[2021年1月18日,香港] 隨著「2019新型冠狀病毒」疫情大流行對財政和物流的影響日益加劇,香港欖球總會(欖總)將旗下的全職男子十五人欖球代表隊項目轉型至半全職形式,「精英十五人欖球計劃」將待現時職球員合約在2021年6月30日屆滿後結束。
因疫情大流行而對欖球日程產生前所未有的影響 (包括「國泰航空/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽」連番延期、啟德體育城的商業不確定性、「環球極速欖球」(Global Rapid Rugby)停辦、「2023世界盃外圍賽」延期10個月和「亞太欖球錦標賽」(Asia Pacific Rugby Championship)最少延後至2023年 – 以及本地保就業計劃結束和計劃營運成本,令欖總不能持續地為此聘用30名全職球員。
欖總主席唐諾生(Patrick Donovan)表示:「當我們評估疫情大流行對欖球運動最新影響之際亦是全球欖球的不明朗時期。「新型冠狀病毒」疫情令舉辦『香港國際七人欖球賽』的財政壓力持續增加,在『環球極速欖球』停辦和『世界盃外圍賽』由2021年11月延期至2022年8月的雙重打擊下,令原本佔百分之95的收入雪上加霜。」
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)

McLaren Racing signs agreement granting option to join Formula E for Gen3
– McLaren Racing secures option to join ABB FIA Formula E World Championship grid for Gen3.
– McLaren Racing to evaluate the addition of an electric chapter to its motorsport heritage.
London, England (January 11, 2021) – Today McLaren Racing and Formula E announced they have signed an agreement granting McLaren Racing an option to enter the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship when Formula E’s Gen3 kicks off in Season 9. Part of McLaren Racing’s ongoing evaluation of potential new motorsport platforms, the agreement provides McLaren the option to enter the Championship as one of a maximum 12 entries for the 2022/23 season.
McLaren Racing has formalised its interest in joining Formula E’s team and manufacturer line-up from the new Gen3 era. Gen3 will take to the track from the 2022/23 season, bringing performance and efficiency advances including more powerful, lighter cars and faster charging as well as a set of technical and financial controls aimed at reinforcing the business case for Formula E’s ecosystem of teams and manufacturers.
McLaren Racing’s interest in Formula E is a validation of the series as the pinnacle of electric racing, both as a proving ground for the top racing teams in the world and as a test bed for the next generation of electric vehicles. McLaren Racing is one of the most successful operations in motorsport, enjoying a rich history of success in Formula 1 as well as IndyCar and Le Mans. McLaren Applied is Formula E’s exclusive Gen2 battery supplier under a four-season contract which concludes at the end of the 2021/22 season, after which McLaren Racing will evaluate the potential to deepen its involvement as a competitor in the electric championship.
The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship will make its Season 7 debut in Diriyah, Saudi Arabia with two night races, at 17:00 GMT (20:00 local time) on February 26 & 27.
(Information source & image credit: FIA Formula E World Championship)

【香港,2021年1月9日】 傑志今日正式宣佈,在韓職效力多年的前鋒丹恩奴域(Dejan Damjanovic)將轉往香港繼續其足球生涯,他早前已動筆簽約,落實加盟傑志,預計他將於本月尾至下月初抵港,隔離檢疫後再正式報到。
(資料來源: 傑志(體育管理)有限公司)

Formula E seeks electric racing stars of the future with Formula E Accelerate esports competition
– New esports competition will see 24 rising stars compete in six events mentored by Formula E teams and drivers.
– Formula E will be translated into the virtual world as digital racers have to master energy management and Attack Mode for the first time.
– Minimum prize pool of €100,000 with winner receiving opportunity to drive a Formula E Gen2 car.
London, England (January 7, 2021) – Formula E today announced its new esports competition Formula E Accelerate, which builds on the success of last year’s ABB Formula E Race at Home Challenge in support of UNICEF.
Over six events, 24 rising stars from the world of motorsport and esports will compete against one another in a simulated racing experience using rFactor2 software. Blending the real and virtual worlds, each competitor will score Formula E Accelerate points for a real-life Formula E team. The virtual racers will also receive expert tips, mentoring and other talent development opportunities from the team they are attached to.
Competitors will need to contend with new energy management and Attack Mode features during the online E-Prix. Prior to the competition, there will be online qualifying open to the public with the top-three quickest times on the Berlin Tempelhof E-Prix circuit* earning places on the Formula E Accelerate virtual grid.
Everyone who participates in all six races will receive a share of a minimum prize pool of €100,000 with the overall winner earning a test drive in a Formula E Gen2 car.
There will be two additional virtual races, each featuring 12 real-life Formula E drivers, one per racing team, during Round 4 and the Grand Final of Formula E Accelerate (schedule below*). Points from these races will be added to the overall team standings.
Formula E Accelerate schedule:
– Round 1: January 28
– Round 2: February 4
– Round 3: February 11
– Round 4: March 11
– Round 5: March 18
– Grand Final: March 25 (double points)
Each 25-minute Formula E Accelerate race will be broadcast in a 90-minute programme, featuring Formula E drivers, Team Principals and other special guests. All races will be live on Formula E social and streaming platforms.
Allianz will join the competition as a Premier Partner. ABB and DHL are also Official Partners of Formula E Accelerate.
Open qualifying for Formula E Accelerate is now open. To be in with a chance to secure a seat on the virtual grid, register your fastest lap time
here. Qualifying will close on January 13 at 23:59 (GMT).
The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship will make its Season Seven debut in Diriyah, Saudi Arabia with two night races, at 17:00 GMT (20:00 local time) on February 26 & 27.
(Information source & image credit: FIA Formula E World Championship)