News – 2021 Sep


陳肇鈞加盟傑志    努力為球隊添冠


傑志今日宣佈,球會簽入現年29歲的中場球員陳肇鈞(Chan Siu Kwan Philip),他將穿起16號球衣出戰各項比賽。

陳肇鈞於2011/12球季在深水埗初登職業舞台,一年後轉投橫濱FC(香港)、亦效力過南華和東方龍獅。他於2018/19球季協助和富大埔奪得港超冠軍,並獲選為年度最佳11人,登上個人職業生涯首個高峰。其後他轉會至冠忠南區,去季則為標準流浪披甲征戰港超。此外,他曾入選香港代表隊出戰EAFF E-1東亞足球錦標賽2019決賽週,亦曾代表南華出戰過亞協盃及亞冠盃外圍賽,具備一定國際賽經驗





陳肇鈞 Chan Siu Kwan Philip





2011-2012 深水埗

2012-2013 橫濱FC(香港)

2013-2017 南華

2017-2018 東方龍獅

2018 冠忠南區(外借)

2018-2019 和富大埔

2019-2021 冠忠南區

2021 標準流浪

(資料來源: 傑志足球會)



2021香港分齡跳水錦標賽   於2021年9月18-19日兩天   在九龍公園跳水池舉行

賽事: 2021香港分齡跳水錦標賽

主辦機構: 中國香港游泳總會

資助機構: 康樂及文化事務署


比賽地點: 九龍公園跳水池

(資料來源: 中國香港游泳總會)



Formula E becomes first sport to join Science Based Targets initiative to tackle global warming

– World’s leading all-electric race series becomes the first sport to join SBTi and the Business Ambition Pledge for 1.5°C commitment
– Targets align with climate science to support goals of the Paris Agreement in keeping the world below 1.5°C of global warming
– Formula E has set a clearly defined pathway for continued Greenhouse Gas emissions reductions with a focus on freight and energy reducing the championship’s emissions by 45% by 2030
– New commitments announced during Climate Week NYC and on the one year anniversary of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship becoming the first and only sport to be certified net zero carbon since inception
London, England (21 September, 2021) – The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship has today become the first sport in the world to join the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and the Business Ambition Pledge for 1.5°C commitment.
The SBTi is a partnership between the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI), CDP and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and is the lead partner of the Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign – an urgent call to action from a global coalition of UN agencies, business and industry leaders, mobilizing companies to set net-zero science-based targets in line with a 1.5°C future.
Announced during Climate Week NYC on the one-year anniversary of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship becoming the first and only sport to be certified net zero carbon since inception, the new commitment corresponds to cutting the championship’s emissions by 45% by 2030. This is in line with the mission of the planet’s favourite sport to reduce air pollution and fight against climate change and aligns with the FIA #PurposeDriven movement for a better contribution from motorsport to society.
Formula E has committed to new measures to meet its targets including reducing its absolute Scope 1&2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions (all energy used and purchased at our HQ and events) by 60% by 2030 and Scope 3 GHG emissions (all other emissions including freight, business travels, food and beverages etc.) by 27.5% by 2030 from Season 5 (2019) baselines.
In aligning with the SBTi, Formula E has also become a member of the Race To Zero global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions and investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.
Jamie Reigle, Formula E CEO, said: “The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship exists to accelerate sustainable human progress through the power of electric racing. One year ago, Formula E became the first sport to be certified net zero since inception. Today, we achieve another first in aligning with the Science Based Targets initiative, reinforcing our leading position in world sport.
“We are delighted to see a host of other sporting events and properties accelerate their own sustainability agendas to reach net zero faster. Formula E will continue to set the agenda for sport as a catalyst for change and showcase how we can all take tangible steps to reduce our combined carbon footprint.”
Alberto Carrillo Pineda, Managing Director, Science Based Targets at CDP said: “We congratulate the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship on setting science-based targets consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C, the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement. By setting ambitious science-based targets grounded in climate science, Formula E is taking action to prevent the most damaging effects of climate change.”
Season 8 of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship is set to begin in January 2022 with a record 16-race season spanning 12 cities across four continents.
Plug in and follow the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship on FacebookInstagramTwitterTikTok and YouTube. @FIAFormulaE #ABBFormulaE
(Information source & image credit: FIA Formula E World Championship)



[2021年9月17日,香港]:香港板球總會很高興宣布馬道立(Geoffrey Ma Tao-li, GBM QC SC)正式任命為名譽主席。

馬先生曾擔任香港終審法院首席法官超過10年,並於2021年1月退休。他曾獲得香港特別行政區授勳及嘉獎制度下的最高榮譽 ── 大紫荊勳章,以表揚畢生為香港社會作出重大貢獻。

香港板球總會主席 Tony Melloy 表示:「我們非常有幸歡迎馬道立先生成為香港板球總會的第一任名譽主席。馬先生在漫長而傑出的生涯中是一位非常出色的官員。他不但為香港作出過重要的貢獻,還對板球充滿熱誠,讓他成為代表香港在這項急速發展而成功的國際運動的完美人選。板球在香港社會中擔當著重要的角色,我們亦致力繼續保持香港板球總會的發展。我們熱烈歡迎馬道立先生加入團隊,並期待在他的支持和指導下勇往直前。」


自 2019 年香港板球總會引入了新的管治架構起,本會顯著增加了發展項目的數量,擴大了板球的參與人數。參與者來自香港各個社區和族裔,男女球員分佈平均。在精英層面,本會的代表隊是在主要國際運動中排名最高的香港隊之一,當中男子隊還參加了最近兩屆的T20世界杯比賽。

(資料來源: 香港板球總會)


屈臣氏集團香港學生運動員獎    邀請港隊星級代表石偉雄及盧善琳傳承星光    率先參與「YOU ARE STAR」主題拍攝    激勵學生運動員堅持追夢

2021年9月9日.香港】「屈臣氏集團香港學生運動員獎」(HKSSA) 恭賀香港奧運及殘奧代表隊於2020東京奧運創下歷史佳績。自2005年成立的「屈臣氏集團香港學生運動員獎」是香港首個及唯一一個以全港中、小學及特殊學校學生為對象的運動獎項,亦是培育精英運動員的搖籃,以「每校一獎」形式嘉許傑出學生運動員,旨在培育香港體壇新星!

「香港學生運動員獎」宣佈下年會安排專業運動攝影師為每位得獎學生拍攝以YOU ARE STAR」為主題的造型照。為鼓勵及肯定學生運動員,努力成為體壇明日之星,「香港學生運動員獎」特別邀請此學界大獎孕育出來的港隊星級代表率先參與「YOU ARE STAR」主題拍攝包括香港體操奧運代表石偉雄先生滑浪風帆港隊前代表盧善琳小姐,傳承充滿希望的星光,勉勵學生運動員憑著 YES I CAN 搏盡無悔的精神,堅持追夢,為港爭光。

勇奪2014年及2018年亞運金牌、東京奧運香港體操代表石偉雄先生為「香港學生運動員獎」2006-2007及2007-2008年度的得獎學生,石偉雄表示:「我十分榮幸能在世界體育舞台為港出戰,作為運動員會繼續努力向前。『香港學生運動員獎』好似一個運動員的大家庭,我想勉勵各位學生運動員:YOU ARE STAR,要憑著 YES I CAN 搏盡無悔的精神敢於追求自己的理想!今次參與主題拍攝,希望為學生運動員後輩點燃起希望的星光,只要找對地方,誰人都可發光!」

曾參與2014年 仁川亞運及2016年里約奧運的滑浪風帆港隊前代表盧善琳小姐「新風之后」之稱,亦是「香港學生運動員獎」2005-2006年度的得獎學生,盧善琳表示:「未曾想過2006年參與香港學生運動員獎』的交流團時,在獲獎感言寫下『我要去奧運』竟然10年後最終如願出戰2016年里約奧運!感謝屈臣氏集團邀請我率先參與「YOU ARE STAR」主題拍攝,希望學生運動員跟我一樣勇於追夢,一步步努力實現夢想,總有圓夢的一天,您都可以閃閃發光成為體壇明日之星。


2021-22年度「屈臣氏集團香港學生運動員獎」將於2022 年 1 月起接受學校提名,每名得獎學生均可獲得港幣500元獎學金,以及參與一系列活動的機會,大會亦將安排來年每位得獎學生參與拍攝以「YOU ARE STAR」為主題的造型照,詳情請留意

(資料來源: 屈臣氏集團)