News – 2020 Sep



(2020年9月24日,香港) 鑑於2019冠狀病毒疫情持續及引致的公共安全及健康考量,香港網球總會(網總)今日宣佈取消2020年的「保誠香港網球公開賽」。此項國際女子網球協會的國際級別賽事將於2021 年回歸。

賽事的球員、觀眾、嘉賓、合作夥伴、工作人員、義工與及普羅大眾的健康及安全是我們的首要考慮。這項艱難的決定是經過多番與國際女子網球協會及持份者探討後,再與香港網球總會多年來的冠名贊助商 — 保誠保險有限公司及香港政府商議後共同作出的無奈選擇。


有關2021 年度賽事的詳情,香港網球總會會適時公佈,請密切留意官方網站 的最新消息。

(資料來源: 香港網球總會)




– Global electric racing series becomes first sport to achieve a net zero carbon footprint dating back to inception.

– Formula E remains committed to UN-recommended approach to measure and reduce its carbon footprint, only offsetting unavoidable emissions.

– ABB FIA Formula E Championship invests in internationally recognised projects in each race market to offset carbon emissions from all six seasons.

– On behalf of Formula E, CEO Jamie Reigle signs the UN’s EU 2030 letter in support of the UN’s Race to Zero campaign for a decarbonised economy.

London, UK (September 21, 2020) – The ABB FIA Formula E Championship has become the first sport to have a net zero carbon footprint since inception, investing in internationally certified projects in all race markets to offset emissions from six seasons of electric racing.

Formula E’s announcement was made today during the launch of Climate Week NYC 2020. Following the recommended approach set out by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Formula E has followed three key steps to achieve a net zero carbon footprint: effective measurement of carbon output, prioritising reducing its footprint and offsetting remaining unavoidable emissions.

With a founding purpose to counteract climate change, Formula E’s commitment to deliver better futures through racing drives its ongoing environmental, economic and social sustainability initiatives around the world.

Working closely with Quantis, the leading life cycle assessment and sustainability experts, Formula E has been calculating the overall footprint of the championship since its inaugural season, with a continual focus on lowering emissions.

Its emission reduction measures, including optimising transport and logistics, extending end-of-life options for lithium-ion battery cells and cutting out single-use plastics on site, led to Formula E becoming the first and only racing category to receive third-party ISO 20121 certification for sustainable events.

Unavoidable emissions from the past six seasons have now also been certified as offset through investment in Gold Standard and Verified Carbon Standard UN projects in line with the UNFCCC’s Clean Development Mechanism.

The projects selected are socially sustainable, advance renewable energy production and maximise the environmental benefits of electric cars, building on Formula E’s work to date to deliver positive, tangible legacies in race markets. (For the full list, see below).

Formula E is already thinking about how it can do even more to combat the global climate crisis. As such, on behalf of Formula E, CEO Jamie Reigle signed the UN’s EU 2030 letter released last week. The letter supports the UN’s global Race to Zero campaign for a decarbonised economy that guards against future threats, creates quality employment opportunities and nurtures inclusive, sustainable growth.

List of internationally certified offsetting projects:

– China: biomass energy generation
– Chile: landfill gas energy generation
– Mexico: landfill gas energy generation
– Argentina: wind power energy generation
– Uruguay: wind power energy generation
– USA: landfill gas energy generation
– Malaysia: landfill gas energy generation
– Morocco: wind power energy generation
– Renewable energy certificates in UK, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland and Russia

Plug in and follow the ABB FIA Formula E Championship on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube. @FIAFormulaE #ABBFormulaE

(Information source & image credit: FIA Formula E Championship)



549 km/h: Venturi marks four years since setting the world speed record for an electric vehicle

Monaco, 17 September 2020

Venturi, the Monegasque constructor of high-performance electric vehicles, is celebrating the fourth anniversary of its world speed record. On 19 September 2016, the Venturi VBB-3 achieved a speed of 549 km/h on Bonneville salt lake (Utah, USA), setting a record that has yet to be beaten.


On 19 September 2016, the Venturi VBB-3 followed in the illustrious footsteps of its predecessors by reaching a speed of 549 km/h, setting a new FIA speed record in its category that is still held by the Monegasque constructor to this day. At the wheel of the “rocket on wheels”, Roger Schroer smashed his own previous record of 495 km/h, set in 2010 aboard the Venturi VBB-2.5.

Venturi’s foray into world speed records had begun a year earlier, also in collaboration with students from Ohio State University. The first episode was a hydrogen-based success, with the Venturi VBB-2 powered by a fuel cell. The record set then was 487 km/h, and it too remains unbeaten to this day.

Roger Schroer next to VBB-3 © Venturi / S. Gohil


On 1 July 2020, the Venturi Group – which owns the electric motorcycle brand Voxan Motors – unveiled the new, high-performance Wattman, a descendant of the standard road version first presented in 2013.

The Wattman is designed to become the world’s fastest electric motorcycle in its category, by beating the 330 km/h mark. In June 2021, six-time world champion Max Biaggi will head to the Salar de Uyuni salt flat in Bolivia, where he will ride the Monaco-made motorcycle in an attempt to add a new title to his stunning list of achievements.

Max Biaggi on the Voxan Wattman © VOXAN / JF Romero

If he is successful, the Venturi Group will hold three world records:
– 4 wheels / electric propulsion / H2 fuel cell: 487 km/h
– 4 wheel / electric propulsion: 549 km/h
– 2 wheels / electric propulsion / semi-streamliner motorcycle: 330 km/h… and maybe more!

« I have always been driven by the desire to innovate and experience great technological and human adventures. The Venturi VBB-3 and Voxan Wattman are the reflection of that. What’s more, on each project, the Venturi Group has carried some of the biggest names in the automotive industry along with it, always striving towards the same goal for the last two decades: to develop the world of electromobility as fast as we possibly can. »

Gildo Pastor, President of the Venturi Group

VBB-2 © Venturi / B. Hathaway
VBB-2.5 © Venturi / B. Hathaway

(Information source & image credit: 2020 ROKiT Venturi Racing)




[2020922日,香港]:  香港欖球總會(欖總)宣佈2020/2021賽季開賽守則,目標開鑼日是11月7日(星期六)。








(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)



ITF持续品牌重塑步伐,更名联合会杯为 “法国巴黎银行比利·简·金杯”

  • 女子网球团体赛的新名称是对比利·简·金这位网坛传奇和终身支持社会正义与平等的活动者的致敬
  • 首个以女性名字命名的大型世界团体赛事
  • 本次品牌重塑紧跟去年对联杯赛制进行的里程碑式的改革,球员奖金提高到1200万美元,向男子网球团体赛事戴维斯杯看齐

2020917   国际网球联合会(ITF)今日宣布,女子网球团体赛——联合会杯将更名为法国巴黎银行比利·简·金杯。

这是首个以女性名字命名的大型世界团体赛事,为这项历史悠久的赛事开创了新纪元,也是体育届的一个里程碑事件。 作为球场上的冠军和场外的先锋,比利·简·金是全球平权运动的领导者,毕生致力于打击各种形式的歧视,她所代表的价值观也是本项赛事精神的缩影。这项女子网球团体赛已发展成为女子体育领域最大的年度国际团体赛,共计116支国家队报名参加2020年的比赛。


ITF主席大卫·哈格蒂表示:”从1963年作为美国队的成员参加第一届联合会杯并取得多个冠军,到创立WTA成为第一任主席,再到成为第一位被授予美国总统自由勋章的女运动员,比利·简·金从未停止过开拓的脚步。今天,她在这个列表里又增加了一个 ‘第一’。新的赛事名称是对她所取得的一切成就的致敬,并将长久地激励着未来数代的球员和球迷。”

从第一届联杯开始,比利·简·金就与赛事建立了紧密关系,并在接下来的40年中不断巩固加深。她共10次捧起赛事奖杯——比历史上任何其他人都要多,其中7次以球员身份获胜,4次以领队身份帮助美国队捧杯(其中1次同时作为参赛球员夺冠)。 比利·简·金在2010年被授予联合会杯杰出成就奖,以表彰她的成就,并在2019年出任首位联杯形象大使。

比利·简·金说:”没有什么比代表国家和成为团队一员的感觉更好的了,这就是为什么这项赛事对我来说如此特殊和重要。能让女子网球团体赛冠以我的名字是一种荣誉,也是我不会轻视的责任。 我们的工作就是与未来的年轻一代的女孩们分享这一愿景——因为如果你能看到它,你就能成为它。”


随着奖金的平等,以及更多国家的球员有机会争夺总冠军,如今的比利·简·金杯比以往任何时候都更能成为ITF实现其 Advantage All 性别平等倡议的有力平台,而这也是ITF 2024未来战略的关键支柱。ITF大胆地重塑赛事品牌不仅是表达网球这项运动对比利·简·金成就的认可,也将确保她成为后人瞩目的榜样。


在宣布更名的一周前正是弗吉尼亚斯林斯巡回赛创立50周年纪念日,包括比利·简·金在内的9名女性曾冒着各种风险,为网球运动的平权站台。这些球员被称为 “最初9人”,她们的信念促成了WTA的成立,并最终为女子网球运动铺平了道路,成为争取体育和社会平等的卓越力量。

(資料來源:  国际网球联合会(ITF)






有關本會最新消息,請留意香港排球總會網頁( 及 Facebook專頁(。

(資料來源: 香港排球總會)





傑志很榮幸宣佈,「Fitogether」將為傑志提供官方指定電子表現追蹤系統(EPTS)贊助。來自韓國的「Fitogether」為國際足協認證的電子表現追蹤系統供應商,整套系統包括可配置於平版電腦使用的Oh Coach雲端分析系統以及放置於「Fitogether」特製背心背面上的GPS接收器,紀錄跑動距離、熱點圖等數據,讓教練團更有效率地掌握球員的狀態,制定更合適的訓練方案。



(資料來源: 傑志體育會)