News – 2021 Oct



[20211029日,香港]:  Natixis 香港足球會(港會)和法國興業銀行華利欖球會(華利)的男子隊和女子隊將於本週六(10月30日)在香港大球場進行「滴露超級欖球聯賽大球場對抗賽」。這是港會繼早前因颱風「獅子山」襲港而取消的第四輪賽事後的首場聯賽焦點賽事。滴露女子超級聯賽定於下午四時半舉行,而滴露男子超級聯賽則於下午六時40分展開。



在主帥韋堅斯(Jack Wiggins )的帶領下,加上眾多港隊球員和英格蘭以及威爾士七人欖球賽的明星球員坐陣,港會暫列超級聯賽第一位。今個賽季的進展也很順利,在四輪比賽中,他們取得三場勝利。


另一邊廂,身穿紅黑戰衣的華利以頑強的風格和強壯的體格見稱,令他們在2013 – 18年間創下欖總的紀錄,連續奪得六次總冠軍頭銜。前薩摩亞國腳費迪奧盧發(Mark Fatialofa)以球員的身份助華利贏得七次總冠軍後,完全了解球會的傳統和期望,現今在他的領導下,新一代球員也逐漸嶄露頭角。那些彪炳的戰績與本賽季的開局形成鮮明對比,因為球隊暫以兩勝兩敗、排名第四的成績迎接週六的「大球場對抗賽」。




滴露女子超級聯賽中,兩隊的形勢恰好相反。華利在首四輪賽事大獲全勝,為餘下的賽事定下了標準。這包括在本賽季的首場比賽中以12:11險勝「大球場對抗賽」的對手Natixis 香港足球會Ice ,這個結果令人眼前一亮。

港會教練加飛(Chris Garvey)卻認為那場比賽給她們增添了額外的動力。他說:「敗給華利的那一分讓我們對這個賽季和隨之而來的賽果充滿信心。我相信本賽季球員們會變得更強大,而我們也對一切將會發生的事情感到興奮。」

在賽季開始時已充滿信心的港會已向聯賽的球隊下了戰帖,她們誓要扳回局勢。現時港會以兩勝兩敗,共12分的成績在聯賽榜中排名第三位,只落後Kroll 三軍會猛虎欖球會女子隊(猛虎)兩分,以及落後榜首的華利五分,這是至今唯一兩支令港會敗陣的球隊。


前香港女子十五人欖球代表隊教練加飛表示:「這將會是一場可看性極高的比賽,所有球員都會積極正面地出擊。我認為兩隊球員之間會鬥個難分難解,今場的勝利真的取決於整支球隊的表現。」加飛在任教港會前,也曾是華利的主帥,而他的太太加艾恩(Adrienne Garvey)是前港隊隊長,現在仍效力於華利,所以加飛絕對適合為港會和華利之間的利害關係作出評論。




(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ HKRU)



  • ABB FIA Formula E World Championship highlights leadership role in driving climate action
  • Formula E achieves ISO 20121 recertification, remaining the only motorsport series to achieve the highest international recognition for sustainable event management
  • Live Change.Accelerated. events to take place on COP 26’s Transport Day and streamed via
London, UK. Thursday 28 October 2021 – The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship will showcase elite sport’s role in achieving the Paris Agreement’s reduction targets at the COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference.
As the only all-electric motorsport World Championship, Formula E creates a unique technological innovation environment for many of the world’s leading automotive manufacturers including Jaguar Land Rover, DS, Mahindra, Porsche, Mercedes, Nissan and NIO to fast-track developments from racing to commercial use on the road.
Electric cars on the road today go further on every charge due to increases in energy efficiency, enhancements in battery range and advances in powertrain development achieved through technological developments in the first seven seasons of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship.
The Championship’s approach includes:
  • Becoming the first motorsport series to achieve third-party ISO 20121 certification in 2016 – and today announcing successful recertification – alongside the likes of London 2012 and Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games; reinforcing our commitment to delivering world-class events whilst prioritising sustainable development through economic prosperity, social inclusivity and environmental protection
  • Establishing Formula E as the world’s first sport to achieve a net zero carbon footprint since inception with a commitment to remain net zero carbon going forward
  • Becoming the world’s first sport to join the Science Based Targets initiative and the Business Ambition Pledge for 1.5°C commitment, Formula E will further reduce its emissions by 45% by 2030
  • Partnering with UNICEF’s Safe and Healthy Environment Fund to support three million children in climate resilience and create a sustainable, safe and clean environment
  • Advancing sustainability in, and through, sports as a founding member and signatory of UNFCCC Sports for Climate Action Framework
  • Partnering with the United Nations Environment Programme on its #BeatAirPolution campaign to advocate for clean air
  • Phasing out single-use plastics from races saving the equivalent of over 300,000 330ml single-use plastic bottles from landfill
  • In 2015, Formula E became the first motorsport to achieve a Three-Star Accreditation of the FIA Environmental Certification Framework, recognising the highest level of commitment to the environmental and sustainability goals set out by the FIA. This has been successfully renewed in 2018 and 2020, aligning with the FIA’s #PurposeDriven movement.
At COP26, Formula E will be involved in a number of events discussing the vital role sport is playing in accelerating the adoption of sustainable practices, lifestyles and electric vehicle innovation including:
  • ABB Time Panel Session (11:00 GMT, 2 November): Formula E CEO Jamie Reigle and sustainability director Julia Palle will join ABB chief communications & sustainability officer, Theodor Swedjemark; Ulrika Modéer, assistant secretary UNDP; and Selwin Hart, United Nations special adviser and assistant secretary-general for Climate Action, to discuss how the private sector will play a key role in bringing about a low-carbon society by reducing emissions in industry
  • Action Hub Event: CHANGE. ACCELERATED. (15:00, 9 November): Formula E sustainability director Julia Palle will focus on Formula E’s leadership position in sustainable innovation in sport and how it is holistically embedded into the Championship
  • Green Zone Auditorium Event: CHANGE. ACCELERATED. (13:00, 10 November): Representatives of the Formula E ecosystem will discuss sport’s role in accelerating sustainable human progress including FIA deputy president for sport, Graham Stoker, and speakers from Mahindra Racing, ROKiT Venturi Racing, Julius Baer and Liberty Global. Formula E title partner ABB will host a panel discussion entitled ‘ABB Formula E – It’s more than a race. Together we are drivers of progress’ featuring Formula E CEO Jamie Reigle; Theodor Swedjemark, chief communications & sustainability officer, ABB; and Lucas di Grassi, ROKiT Venturi Racing driver and environmental campaigner
  • Sustainable Innovation Forum (15:55, 10 November): Formula E sustainability director Julia Palle will discuss mainstreaming climate innovations for Net Zero Carbon transitions
  • Department for International Trade & Formula E VIP Evening Reception (w/c 8th November): During the second week of COP26, the Department for International Trade and Formula E will jointly host an intimate evening reception attended by government, media, and clean industry leaders, to mark the launch of DIT’s Clean Growth programme and showcase Britain’s global role in the trade and investment into clean industries around the world.
Jamie Reigle, Formula E CEO, said: “At COP26 we will demonstrate the benefits of adopting cleaner forms of transport to tackle air pollution and climate change in some of the world’s most overcrowded and densely populated cities. Motorsport has a crucial role to play in accelerating technological developments that can be transferred to everyday use  and serves as an innovative platform to showcase concrete solutions to live sustainable lifestyles.
“ISO 20121 recertification is the latest affirmation of Formula E’s commitment to leading the global sports industry in making a positive impact on the lives of sports fans today and into the future as we work together to fight climate change.”
Heather Crick, business manager, SGS United Kingdom Ltd, said: “Achieving recertification to the ISO 20121 Sustainable Events Management standard demonstrates the hard work and dedication that has gone into putting sustainability at the heart of everything that Formula E does. It  highlights the Championship’s continued commitment to leading the way in sustainable innovation.
“SGS is proud to support Formula E in implementing this internationally recognised standard to help manage their sustainability growth. As a world leading provider of ESG services, SGS understands the importance of independent verification for all organisations in their journey towards net zero.”

(Information source & image credit: FIA Formula E World Championship)


兩屆奧運獎牌得主李慧詩勉勵體壇後輩YOU ARE STAR   冀為新一代點燃追夢火苗

【20211026日.香港】香港運動員以非凡的實力和堅毅的精神,於2020年東京奧運中榮膺歷史性佳績,令全城振奮!為了傳承這股體育精神,「屈臣氏集團香港學生運動員獎」特別邀請「牛下女車神」丶兩屆奧運銅牌得主李慧詩小姐,與一眾得獎學生運動員互動,並分享她不屈不撓的追夢旅程,勉勵後輩「YOU ARE STAR」,以「YES I CAN」搏盡無悔的精神燃起奮力追夢的火苗,冀望他們成為未來的體壇新星,為港爭光。


屈臣氏集團首席營運總監及獎項榮譽顧問倪文玲太平紳士表示:「『香港學生運動員獎』一直致力於學界推廣運動風氣,啟發新一代運動員的潛能和支持他們的體育發展。在見面會中能目睹Sarah的風采,學生運動員都十分興奮,了解成功運動員背後的付出,好好裝備自己。Sarah 期待後輩繼續向夢想進發,她亦希望家長鼓勵和支持子女參與運動,並積極投入訓練。作為一名前田徑及划艇運動員,我期望獎項能培育更多優秀選手,繼續為香港爭光。」

李慧詩「教路」大談心底話    小將與奧運選手較勁

「牛下女車神」丶兩屆奧運女子單車個人銅牌得主 — 李慧詩小姐於見面會時分享:「台上一分鐘,台下十年功。我接觸單車這項運動已經有十八年時間;所以就算受傷,最重要的是休息後可再接再厲。我熱愛一件事時真的會感覺不到『辛苦』,因為當你全情投入,便不會感到不開心,而我覺得生命中開心是一樣很重要的事。」她並寄語年輕人:「無論作為運動員抑或一位出色的學生,只要你肯努力並投放心機,努力一定會被周遭看見。」




為鼓勵及肯定學生運動員,努力成為體壇明日之星,「香港學生運動員獎」將於明年安排專業運動攝影師為每位得獎學生拍攝以「YOU ARE STAR」為主題的造型照。作為港隊星級代表,李慧詩亦率先參與拍攝,傳承充滿希望的星光,勉勵學生運動員堅持追夢。


1. 屈臣氏集團首席營運總監及「香港學生運動員獎」獎項榮譽顧問倪文玲太平紳士(右)與「牛下女車神」李慧詩小姐 (左) 分享運動員的追夢旅程。

2. 李慧詩小姐與學生運動員分享,並大玩虛擬實境單車比賽遊戲,眼神流露堅定的決心,初嘗與世界級奧運選手對戰的滋味,體驗比賽場上千釣一髮丶緊張屏息的

3. 屈臣氏集團首席營運總監及「香港學生運動員獎」獎項榮譽顧問倪文玲太平紳士(右) 陪同香港學生運動員獎得獎者、前香港殘疾運動員楊小芳(左) 代表大會向李慧詩小姐 (中)送上用雙腳繪畫的《寒梅傲雪》,畫作喻意堅持和希望,為李慧詩送上祝褔。

4. 是次見面會吸引一眾2020-21年度「香港學生運動員獎」的得獎學生參與,向李慧詩小姐學習「YES I CAN 搏盡無悔的精神

(資料來源: 屈臣氏集團)


香港女子板球隊將出戰「ICC女子T20板球世界盃 – 亞洲區外圍賽」

[2021年10月21日,香港] :香港女子板球隊在11月18-29日將出戰「ICC女子T20板球世界盃 – 亞洲區外圍賽」,香港板球總會在日前公佈14人大軍名單。香港隊自2019年的「東亞盃」後再次出戰國際賽。

大軍名單中有兩名球員首度入選,包括來自紀利華木球會的呂曦妍及LSWCC的Iqra Sahar。此外,自2006年為港隊披甲後一直在英國征戰郡賽及Kia Super League 的文涓懿(Natasha Miles)會在是次比賽中歸隊,令港隊如虎添翼。

港隊主帥Chris Pickett道:「球員在過去兩年一直努力訓練,提升技術水平以備戰國際賽,我非常期待看到她們表現。」「今次的陣容有數名經驗戰將,以她們豐富的經驗以舊帶新,並且文涓懿的回歸對球隊有正面的幫助。」

球隊回港後需要接受21日隔離,香港板球總會總經理Mark Farmer說:「大部分球員需要暫時離開工作崗位、照顧家人及讀書去參與這賽事,可見球員對板球充滿熱情,希望她們能夠取得佳續。」


香港女子隊現時由Gencor Pacific Ltd贊助,他們由2019年開始已經全力支持港隊。

「ICC女子T20板球世界盃 – 亞洲區外圍賽」大軍名單如下:

  • 陳嘉瑩 – (隊長) – (Craigengower CC)
  • 蕭美慧 (HKCC)
  • 陳嘉敏 (HKCC)
  • 賴穎琪 (HKCC)
  • 呂曦妍 (Craigengower CC)
  • Iqra Sahar (LSWCC)
  • 張曉瑩 (HKCC)
  • 瑪利琳 (LSWCC)
  • Mariko Hill (HKCC)
  • 文涓懿 (UK)
  • Ruchitha Venkatesh (HKCC)
  • 李芷心 (LSWCC)
  • 朱皚穎 (Craigengower CC)
  • Yasmin Daswani (HKCC/ Spencer CC (UK)

「ICC女子T20板球世界盃 – 亞洲區外圍賽」將由6支球隊爭取進入次圈外圍賽,香港、不丹、馬來西亞、阿聯酋、尼泊爾和科威特之間將僅有一隊能夠代表亞洲出戰次圈,次圈將面對其他地區的勁旅以爭取世界盃的入場券。

(資料來源: 香港板球)




  • 16-race ABB FIA Formula E World Championship calendar ratified starting in January 2022
  • Up to ten minutes of added race time with power increasing to 220kW from 200kW
  • A revised qualifying format featuring Groups and head-to-head Duels
London, UK. Friday, 15 October 2021 – The sporting regulations for Season 8 of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship were today ratified by the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), during its World Motor Sport Council (WMSC).
Following consultation by the FIA and Formula E with sporting, technical and commercial stakeholders, the WMSC approved three key updates for Season 8:
  • An updated 16-race calendar with new race locations confirmed including the addition of Jakarta with Vancouver and Seoul.
  • Up to 10 minutes of added race time to offset neutralisations during Safety Cars & Full-Course Yellows. The power of the Gen2 cars will increase from 200kW to 220kW, as ratified at July’s WMSC.
  • The introduction of a new qualifying format featuring Groups and head-to-head Duels to provide a platform for the best teams and drivers to compete while retaining opportunity and unpredictability.
Season 8 calendar


Revised Sporting Regulations
Formula E races can now have additional race time of up to a maximum of 10 minutes added when incidents result in a Safety Car or Full Course Yellow neutralisations during the standard 45-minute + 1 Lap race. As ratified at July’s WMSC, Formula E’s all-electric Gen2 cars will be able to use 220kW of power in Season 8, an increase from 200kW in Season 7, during the 45 minute + 1 Lap races. Power allowed during Attack Mode will also increase to 250kW from 235kW in Season 7.
Also validated today, a new qualifying format featuring Groups and head-to-head knockout Duels will be introduced allowing the best teams and drivers to showcase their speed and skill. The format maintains the possibility of any driver to start on pole, ensuring drama and unpredictability throughout.
Qualifying will feature a first round of two groups with each driver able to make multiple attempts at fastest laps within their allocated time. The top four fastest-lap drivers in each group will progress into head-to-head Duels on a knockout basis in quarter-finals and semi-finals. Pole-position will be decided in a final head-to-head Duel, with all grid positions based on either success in the head-to-head Duels, or lap times depending on which stage of Qualifying drivers reach.
Alberto Longo, Chief Championship Officer and Co-Founder, Formula E, said: “The changes being made to qualifying and race time reflect our and the FIA’s focus on sporting integrity and maximising the racing spectacle. Our new qualifying format will showcase the teams and drivers head-to-head throughout the season while still allowing any driver on their day to take pole position. For our fans, the new qualifying format was designed to be intuitive, unpredictable, and entertaining.
“The ability to increase race time when we have incidents during the regular 45-minute race is a product of the rapid evolution of electric vehicle technology and the continual improvements in energy efficiency by ABB Formula E teams.”
Jamie Reigle, Chief Executive Officer, Formula E, said: “With more races in more global iconic cities than ever before the season ahead is set to be our largest to date as we rebound from the impacts of Covid-19 over the last two seasons.
“Combined, the revised calendar and new regulations will mean that Season 8 of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship is expected to be the best yet for our teams, drivers and fans.”
Frédéric Bertrand, Director of the Formula E & Innovative Sport Activities Department, FIA, said: “To secure an even more authentic and intuitive sporting format, both our sporting and technical teams at the FIA have put a lot of efforts together, in collaboration with Formula E, to first propose an attractive and disruptive new qualifying session. It has been designed to remove the impact of track evolution during the Groups whilst simplifying the understanding for the fans and optimizing the show with the Duels.
“Additionally, the effective racing time will also be improved with an innovative additional time system and ensure the battle goes on until the checkered flag. With all those new challenges for teams and drivers, I’m sure the competition will once again be super tight in Season 8 and I’m really looking forward to it! “


(Information source & image credit: FIA Formula E World Championship)



ROKiT Venturi Racing Welcomes New Era as Official Headwear Partner

Industry leading headwear and apparel brand New Era joins the ROKiT Venturi Racing family..

A New Era

With official FIA Formula E pre-season testing in Valencia fast approaching, ROKiT Venturi Racing is pleased to announce a multi-year collaboration with headwear pioneer and lifestyle brand, New Era.

From Season 8 of the FIA Formula E World Championship, New Era will become the Official Headwear Partner of Monaco’s only racing team as it expands its motorsport portfolio in the world’s premier all-electric racing series.

More Than Just a Cap

United in one vision, ROKiT Venturi Racing and New Era share the same core values that form their very foundations and hold a commitment to innovation by re-defining convention.

For over 100 years, New Era has manufactured the finest headwear in the world and is the market leader in sports, street and lifestyle culture.

The partnership continues New Era’s long-term commitment with REPREVE®, a leading high-quality performance fibre made from recycled materials.

With each piece created recycling up to five plastic bottles, each style gives new life to otherwise disposed materials.

You Can Leave Your Cap On

With sustainability sitting at the very heart of ROKiT Venturi Racing, the Monegasque marque will use New Era’s sustainable headwear from Formula E’s eighth season.

Personnel, including both drivers will wear New Era’s timeless 9Forty snapback both at the track and on the road.

(Information source & image credit: ROKiT Venturi Racing)



Bosch extends ABB FIA Formula E World Championship partnership

– Bosch extends its Season 5 to 7 partnership with the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship for a further three years through Season 10
– German manufacturer to work closely with Formula E to showcase new innovations driving the future of electric mobility
– Bosch and Formula E team DRAGON / PENSKE AUTOSPORT have also partnered to further their race-to-road innovation agenda
London, United Kingdom. Tuesday October 5, 2021 – Formula E and Bosch have today agreed a new, multi-year partnership to continue showcasing the German manufacturer’s sustainable mobility solutions.
Having worked closely with Formula E since first announcing their partnership in Season 4, Bosch has committed to sharing its expertise as an Official Partner of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship through Season 10. With a common goal to drive forward electromobility, Bosch and Formula E make natural partners in progressing innovation in electromobility and race-to-road EV technology.
With Formula E entering the Gen3 era from Season 9, Bosch will work with the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship as its more powerful and lighter cars race on city streets around the world, increasing the highly competitive, dramatic racing that fans associate with Formula E.
Bosch’s industry-leading software and hardware promotes innovation in all forms of e-mobility, in particular through a tailor-made vehicle management system as demonstrated in their relationship with DRAGON / PENSKE AUTOSPORT. The combined focus on technology and delivering sustainable mobility makes the partnership between Formula E and Bosch the kind of authentic, integrated collaboration the Championship prides itself on.
Jamie Reigle, Chief Executive Officer, Formula E, said: “Each of our partners has a true, integrated alignment to our common mission and Bosch’s leading role in accelerating the global electromobility agenda makes them the perfect partner for the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship. Bosch has committed to advancing electromobility through integrated technology and marketing initiatives and we are delighted they will continue to showcase their innovations in cities around the world in partnership with Formula E.”
Dr. Markus Heyn, Member of Bosch’s Board of Management, said: “Electromobility is establishing itself as a core area of business for Bosch. Electric cars with our components can by now be found on roads around the world. By continuing in our role as official sponsor of Formula E and supplier of tried-and-tested motor racing technology to the first purely electric racing series, we’re demonstrating that we’re the number-one partner for electric driving.”
The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship returns to the track for Season 8 in 2022.
Audiences can plug in and follow the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship on FacebookInstagramTwitterTikTok and YouTube.
@FIAFormulaE #ABBFormulaE

(Information source & image credit: FIA Formula E World Championship)




– The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship increases audience by 32% year-on-year with live viewers now making up the majority of the audience
– New media partnerships in key markets Germany, Italy, Brazil, UK, France, USA and Indonesia all drive significant growth
– Improved broadcast coverage engages fans for longer with viewing duration growing by 26% per live race
– Growth in all digital metrics including 23% increase in website unique users complements upward trend in TV audiences and reinforces Formula E’s direct fan engagement strategy
LONDON, UK. Monday, October 4, 2021 – The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship  has continued to grow its live television audience globally through Season 7 to record-breaking levels, recovering strongly from the pandemic-hit previous season.
By the dramatic conclusion of Formula E’s first-ever World Championship season which was won by Mercedes-EQ’s Nyck de Vries in the final E-Prix of Season 7 on August 15 in Berlin, the live television audience made up the majority of Formula E TV viewers (62%) for the first time in the Championship’s history.
The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship increased its cumulative audience to 316m – a 32% year-on-year growth – driven by new distribution agreements with free-to-air (FTA) channels in key markets, which also lifted Season 7’s live audience above pre-pandemic levels underscoring the organic growth in fan interest in electric open wheel racing. This was achieved despite a shorter calendar and a lack of races in Asia.
After Season 6 was cut short due to COVID-19 and wrapped up via six races in nine days in Berlin, Season 7 saw the Championship return to iconic global cities including Rome, New York and London with 15 races in eight locations.
A combination of improved broadcast content and alignment on start times with broadcasters to optimise live audience and channel share contributed to +26% increase in the average viewing duration per live race.
Overall, Formula E’s positive Season 7 performance was driven by new media deals struck in key markets of Germany, Italy, Brazil, UK, France, USA and Indonesia which all demonstrated spectacular growth above the global average.
– Germany’s audience saw the biggest increase of +338% against Season 6 with races airing consistently on FTA broadcaster Sat.1.
– Brazilian audiences increased +286% YOY on FTA channel TV Cultura and Globo’s SporTV pay channels.
– UK live audiences grew 156% on Season 6, driven by two London races airing live on Channel 4, two on BBC2 which delivered the highest-ever Formula E audience in the UK; plus four races on Discovery’s FTA channel, Quest.
– Italy’s viewing audience grew +128% compared to Season 6 with five races on Mediaset’s main channel, Italia Uno, and 13 races on new partner Sky Italia.
– France increased +123% YOY driven by a positive new partnership with L’Equipe.
– USA’s cumulative audience growth of +25% YOY was positively impacted by two races, including the New York E-Prix, airing on the main CBS network.
– Indonesia’s Formula E audience exploded with a 147% increase on Season 6 on its free-to-air TVRI channel.
These numbers were also reflected in the percentage of viewers watching race programming live rather than highlights or repeats. Fans in Germany (730% increase), Italy (+234%), France (+232%), UK (+164%) and Indonesia (+92%) were all far more likely to tune in to watch the 24-driver grid compete live.
Jamie Reigle, Chief Executive Officer, Formula E, said: “This was a record-breaking year for Formula E as we worked with our teams, media partners and sponsors to deliver a fan-first strategy emphasising live race audience development and direct engagement on our digital platforms. It’s clear there is strong fan interest in Formula E’s electric racing in cities and we are delighted to see our strategy of partnering with broadcasters committed to localised, engaging and accessible free-to-air coverage paying off. We are set for a fantastic Season 8 as we welcome back fans at our races in some of the most iconic city locations in the world. We are focused on strengthening our broadcaster footprint and relationships, increasing our global audiences and delivering an integrated media platform to serve our fans and support our continued growth.”
Season 8 of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship will begin on January 28, 2022 for its biggest season ever with 16 races in 12 world locations. For more information on Formula E visit
Plug in and follow the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship on FacebookInstagramTwitterTikTokand YouTube. @FIAFormulaE #ABBFormulaE

(Information source & image credit: FIA Formula E World Championship)



屈臣氏田徑會周年大賽    疫情以來香港首個大型田徑比賽    吸引超過2,800人次參與    東京奧運香港競走代表勉勵體壇精英堅持追夢

 2021104日.香港】屈臣氏田徑會周年大賽2021 (下稱「周年大賽」),剛於10月1至3日假灣仔運動場舉行,是疫情近兩年以來香港首個大型田徑比賽,吸引超過2,800人次參與33 個項目。









招慧欣 U20

李敏慈 U18

李紫桃 U16

林姸彤 U14

馬凱淇 U12

田曉澄 U10


梁德洋 U20

周凱揚 U18

陳睿浲 U16

王諾弘 U14

劉愷榛 U12

陳澤邦 U10


男子U20鐵餅 (1.75公斤)            黃君豫 45.79米 (舊紀錄:44.34米)

男子U18 400米欄 (0.838米)       曾健豪 54.57秒 (舊紀錄:55.16秒)

男子U18三級跳遠                       張永樂 14.49米 (舊紀錄:14.45米)

[1] 賽事包括60米、100米、200米、400米、800米、1500米、3000米、5000米、100米欄、110米欄、400 米欄、2000米障礙、3000米障礙、跳高、跳遠、三級跳遠、鉛球、鐵餅、標槍及兒童競技賽

(資料來源: 屈臣氏集團)