2023 Diriyah E-Prix Preview
Maserati MSG Racing looks ahead to the 2023 Diriyah E-Prix double header
Race Stats
Lap Length [KM] // 2.49
Lap Record // 1:08.723 [Sam Bird, 2022]
Best Finish // P1 [Edoardo Mortara, 2022]
Fierce, uncompromising, and unforgiving, the Diriyah E-Prix is Formula E’s toughest challenge and takes drivers on an undulating rollercoaster-like ride through the deserts of Saudi Arabia. Ahead of the first double-header event of Season 9, Maserati MSG Racing’s Racing Director, Jérémy Colançon, defines the inside line around the Riyadh Street Circuit.Energy Saving: Because there are a lot of high-speed corners which require drivers to lift, the Riyadh Street Circuit is quite light in terms of energy consumption. Although this means that it’s easy for teams to meet saving targets, the reduced need to recover energy means that it can be quite difficult to overtake. This increases the importance of achieving a good result in qualifying in Diriyah.
Overtaking: Despite it being quite difficult to pass in Diriyah, one of the best places to overtake is in Turn 18, which is the site of the majority of action during a race weekend. Attack Mode will play a key role throughout both races of the double-header and deploying the additional power at the right time will be extremely important when trying to make up ground.
Tyre Management: As we saw in Mexico City, tyre management is a key aspect of Formula E’s Gen3 era of racing, and in Diriyah, it will also be a factor. From the moment we first take to the track, it will be important to manage the tyres correctly so we have good, consistent temperatures within the optimal window. Because Diriyah is a night event, we will also need to adapt our approach during the weekend, especially with qualifying and the race taking place in very different conditions. From a tyre management perspective, we must make sure that we are always making the right decisions.
Double-Header: The Diriyah E-Prix is the first double-header event of Season 9, and although we will contest two races, the running order will still be very hard to predict. If a team has a difficult first day, a double-header presents a window to improve performance before the second race but on the contrary, a good performance in Race One requires a team to find further gains ahead of Race Two. To maximise these conditions, we will need to operate with a degree of versatility, adaptability, and work with complete focus. This will help us to improve our knowledge of Gen3.
Strategy and Safety Cars: Because the Riyadh Street Circuit is very fast and extremely technical, we often see drivers make mistakes, and this means that there is a high chance of Full Course Yellow and Safety Car periods. Each neutralisation leads to a race extension by a handful of laps and can therefore play a huge role. Amidst this evolution, it is extremely important to have a good energy saving strategy during the race.
Session | Date | CET | Local Time |
Free Practice One | 26/01/2023 | 16:00 – 16:30 | 18:00 – 18:30 |
Free Practice Two | 27/01/2023 | 11:30 – 12:00 | 13:30 – 14:00 |
Qualifying One | 27/01/2023 | 13:40 – 14:55 | 15:40 – 16:55 |
Race One | 27/01/2023 | 18:03 – 19:00 | 20:03 – 21:00 |
Free Practice Three | 28/01/2023 | 11:30 – 12:00 | 13:30 – 14:00 |
Qualifying Two | 28/01/2023 | 13:40 – 14:55 | 15:40 – 16:55 |
Race Two | 28/01/2023 | 18:03 – 19:00 | 20:03 – 21:00 |
Maserati MSG Racing
Maserati MSG Racing is one of the founding teams of the FIA Formula E World Championship and in December 2013, became the first manufacturer to join motorsport’s premier fully-electric category. As one of only a handful of constant participants since the series’ inaugural 2014/15 season, MSG Racing has moved from strength to strength and in 2021, tasted vice World Championship success with Edoardo Mortara before completing its most successful season to date in 2022, finishing the season as the vice World Teams’ Champions.
Led by Chairman & Managing Partner, Scott Swid, and Team Principal, James Rossiter, the Monegasque marque is Formula E’s most gender-diverse team and is at the forefront of sustainability, EDI, technical innovation and excellence.

(Information source & image credit: Maserati MSG Racing)
第55屆「元旦日青少年欖球錦標賽」為2023年欖球賽事揭開明朗一頁 香港欖球界歡迎海外學生重返賽場
[香港,2023 年 1 月 2 日]:欖球賽事近年來飽受疫情影響,但2023年始由「元旦日青少年欖球錦標賽」於香港足球會為香港欖球界和2023年欖球賽事展開序幕。此歷史悠久的年度賽事由希慎興業和 First Point USA 聯合贊助。
超過 1,500 名球員、工作人員、朋友和家人,以及其他支持者於元旦日聚首一堂,出席了此活動並一同慶祝新一年的來臨。
球員們也沒有讓人失望,攜手上演了四場極具娛樂性和勢均力敵的比賽,為2023 年敲響鑼鼓。
女子U16 組別在Naylor 盃中強勢開場,香港獅隊以 24-10 擊敗龍隊,香港大學沙灣欖球會的前鋒Zanzi Falahati 獲得了 「最佳及最公平球員」的稱號。
龍隊也參加了 George White 盃男子 U16 組別比賽。龍隊最後兩次達陣將 10-7 的比分擴大到最終 24-7 的勝利,Valley Fort 欖球會的 Oliver Sinclair 贏得了夢寐以求的Larry Abel「全日最佳及最公平球員」獎。
球員們先在女子U19 組別的Lassies Quaich 盃中表現出色。香港隊和海外隊在常規時間結束時戰成 10 平,但龍隊在加時賽開始時取得黃金入球得分,終以 17-10 獲勝。 Flying Kukris 的前鋒Jade Scrouther 被評為 「最佳及最公平球員」。
最後一場比賽是於1967 年首次舉行的男子U19組別的Middlesex 盃。今屆是海外U19學生相隔多年後再次齊集來港出賽,他們迎戰的香港男子隊剛在12月贏得亞洲欖球青少年錦標賽冠軍,賽事如預期般緊湊。
海外獅隊在上半場僅以 7-0 領先,雙方都獲得了無數得分機會,但同樣地,防守亦相當牢固,因此比賽一直保持膠著狀態。
在比賽的最後 10 分鐘,獅隊將領先優勢擴大到 12-0,外隊前鋒的體型優勢開始展現,令香港龍隊疲於防守。
六分鐘後,獅隊再次擴大差距,他們迎來第三次達陣。而龍隊也作出相應的回應,在比賽結束前將球帶到獅子巢穴,可惜最後的傳球失敗,最終海外隊伍以19-0勝出香港隊。中鋒 Trent Roussow 在比賽中被評為「最佳及最公平球員」。
(資料來源: Elite Step Asia/ 中國香港欖球總會)