港男子隊要保持亞青四連霸的佳績,主要的對手是來自日本、哈薩克及巴林的運動員。日本隊派出4位隊員中包括了兩位爭標選手Mitsuho Mochizuki 和Naminosuke Mizuno ,他們分別在上屆取得第4名及第10名;而哈薩克選手Daryn Konysbayev則在上屆賽事取得第9名,僅次於取得第8名的香港代表伍泰龍;這位哈薩克選手亦在去年蘇碧灣亞洲杯比賽勇奪青年組亞軍,實力不容置疑。其他具備實力的挑戰者還有巴林代表Omar Ali(上屆比賽第12名)及泰國代表Suphakit Sukatrphum (去年東南亞運動會第5名)。
女子組的奪標熱門亦是日本隊代表,她們分別是上屆亞洲錦標賽青年組季軍得主Sarika Nakayama 和2016年亞洲錦標賽青年組第5名Nanami Nakayama。後者今年3月在泰國羅勇亞洲杯比賽獲得精英組第6名,擊敗第11名的香港代表Bailee Brown;她在去年10月參加香港亞洲杯比賽亦獲得精英組第5名,以及在2017年大阪亞洲杯比賽奪得精英組第4名,實力非同少可。另外有力爭標是來新加坡的代表:Louisa Marie Middleditch 和Herelene Natasha Yu,她們在蘇碧灣亞洲杯比賽女子青年精英組分別取得冠軍和季軍,力壓取得第4及第5名的香港代表曹詠淘及盧可欣,因此她們4人將會在週日同場較量,勢必有一番激戰。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 「2018香港ASTC 三項鐵人青年亞洲錦標賽」)
「賽馬會優秀運動員獎勵計劃」 香港賽艇代表陳至鋒為師弟妹打氣
剛於三月勇奪「2018年香港室內賽艇錦標賽」男子輕量級(19至29歲組) 個人2000米金牌的陳至鋒於今天回到校園,力撑香港道教聯合會圓玄學院第三中學賽艇隊的師弟妹們,備戰在5月10至11日舉行的學界室內賽艇錦標賽。
(1) 陳至鋒分享他畢業後成為運動員的心路歷程。
(2) 賽艇校隊代表與「師兄」陳至鋒一較高下。
(3) 陳至鋒回校與校長敍舊。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/「賽馬會優秀運動員獎勵計劃」)